What is this? any ideas?


New Member
Ok im at beginning of week 4 flowering.

this started toward the center of the leaf and worked its way out and its more towards the tops of the plants and not so much at the bottom.

2x 600 watt hortilux hps
modified aeroflow 30 site
ph 5.8 I think my meter may be junk and this could be the problem lol.
technaflora base nutes and advanced nutrients additives
water temp 68
humidity %45
room temp 85


AN Bud Candy
AN B52
AN Bud Factor X
Technaflora Magical
Technaflora Boost
Technaflora Bloom
Technaflora Sugar Daddy
Technaflora Awesome Blossoms





Last pic looks like nute burn. If you got a junk PH meter, I would be checking in to that real soon.
Is it just the top leaves? How close is the light.
more like middle leaves and starting to happen on the top ones light is about 18 inches away...and its not even warm at the tops of the plants.....
2.5 GPD water consumption.....and rising....roots look amazing. I just doubled my MG dose and verified that my ph is 5.8.......calibrated my meter im going to buy a new probe for my meter this week just to be safe but other than the crappy looking leaves these things look amazing!! I'll keep you all posted as this goes on as well as im still open to any other ideas of what htis might be. Thanks a bunch guys!!!

Oh ya btw this is Barneys Farm Violator Kush
check out the Magnesium deficiency in the plant abuse chart link in my sig, leaves curling up and browning, looks like it to me, had it happen to me also, I could be wrong, peace bro!!!!
I heard that is some knockout stuff. I play the middle crosses. I like the BF seeds. They've always been good for me. Thinking about some Morning Glory fems for a future grow.

I love the barneys farm stuff I've done the L S D. and this is my first time with the violator. I've also done a bunch of greenhouse and nirvana stuff and just got some that subcool stuff that i cant wait to grow. How you guys think these look for 24 days flowering? Overall?
Outstanding bud development for one so young. Just got a little problem to fix.

I grew Subcool's Pandora's Box. It's a very up weed and a great daytime, get something done strain. Yield was average but still pretty good. About 2.5oz for 1 plant.

Did you ever grow the Super Lemon Haze by Greenhouse? I'm looking for a nice Haze cross these days.
I'm hoping to get 20 ounces out of these 20 plants. i think i can. If i get this to 1g/watt ill be looking at over 2 lbs. Though thats probly not going to happen this time. ;)
I agree with MC on the additive & nute burn. I've done this many times to plants with too much of the sweet stuff like carbs, amino acids, and jacked up phosphors. This happens to me when I use hi quality full strength nutes with hi quality full strength additives too close together in waterings.
My only way out of it is to flush and go back to mild nutes
Figured the SLH was not a big yielder. I would supercrop my plant into submission! LOL!

Lol good plan! I added 5 gallons of water to my res and dropped my ppm's to about 1200 and am keeping a close eye on the PH........they are growing everyday.......still growing strong....these things grow like there weeds or something..................
where you been? Haven't seen you around for a while.
The Buds sure looks good...they look great! I agree with MC, the ppm and additives all indicate you are just pushing them hard. I've done it, we've all done it, although I am learning to not push so hard and to feed them less.
I backed em down for the rest of this week if they improve ill just wait till the last couple weeks to push em harder. As to where I've been just been real busy at work and trying to take care of life a bit. Haven't had much time for internet life.
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