What do you roll on?

I usually don't bother to find something to roll on. If I'm sitting, I don't bother to get up to find something and if I'm standing (in line waiting to get into the club or waiting for the bus, or just at a party talking to people), I'll just break up the green with my fingers and put it in my palm and then roll. I'm a pretty good roller, the green doesn't spill outta everywhere.

Also, I find that people get impressed when you roll a jay standing up, it's funny. I just hate the people that at parties sit at a table and concentrate for like 15 minutes to break up and roll a jay. I'll break up the weed, that'll take between 1 and 2 minutes and I'll roll it in 30 seconds easily in my hands standing up and not weed crumbs all over.

Practice makes perfect.
Well since My friend Works At Mcdonalds he took a mcdonalds tray, and thats what we use to break down the nugs on...very handy actully we keep it under the passenger seat
i roll all my blunts standing up took me a while to learn but i got it down packed now.
You mean I'm not the only person with a collection of McDonalds trays??

A few year's back I decided to start a tray collection... if I went somewhere and they had trays.. I took one. Same with salt and pepper shakers and glasses.

Ah yes, the memories.

Oh, and I use whatever is in arm's reach to roll.
Dahui -- I'm going to come kidnap you until you teach me how to roll standing up. I'm an excellent roller, but I can guarentee there is no way I could do it standing.
I roll on the thigh's of a virgin
We use an old Ouiji board. For some reason whenever we ask "should we smoke this joint" it always ends up pointing to Yes.
The Mad Toker said:
We use an old Ouiji board. For some reason whenever we ask "should we smoke this joint" it always ends up pointing to Yes.

:laughtwo::adore: Hail the Ouiji board!!

I use whatever's around me to roll joints and blunts, if there's nothing then I use my leg, it's never failed me yet.:allgood:
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