Well Water dilemma. Input, anyone?


New Member
I live in the boonies and I have terrible well water. We absolutely have to have a softener or the water will destroy my appliances. I don't let my family drink the water so I certainly won't feed it to my plants. I recently broke down and purchased an R/O system and I'm impatiently awaiting its arrival. In the interim, and for any others out there who have this issue and can't afford an expensive system, can anyone give detailed info on how to deal with bad water. Personally, I do not like to be wasteful, so buying jug after plastic jug of purified or distiller water is not good for the environment or my wallet. The use of electricity instead of the sun is already enough to weigh on my conscience, so adding a mountain of plastic is out of the question. How do you offset the imbalance in the water from the excess salt? Not everybody's water comes clean out of the tap via its water treatment plant origin. What about unsoftened well water? What are the concerns we should have with that type of water? My water, unsoftened, is loaded with iron, rust, other heavy metals, and who knows what else. Is there any safe way to use well water? The amount of water just a few plants end up needing makes 24 hour preparation almost impossible. I recently ran into a problem where my plants needed flushing. Three five gallon pots would requiring 3x the amount of water as the size of the pot they are in would need 15 gallons of "GOOD" water!!! Trying to remain inconspicuous and trying to not waste is impossible if I can't use the water out of my tap. Anyone who has dealt with this, please let me know how you succeed despite this issue. Thank you!!
Well I just have a few things. One is does it rain enough to make a rain catcher? Worse case boil and then cool down to water. I have not have the problems you talked about but I would like to see what others might say. I wish you the best.
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