What did I do now? No luck

Anything i can help with just ask its why we are here.
I really appreciate it ! :) So if we are talking mildew the only way to deal is to pluck the leaves ? At such a young age will this not possibly stunt her (she is auto) and should I start to see the mildew on the other plants I have in the tent (another cannabis seedling, and a sunflower)
If you put a fan directly on it you may be able to get that dead bit of leaf to dry out or you could just cut the affected part off of leaf. I would say the soil being too wet is still the problem. There may be lots of air circulation but all that moisture that is evaporating out of soil is right below the plant. Put your RH meter beside the plant and see if it changes. If it does then hopefully you can get things adjusted, if it doesn’t and I am wrong then we can look at other things.
Hey guys just a quick update on her condition and what I have done to attempt to rectify whatever situation has caused this.....

Did a peroxide foliar spray to stop any mildew if that is what it was.

I have put two fans directly on the air pot to help dry out soil

I have replaced my carbon filter as for some reason after only 2 weeks of owning it was clogged with what I think is sodium reminance being spred around by the humidifier the sodium I believe is from my water softener.

I still have not cut off effected leaves as it does not seem to be spreading and the new growth is not showing any signs on browning. And there is alot of new growth in 2 days since the post.

**There is some light green patches starting on the new growth I am also seeing these on all of my other cannabis seedlings*** is this possibly the start of a deficiency. I just bought some calmagic that I am going to start my youngest seedlings on to see if there is an improvment in overall health. Again because of my softner most calcium and magnesium ions are being converted to sodium. So my water would have very little to no calcium or magnesium.

Pictures of her progress below.
The small brown spots on the second set of leaves have not gotten worse or spred since all elements were changed. The first set however has almost died and is looking less like mildew as it is not growing on or near the stem


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