What to do with a giant stem from your plants

Spliff Twister

New Member
Ok I guess this is a kinda odd question. I was wondering if anyone has any cool ideas on how to make the giant stems from my plants into something usful or cool.

I don't want to throw them away and I am not trying to get high off them. I was thinking I could make it into something hempy like papers or weave it into somrthing any ideas?
make a bowl out of it.

I'll look through the gallery and try and find a pic.

K, here's what I found:


(the thing all the way to the right was what originally popped into my head)

If you had enough of them you could make some hash, with less you could make some tea.

Or you could try grinding them up and using them like pepper.
I really like the little mini bowls. Good for on the run and when you dont want to lose your pipe. Concerts came into my mind first.
My friend always went on about grinding them up to make tea, said it was kind of relaxing too.
Mr.WeedMan said:
grind it into kief

A stem grinded up is just a stem grinded up, the kief you refer to is the rezin that is produced on the calyxes(the base of the hair, it looks like a seed but isnt). The crystalized rezin is the Kief you refer too.

DiM3y said:
My friend always went on about grinding them up to make tea, said it was kind of relaxing too.

I wouldn't do this either, THC is not water saluble, meaning it doesen't get into what you are drinking. It is fat saluble so you can make Canna Cream for your coffee or tea, canna milk for what ever you want to eat with milk, canna oil for all your cooking needs and canna butter for all you baking needs or for toast and muffins. I am a firm advocate for edibles, its healthier, and way more potent.

I think the most usefull thing you could make would be a pipe though. I wonder how the Cannabis Stem Pipes smoke. I think it might add and odd flavor to the bud considering the wood will probibly burn. But I have smoked out of wooden bowls and very much enjoyed the added flavor too, so it mgiht turn out good. You could carv them into a beed or something, put it on some hemp and make something.

The Thai Stick is a good idea too.

I found this little blurb on it because I didn't know what a Thai Stick was.

What Is Thai Stick

Thai Stick was popular during the late 60s and early 70s. It was premium buds of seedless marijuana that were skewered on marijuana stems. Several rows of string found in the stalk of the marijuana plant were then used to tie the marijuana to the stem and keep it in place.

The real stuff was very potent compared with the marijuana that was available at the time. Two or three tokes of Thai Stick would produce the same effects as smoking a joint of regular weed. It was popular and available most places, at least occasionally, until the late 70's.

Edit: Wow, this post is really long.
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