WHAT TO FEED BEFORE 36hrs DARK feedback ASAP please


New Member
what should i feed before i switch to flower last feed was water should i hit them with first dose of conniseur before or after 36 hrs dark? feeding every 2 to 4 days cycling nutes and h2o last feed was h20 but ready for a drink and to be flipped for pics check out my journal
hehe i ran into that issue myself and took a guess. im not sure if this is the best thing to do but i just hit em with a flush, threw em in the dark, when they came out i gave em a nice drenching of bloom nutes

i did consider adding the bloom nutes before dark but if the plant is in the dark i didnt think much uptake would happen, only more time for salts to build up. if anything i did think about just wetting the top with bloom nutes to get a little in the roots and the base of the plant...
sounds good thanks maybe i will water with pirhanna , trantula, and sensizym should clean up those roots for flower? just bene bact. and enzyme .
36 hours of dark? Ummm, I thought the prescribed method was easing the plants into a 12/12 by reducing the lights by, say, an hour a day, and adding bloom nutes after a 12/12 schedule has been reached.

I'll be flowering my 3 plants next week, hoping for a least one lady out of the group (be my luck they'll all be fems, and I'll be forced to pick one to flower in my small grow box).

Wouldn't a sudden loss for 36 hours cause plant shock?

Any additional info would be greatly appreciated.
shock those babies into flower!!! will the extended darkness those babies will flip absolutley 100% i got 3 going to all looking like ladies i have read and heard many places that 36 dark gives ur plants a kick in the ass to start flowering have never heard anythuing bad about it. as long as soil aint dry and it doesnt get to cold there should be no problem but slow down for a day but will bounce back quickly and THRIVE into flower
its really not a shock. the plant knows when to flower because at night it makes a chemical that tells it to flower, and that chemical is destroyed by light. when the days are long the chemical is burnt up each day. as the days shorten it builds up to a critical point where the plant says to itself summer is over time to flower.

ive heard arguements for and against the 36 hours of dark. either way if you go right into the 12/12 or do the 36 dark the goal is to get those flowers forming fast
All joking aside,you can do that 36 hour thing if it makes you feel better,but I've never seen any advantage doing it myself.I don't even fuck with it anymore,I veg my plants for a set amount of time & go straight to 12\12 with no probs & see sex within 2 weeks or less.As far as nutes go,I mix my soil a little hot so nothing during veg,then I transition to bloom ferts by first combining grow & bloom nutes for 2 weeks & then just bloom ferts to finish.I also use additives like cal-mag,liquid karma,b cuz & sweet.
i go right to bloom nutes, if anything i would say give them a dilute solution of bloom for 1 or 2 waterings if you want.

the leafs have plenty of nitrogen built up in them so there is no need for more veg nutes.

using the bloom nutes the first few weeks of budding helps the plant put on more nodes and bud sights while it is still stretching. it also helps encourage quick bud growth so the plant has more time to flower.

not saying there is anything wrong with the veg/bloom transition but you should try giving one of your plants the bloom nutes right when you start to flower and see if you get a bigger better yield.
ohhh... Kash i didnt know they had a transition in the feed schedule. if that is whats recommended i think a big nutrient company knows what its doing.

i took a closer look at my nutrients (i use AN 3 part) and what they get when i switch veg to bloom and it does in fact do a similar transition... the nitrogen levels are lowered and Phosphorus levels are raised quickly, potassium is raised but not as fast. then after a week of bloom the phosphorous is lowered and the potassium is raised.

and good luck kushiekush, let us know how she does
Mucho thanks for some great tips. I'll be doing my 3rd water flush today on three, six week old plants, and begin the 12/12 cycle today as well. I'd like to have veg'd a couple weeks longer, but limited grow box space, plus the fact I'm seeing roots showing at the drain holes (6in pots) dictates now is the time.

Think I'll try Kush's suggestion, mixing a weak solution of both veg & flower nutes. If more than one plant is a female I'll have to choose one to take to full term, even though I LST, I only have space for one. Drat. But I've cloned all three just in case of multiple females. Thanks again.
I have years under my belt and just the last couple of years started hearing of people doing the 36 hour thing. I personnelly will not and won't do it. From a group of studies percentage of getting hermies goes up alittle..
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