White Widow Grow Rooms


New Member
So... I need help with some problems 2 plants are having in veg and 1 plant is having in flower. if you notice the one in flowering is waaay healthier in all aspects. its just showing light green in the tops of the growing branches. the two that are in veg i have no clue what to do to handle them.

Other thing i need help with is i have a whole upstairs where i utilize 2 complete different rooms for growing. the possiblities are endless but im lacking the knowledge on what to do I suppose....

If anyone is willing to come along for this ride and give me some hwlp it would be GREAT!! :thanks:
ooops... here are the pics :rollit:



So... I need help with some problems 2 plants are having in veg and 1 plant is having in flower. if you notice the one in flowering is waaay healthier in all aspects. its just showing light green in the tops of the growing branches. the two that are in veg i have no clue what to do to handle them.

It would help a little if you gave more details on the particulars (see guidelines on How to Ask for Help).

I am currently growing some White Widow and found it to be a little nutrient sensitive. You might have nutrient lock root lock. I failed to do a full flush at the 30 day mark and I started to get some yellowing by the 40th day. I ended up flushing the plant with ph neutral H2O, 3 times the container size (1 gallon container size = 3 gallons H2O flush). It might help.

good luck
not finding the how to ask for help area lol im a newb. im using a 400w mh in both rooms... both rooms are 15ft (l) x and 8ft (w). Idk how much room i can use with a
400w mh soo i have cut them both down to random sizes. Water twice a week. i only used grow big on the veg plants once 2tsp/gallon of water. temps hover between 74 and 85F day and 65-72F at night. if there is something else im missing out on please let me know...
I to have raised White Widow, and am doing so again. Mine were feminized seeds from Nirvana, which I have raised twice.

What I have noticed about White Widow is the nutriant sensitivity. I had to flush several times do to lockup. I use a good quality potting mix and do not add nutriants until the plant is in flower and has used up the nutriants in the soil. Then I use Tera Nova, Alaskan fish ferts, Liquid Karma, Epsom Salts, and Molassas.

What kind of soil are you using? It looks to me that could be part of the problem. Some soils are just too "Hot" for White Widow. I have used Botanicare Organic and a potting soil I got at wallmart called "Patio Plus"
by Kellog, both with good results.

The light green I see is no problem, as that is just the new growth.

I am trying a new mix, I use the Patio Plus to which I add worm castings, chicken manure (composted) blood and bone meal, and diatamatious earth (for controlling bugs in the soil). It worked good for my outdoor grow, I have yet to see the results on my indoor grow.

As for your proposed grow room I suggest you pay very close attention to the circuit limitations of your rooms. I have seen far to many people that just plug in a mess of 1000 watt lamps, blowers,fans etc. without regard too the limitations of their wiring. Homes burn down this way all the time. Find a good electrician you could work with to figure out what can be done to SAFELY set the rooms up to maximum potential. Most homes have 15 or 20 amp circuits to one or several rooms in the house, on 12 ga. wire. That is not enough too run all that is needed to grow properly. As an example, I have (4) 400 watt lamps in my 8 x 8 flower room. That is 1600 watts just for the lamps alone. I use another curcuit to run the fans, blowers, heating, cooling etc. ( another 20 amp circuit ). This is safe, as I am not overloading any wiring. (12 ga.) If I had used say 600 or 1000 watt lamps, then I would be pushing it and be over the load limits. These are dedicated circuits that do not share the load with any other recepticles, lights etc. SAFETY is paramount
when building a grow room.

I hope this helps
I use a local hydro stores soil that they produce at the store... it worked great the Great White Shark. the plant thats in flowering is using the same soil and was cut 2 weeks after the 2 that are having trouble. i just flushed one of them with 9gals of h20... i left the other one alone so it can be the "control" one. what may of happened is I prob fed them before the nutrients in the soil was used up...
As for the lighting and power... i dont know any electricians. I kinda just assumed to be skimpy with plugging in things in the outlets. Each light has its own and then i use another circuit for the blow fans.
i have also been thinkin about making my own soil but i havent gotten to that point yet as this is my second grow.
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