What to do with my seeds?


New Member

I have ordered a dozen of White Widow seeds, and I am wondering what to do with them (planning is not my strong point :cheesygrinsmiley: ). Here is what I think is relevant to my situation:

1) I have a balcony (it does not get much sun + theoretically visible from people walking around).
2) I have a walking closet with free space (4 square meters ~ 36 square feet).
3) There is plenty of space in my living room. However, in case I grow my plants there, I should be able to wrap up everything and hide them in a minute or two.
4) I have never grown pot.
5) I don't want to spend more than $300 in equipment for this first experiment.
6) I live in South Florida, so there is quite a bit of sun all year around (and I may have not have to worry about what to do with my seeds in a couple of days thanks to Hurricane Ernesto)

Any advice welcome. Peace.

Green Gatorade
You ordered a dozen seeds with no plans on growing them? :hmmmm:

You are going to be best off with buying yourself a 400 watt hps light, $200 or less, and a Mh conversion bulb, around $50. Buy some grow bags, nutes and maybe some mylar for reflectivity, all together shouldn't cost you more than another $50-$75. Throw in a fan for circulation and you should be fine growing 4 plants at a time. Not the ideal setup but definitely the best one I can suggest for your budget.
I have read this book:

Grow Great Marijuana: An Uncomplicated Guide to Growing the World's Finest Cannabis, by Logan Edwards

It sounds pretty reliable, but on the other hand, I cannot say for sure since I have no experience. What do you guys think of it? Any other recommendation?

I was a bit turned off by the equipment required for hydroponics. That's the reason why I was wondering if I could grow like, let's say, a ficus tree, just by paying a bit more attention to light issues. Does it sound crazy?!?


Green Gatorade
Hey Gator, you a UF fan? If so, Go Vols!!! :cheesygrinsmiley:

I have not grown for years, but when I did it was very uncomplicated, indoor in big pots with potting soil under a shop flourescent for the first month or so until the plants were 1-2' tall, then transplanted them outdoors. Shop flourescents are about the worst you could use besides incandescents, but the plants still turned out pretty healthy homegrown.

That was in Tennessee where pot is the #1 cash crop, down here in Florida shit grows fast but has to compete with the weeds, the mold, the bugs, the raccoons, the hurricanes, etc., etc. and I haven't been here long enough to know but since all that other shit grows good (tomatoes and strawberries and such) I would think weed would grow nice outdoors. Indoors, this is an oldie but a goodie reprinted right here on this site:

Indoor Marijuana Cultivation

I'm surprized that the book you read didn't mention growing in soil, the most common method and much cheaper than hydro.
-You can't grow inside in a living room. Pot needs an enclosure, especially during flowering, something else I'm surprized the book didn't mention.
-It's too late this year to grow pot outside.
Are you sure you read a grow book? The 3 things I mentioned are basic things that every grow book should cover.
I suggest you read something by Ed Rosenthal or Jorge Cervantes.
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