What’s Wrong? Is it CalMag?


420 Member
My girls are starting to turn yellow they are 4wks flower and some hairs are starting to brown I’m using flora flex at 3.5G per gal they are under a spider farmer SF4000 and a SF7000 do they still need to to be supplied wit cal mag with the led lights I’m not to sure my last run I did with hps did not yellow up like these are







They do look abit on the yellow if you have gotton away with no calmag last grow in coco you did well.
I would defo say its calmag as you dont use any sometimes i can get away in flower long as i feed them well
in veg (calmag) but never not used it in coco. :) and welcome
I dont grow in coco but everything I’ve read about coco points to cal-mag being a necessity.... mag helps power up chlorophyll which is one puzzle piece of the green... the other being nitrogen. So yeah if you are not hitting her with cal-mag then you should start
I was giving cal mag in veg but in flower I just cut it from the schedule
That’s pretty high but looks like your girls handle it. Your water must start at 0.4/8cause
Can’t see any tip burn. I would defo add calmag in coco my friend just don’t over do it I would start at 0.5 pre L
No spots so it's not calcium. The light chevron look to the leaves tells me Mg.
Try adding a tablespoon of Epsom and I bet you darken up.
You feeding the calmag to the coco so it dosent steal from the plant. Might keep it going @ 2ml. to keep it balanced.
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