When to start pruning


Well-Known Member
I have four plants that are exactly the same age. I am starting week 4 of the GH nute schedule I found here on this thread. I'm not in a rush and I have spent quite a bit of time searching videos and the threads here. It seems to be discretionary. All of the input that I've consumed seems to vary by a lot of variables versus "do this on this day" type of info.

I'm looking for some feedback with one of my plants. They are all doing well but this one is the tallest and my favorite! Should I start leaning toward grooming or wait a bit longer?

(I forgot the picture :lot-o-toke:)


My grow journal with all the details is at this link HERE
I grow autos in soil and wait for a well established 5th node before I start removing what will be less than productive growth. This is functional for my goals.


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Thanks @skirk! So after a ton of reading and watching videos, I've come to the conclusion that there isn't a particular method recommended. This is one part of the veg cycle that seems completely discretionary. Type of plant, room size, desired yield and so much more that a person could take into account to meet their goals.

Thanks again for your feedback. Here is a before/after from the pruning I did yesterday.....

27 Days_Wk_4_Pre_Trim.jpg27 Days_Wk_4_Post_Trim.jpg
My goal was to give them more airflow and promote upward growth.
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