What's going on here?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,can someone please tell me whats going on with these little seedlings ,it's only my second grow and didn't have this happen last time .Any advice would be awesome
Cheers Kev
whats wrong 001.JPG
What strain... Most times they grow out of this.

A few more days and next set of leaves and you will know if they are duds or not.

It's not un-common.

I've seen them die and I've seen them grow out of it and be fine.

GL with your little ones.
Well on a seedling they getting nutrients from those 2 little cotyledons. That usually lasts a week or so.

Could be lots of things most are bad. But get lucky and they grow out of it.

IF it was me I'd be popping some more seeds (different strain) as a backup but OP maybe not in a hurry.

If I was to bet - I'd bet these are AUTO seeds. See that more with AUTOs.
Thanks Guys I will keep them going and just see what happens .The others I have going are doing really well so if they go tits up I have 11 more on the go so all good .
Cheers Kev
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