Whats your favorite munchie food?

A combo of fresh organic dates and raw organic almond butter ;)
umm...pancake batter ;). and um...SALTINES, saltines r the shit! they just build up in ur mouth cause of the kottonmout an realease the glucose the catalysts break the bread down into. it tastsesss soooo nummy

Wait...pancake batter? like you make pancake batter in a bowl...stir up the dry ingredients with water and stuff and then just eat it like cookie dough? no cook? Wow never tried that before, high or sober and frankly am a little afraid to try it!
but hey! its all good i guess
almond butter is so damn expensive! But i agree dates and the butter are so tasty. Especially when they are fresh medjool dates oh. man. it's like eating caramel fudge.
Bread with cannabis infused lard/grease, salt and buried under onion layer. And brownies rock too!
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