Who do you want to be President?

Who do you want as our next President?

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Ron Paul is flat out too old to make a viable two term candidate. This country needs a younger man with more recent experience behind his belt. :thumb::thumb: Gary Johnson is the man for the future of this country. We need to stand back and look at how he governed New Mexico. :bravo::bravo: RD :peace::peace::peace:
We tried that this time. We ended up with a big fat fake.
Being a libertarian for over 30 years I back Ron Paul just primarily for his stand on the constitution and bill of rights. If these rights are restored we will never have a problem with MMJ again. Its only because of government violating those laws that we are at where we are today. Ron Paul backs the occupy wall street crowd and all us MMJ patients should back occupy wall street too.
A very large portion of what you have said sounds just like MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, and all other media outlets. You are taking the soundbites out of context and don't have a full grasp on what the reform actually is.

The only roads that the federal government put money toward are interstates. Those roads are covered under the interstate commerce clause of the constitution and would not go away. Remember, Ron Paul is a strict Constitution follower.

The department of education is a joke and America continues to decline in education. Why you ask? The federal government is deciding what everyone should learn, when they should learn it, and how it should be taught... no child left behind. This would be great IF everyone learned at the exact same pace, in the exact same ways, and all performed the exact same job after that education. Ron Paul's view on the DoE is that the state and local governments should be in control of education. Does it make since that we send billions of dollars to the federal government for the DoE to eat up over half of it in red tape and bureaucracy to then divide it up and send it back to the states in a proportion that they see fit? Sure federal financial aid/pale grants will go away... but the states can use those billions that are not eaten up by the fed to have a state version of it.

As for Fire/Police departments, the only federal money they receive (in most cases) is in the form of money to train for things like HazMat, Biochemical warfare, terrorist training, etc. If our military was in our country, they could perform those functions.

A federal tax will always be needed. There are programs and things that the federal government is required to do by the constitution. However, that tax system could be greatly simplified. The IRS cost over $10 a year to operate. A total reform of federal tax law could easily cut that to under $10 million. Yes a 1000% reduction in spending with 1 reform bill. I know, it would take a few years and maybe 20-30 billion to make it happen and get all the systems in place, but a 3 year ROI with 1000% ROI per year thereafter should be worth it.

The market does and will adjust to all situations in the long run (google long run economics). It happens in every model.

My real issue with Ron Paul is his foreign affairs policy and his stance on the military. This is the only position Ron Paul has changed on over the past 40 years. I do not agree that we should not protect our interest around the world (like Israel). Iran is and will be a major issue in the Middle East and even more so if they get a nuke. There is a lot of issues to cover here but you get the idea. I am a veteran and I have been to many other countries. I will agree that in some of those places there is no real reason we should be there. Others we are there to keep some form of order. Then there are those that we have a contract to stay in... like Japan and Germany. NATO and the UN are another issue that I won't get into.

As much as I hate to say it I agree with a lot of what TS said. Those able bodied unemployed people in America should be working off the debt we pay for them (welfare and food stamps). We have a crumbling infrastructure in America and what better way to fix it than employing the unemployed and getting it done. Honestly, it doesn't take a civil engineer to hold up a sign that says stop, yet our states pays these people >$15/h to do it and they have better benefits than most other people. The same for cutting grass, picking up trash, cleaning out ditches, the list goes on and on.


Feds give states money that is used for roads other than interstates(not supposed to happen but does, do some research). The interstate commerce clause does not give authority do redistribute state monies. The feds collect taxes from the states to redistribute among the states as they see fit.Therefore the Highway trust fund would have to go away.

Department of Education is a joke because it has been severly underfunded and over thought for decades. Equal rights to equal education opportunities is what is supposed to be.

Fire and Police receive grants for training, weapons, vehicles and more.

Flaggers make $8 - $13 an hour from privately owned companies in Colorado, planning is done by the state BUT, the vast majority of infrastructure work is not done by state employees anymore. It is bid out to private contractors. Unless you are talking about potholes...

Glad you didn't mention Fair and balanced FOX infotainment news, it is the only thing censored in my home and on block.
Ron Paul is flat out too old to make a viable two term candidate. This country needs a younger man with more recent experience behind his belt. :thumb::thumb: Gary Johnson is the man for the future of this country. We need to stand back and look at how he governed New Mexico. :bravo::bravo: RD :peace::peace::peace:

I'm a firm supporter however I've not even thought of two terms with RP yet, staying focused on what needs done now. Although he's surprisingly in great shape for his age.

Gary Johnson can shape up to be something in the next 10 years. Along with the doctors son, Rand.

What's important to remember is to really do more for the candidate you want to win the primary, you should do your best to become a delegate.
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