what the problem with leave ?

levi rider

New Member
i have afghanisyan kush ryder, now its about third week, 250 hps with reflectors, girls are in soil in twelwe litres. I dont have hydrometer , i am using air damper, and i saw that the leaves borders started to turn up, i dont know why, i did easy fertilizer for veg but i think it could be air damper or watering problems. What do you think ? temperature 28-33 thank u guys,im waiting ur opinions

in second picture you could see the ,,damaged,, leaf , its started to roll up, but all plant seems healhy and the color of leafs are natural :)
Here's the link sanibel mentioned - Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver: Pictorial

When I grew, I noticed the same problem. It started with the leaf edges curling up, then moved to brown spots on big fan leaves, then my tops started losing green and were uniformly yellow.

My problem was ph and my high ph was locking out important nutes, and that's what I would suggest you check before you add anything to your water or soil.

Get a ph meter, or a liquid ph test kit.
Test your water and get your ph correct...

if you still have problems after 1 week, then look into deficiencies.
Leaf curl usually indicates stress, most often water stress - usually from too much, but I think it can be from too little as well.

It can also be too much fertilizer.

They'll curl with a low Relative Humidity too in an effort to conserve moisture.

Here's a page on it
Here's the link sanibel mentioned - Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver: Pictorial

When I grew, I noticed the same problem. It started with the leaf edges curling up, then moved to brown spots on big fan leaves, then my tops started losing green and were uniformly yellow.
sounds scary lol

My problem was ph and my high ph was locking out important nutes, and that's what I would suggest you check before you add anything to your water or soil.

that sounds about right!, ive just ordered ph down because i noticed my ph was creeping up to 7.1/7.2, i hope thats all it is :grinjoint:
I use about 1.5 tsp vinegar per gallon of warm water to bring my ph down down from about 7.8 down to 6.5

agreed with obx, check your watering and heat
i have afghanisyan kush ryder, now its about third week, 250 hps with reflectors, girls are in soil in twelwe litres. I dont have hydrometer , i am using air damper, and i saw that the leaves borders started to turn up, i dont know why, i did easy fertilizer for veg but i think it could be air damper or watering problems. What do you think ? temperature 28-33 thank u guys,im waiting ur opinions

the temps converted to 84-91 F
thank u for the support, i made my conclusion and decide that i did overwatering one time and didnt control my humindity and made to much heat for girls because had to go for few days, then roots hasnt got enough air the leafs curled up. After few days girls are recovering, it would take few days o week to recover 100%.
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