What is this?!


New Member

So the purple majesty is the photo with the large weird looking white thing on it. What is that? mold?

The second picture is so afgahn gooey that looks normal at first glance, but under the microscope it is covered in webbings!! what?!! whats going on?!

PS all of these buds are also like... 6+ months old. Rotating my old reserves out.

PPS Sorry if the images are too big. I have a 1920x1200 monitor so everything looks good and normal on my screen.
Re: What is this?! What EEZ this?!?!

At 1st glance it looks like RSM (Red Spider Mite), the webing that is. Look for tiny dark red dots. The 1st pic is a bit fuzzy, If its white fluffy and 2-5mm could be mealy bug / wooly aphid.
Re: What is this?! What EEZ this?!?!

I agree. I think the 2nd picture has some serious RSM going on. Oh my god... I smoked like a quad of that back in the day..... should I be concerned. I'm almost positive I smoked some moldy bud around that time too!! hahaha

The first picture, I'm not so sure about. It looks like an actual structure on the plant. So if I remove the part in question, will the rest be ok? OR SHOULD I NOT EVEN CARE SINCE IVE SMOKED MOLD AND RSM ALREADY OH GOD. Maybe I'm like the superman of smokers. My immune system is so strong that I'd have to get AIDS just to be on yall level. I SHMOKE MOLD AND SPIDERS NUKKA
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