Who do you want to be President?

Who do you want as our next President?

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Monty Floyd

Active Member
Obama vs 9 Republican candidates (there are 14 Republican candidates, I left out 5, if you like one of those 5, post it and your reasons why)
Re: Poll:Who do you want to be President?

How about "None of the above"?

What little respect and support I had for Ron Paul, not to mention what meager interest I had in participating in the entire voting process, has now completely vanished with some of the recent news articles that I've been reading about him. I won't go into specifics, but I will say it has much to do with his denial of evolutionary fact.

The first AND last time I voted for anything was back in 1988 for the re-election of Ronald Reagan, the defeat of mandatory Auto Insurance (in California), and the defeat of the California Tobacco Tax. What a complete joke that turned out to be. It's all a bullshit circus act and I have yet to find anything to change my current disposition regarding our so-called democracy, politics and government in general.

Ron Paul did appeal to me for a while, but...not anymore.

Gary Johnson, former New Mexico Governor, still appeals to me, but...what the hey. I'd vote for him if I thought he had a snowball's chance in Hell to win the GOP Nomination (pure fantasy...I know).

It's politics as usual.

No thanks.

I want no part of it.
Re: Poll:Who do you want to be President?

Those advocating the theory of evolution on behalf of scientific truth should confront these findings and question the presumptions they have so far held. Refusal to do this would mean openly accepting that their adherence to the theory of evolution is dogmatic rather than scientific...

I believe that we should rally around the principal of Individual freedom which extends even into the scientific community by providing an environment for competition of ideas.
In our present time, a disagreement on the validity of one theory of evolution is so unimportant that we might as well talk about how Ron Paul likes to eat chocolate chip cookies.

Paul is the only candidate that is willing to end the illegal war on pot and repeal the unconstitutional Patriot Act. He is the only candidate who can demonstrate a deep understanding of economics, foreign relations, history, and the concept of freedom. He served as an Air Surgeon in Vietnam and has delivered more than 4,000 babies into this world. He has not voted for any tax increase in his entire time in office! He has led the charge against the Foreign Bankster Occupation of our country by the PRIVATE federal reserve cartel for more than 30 years! Paul is as pure as the driven Snow and nobody can deny it.
So you want to either

1: have your roads, schools , fire departents etc... for free because you don't want to pay taxes


2: Have them all privately owned and run so only "certain people" get the use of them

Ron Paul on personal freedoms owns but, his economic policy will make things worse than they already are. Yes the Fed is BS, and unprovoked war is BS but total deregulation is insane, especially when you add humans.

Do you actually believe a "free market"(no such thing) with no regulations would be good? Do you actually think under educated citizens can make wealthy people like the Koch brothers behave?

If you actually think that the market will adjust itself you are insane or under informed.

Yes we have way too many regulations and reform is needed. Total deregulation like RP wants is not reform, it is ignorance and koolaide drinking.

Pure Libertarian ideals are like Communism...great on paper... then you have to add the greedy human factor and it goes to shit.

Cannabis does in fact need to be made legal, but not at the expense of turning the USA into more of a serfdom than it already is.
The direction and quality of my life over the past 70 years had little to do with what idiot, moron, gangster, or crook sat in the White House, but more to do with how I acted on my own perceptions and understanding.
So you want to either

1: have your roads, schools , fire departents etc... for free because you don't want to pay taxes


2: Have them all privately owned and run so only "certain people" get the use of them

Ron Paul on personal freedoms owns but, his economic policy will make things worse than they already are. Yes the Fed is BS, and unprovoked war is BS but total deregulation is insane, especially when you add humans.

Do you actually believe a "free market"(no such thing) with no regulations would be good? Do you actually think under educated citizens can make wealthy people like the Koch brothers behave?

If you actually think that the market will adjust itself you are insane or under informed.

Yes we have way too many regulations and reform is needed. Total deregulation like RP wants is not reform, it is ignorance and koolaide drinking.

Pure Libertarian ideals are like Communism...great on paper... then you have to add the greedy human factor and it goes to shit.

Cannabis does in fact need to be made legal, but not at the expense of turning the USA into more of a serfdom than it already is.

IF Ron Paul ever made it to office, and actually was capable of following through with all his beliefs and changes he wants made to government; I don't think he'd have enough time to de-regulate everything like you say. The important shit would come first, bring troops home, end war on drugs, basically end ALL wars we're in.

The direction and quality of my life over the past 70 years had little to do with what idiot, moron, gangster, or crook sat in the White House, but more to do with how I acted on my own perceptions and understanding.

With all due respect, I hear what you're saying on keeping the quality of your life in your own hands. However, I believe we'll see things come to a point we're there's a huge shift of wealth once the dollar does finally crash fully. Which has happened in the past, just going to be interesting to see how to world changes. More people became millionaires during this time (great depression) than in any other time in American history.
The direction and quality of my life over the past 70 years had little to do with what idiot, moron, gangster, or crook sat in the White House, but more to do with how I acted on my own perceptions and understanding.

Looks like three of us are casting our vote for none of the above. Being a chimp, I don't have a lot of trust in the lesser evolved primates. Especially the ones with suits, ties, and Harvard degrees.....
Looks like three of us are casting our vote for none of the above. Being a chimp, I don't have a lot of trust in the lesser evolved primates. Especially the ones with suits, ties, and Harvard degrees.....

Anyone is certainly welcome and encouraged to post who your candidate is and why.
Thanks for the welcome, but with my attitude towards government and society any candidate's name I posted on here would be out of sheer sarcasm. :peace:

Well, thanks for stopping by.
I would like to retract my vote for Gary Johnson (it was purely whimsical) and be included in the "None of the above " group. :loopy:
Re: Poll:Who do you want to be President?

What little respect and support I had for Ron Paul, not to mention what meager interest I had in participating in the entire voting process, has now completely vanished with some of the recent news articles that I've been reading about him. I won't go into specifics, but I will say it has much to do with his denial of evolutionary fact.

Lol. Yeah, I would appreciate it greatly if the person who becomes President has a firm grasp of reality. Especially since he will have 24/7 access to "the nuclear football."

Not to mention the fact that the guy thinks that NOT raising taxes in a nation that is 14 TRILLION dollars (and growing) in debt is any kind of good idea. Because like I stated, I'd appreciate it if the guy who becomes President has a firm grasp of reality.

The person I want to be President is... ME:)! Yep, that's right. I pledge to treat everyone the same and not discriminate: I'd do my level best to p!ss everyone off indiscriminately. Illegal aliens? GTFO - the welfare line forms... in your own f*cking country, lol. Anti-gun nuts? Extra tax for you because it looks like someone else is expected to protect your freedom, liberty, and property and if my 70+ year old frail mother can and does carry her .38 to ensure that she is never (successfully) robbed, carjacked, raped, or otherwise inconvenienced past the limit of human tolerance then so can you. Farmers? No more paying you to dump milk on the ground and let your crops rot because they aren't going for much in the market. If you expect help, don't grow more than you can sell, add a plot of hemp, or box up all that extra milk and wheat and ship it off to Dust'Bowl'ickstan because I'm not going to endorse paying you to destroy half your products and then turn around and buy the other half to send to some other country's poor. Unwed welfare mothers? If you're too poor to purchase a condom and too stupid to realize that places like Planned Parenthood and the local Health Department passes them out for free then you are too poor/stupid to be a parent. Get a job, remove your ankles from behind your ears and put your legs together, or have your uterus ripped out. While I don't think that ANY child should starve, if you want a paycheck from the government I've got two words for you: "BOOT CAMP!" Special-Interest Groups: In short, "F*ck you," lol. I've learned that I can go three days on one plain baloney sandwich - I don't need your money and as I fully expect to be assassinated while in office, I sure don't need your shady-@ss after-office "benefits." Miscellaneous poor: (Also see: "BOOT CAMP!") No free rides for you, either. Two options: I'll pay you enough to live on while you go to school for a 2/4 year degree or vocational certificate and then you can pay the government back starting ONE year from your graduation date. If you cannot hack schooling, I'm restarting the CCC program and there is plenty of work around here that needs to be done. If I'm going to be feeding you, you're going to be doing something. If you're able-bodied there are plenty of bad roads, washed-out banks on streams/rivers, there is litter everywhere, parks need attendants... There are more elderly than ever before and you've all allowed the Social Security fund to get p!ssed away so you can paint their houses, plant/tend their gardens, mow their yards, shovel snow from their sidewalks, take them to the grocery store / doctor / park / wherever. Work in community gardens. Pretty much do whatever anyone can find for you to do for 40 hours a week. Not able-bodied? There are plenty of blind/sick people for you to read to, along with MANY other things - I have friends who are missing limbs, wheelchair bound, blind, deaf, partially paralyzed... and they all work, go figure! Ballzout crazy? So is my GF - 17 stays in various mental institutions/hospitals and counting - and she hasn't starved or become homeless yet so don't you think you're going to get off easy either. Foreign nations? Sure, I'll feed your hungry masses. But if I do, your leaders will suddenly seem superfluous - tell them to expect a present via air-delivery. I call it the Bunker Buster 1500 Deluxe and I can have them personalized just for you. Want non-humanitarian aid, no problem - just prove that you support basic human rights for your citizens AND tell me what you're going to do for my country (otherwise, I can order a few more BB1500Ds). All US citizens? Remember when you were a kid and broke the neighbor's window and you didn't get any allowance for the entire summer because you had to pay the bill off? Well you can consider that the Summer of Love, you little sh!ts (lol). This is your country and YOU owe it 14 trillion dollars. No desert for you and no allowance, either. New simplified tax plan: You keep enough to cover room, board, and basic transportation. The rest goes to pay off that bill you've run up and been ducking out on for decades, ya deadbeats. When it is all paid off, come see me and we'll renegotiate. All foreigners that I haven't covered? NEWSFLASH: I didn't "get" ya and I didn't take ya to raise; got a problem, go ask your mother.

Anyone I missed? Don't worry, I'm just getting warmed up. You can b!tch, bawl, and squall all you like. Write my name in the history books and vilify it as much as your little hearts desire. In 500 years you can read about what a complete SoB I was - because you'll (have descendants that will) still be here and so will your country. And... You're welcome.

I'm an @sshole and I approve of this message.

Actually, forget it. I'd rather be king than President any day of the week.

I nominate Pac-Man. The fact that his mouth is moving constantly yet nothing substantial ever comes out of it may make him a little overqualified for the job, but having no arms or legs definitely makes him more trustworthy than the candidates listed above.....

Come on, that was a LITTLE funny, wasn't it?
Well, I'll just get back into the "none of the above" line then.

In all seriousness, I thought it was very funny :biglaugh: - makes perfect sense :laughtwo:

I'll join you in that "none of the above" crowd and we'll have a good chuckle :)
So you want to either

1: have your roads, schools , fire departents etc... for free because you don't want to pay taxes


2: Have them all privately owned and run so only "certain people" get the use of them

Ron Paul on personal freedoms owns but, his economic policy will make things worse than they already are. Yes the Fed is BS, and unprovoked war is BS but total deregulation is insane, especially when you add humans.

If you actually think that the market will adjust itself you are insane or under informed.

Yes we have way too many regulations and reform is needed. Total deregulation like RP wants is not reform, it is ignorance and koolaide drinking.

Cannabis does in fact need to be made legal, but not at the expense of turning the USA into more of a serfdom than it already is.

A very large portion of what you have said sounds just like MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, and all other media outlets. You are taking the soundbites out of context and don't have a full grasp on what the reform actually is.

The only roads that the federal government put money toward are interstates. Those roads are covered under the interstate commerce clause of the constitution and would not go away. Remember, Ron Paul is a strict Constitution follower.

The department of education is a joke and America continues to decline in education. Why you ask? The federal government is deciding what everyone should learn, when they should learn it, and how it should be taught... no child left behind. This would be great IF everyone learned at the exact same pace, in the exact same ways, and all performed the exact same job after that education. Ron Paul's view on the DoE is that the state and local governments should be in control of education. Does it make since that we send billions of dollars to the federal government for the DoE to eat up over half of it in red tape and bureaucracy to then divide it up and send it back to the states in a proportion that they see fit? Sure federal financial aid/pale grants will go away... but the states can use those billions that are not eaten up by the fed to have a state version of it.

As for Fire/Police departments, the only federal money they receive (in most cases) is in the form of money to train for things like HazMat, Biochemical warfare, terrorist training, etc. If our military was in our country, they could perform those functions.

A federal tax will always be needed. There are programs and things that the federal government is required to do by the constitution. However, that tax system could be greatly simplified. The IRS cost over $10 a year to operate. A total reform of federal tax law could easily cut that to under $10 million. Yes a 1000% reduction in spending with 1 reform bill. I know, it would take a few years and maybe 20-30 billion to make it happen and get all the systems in place, but a 3 year ROI with 1000% ROI per year thereafter should be worth it.

The market does and will adjust to all situations in the long run (google long run economics). It happens in every model.

My real issue with Ron Paul is his foreign affairs policy and his stance on the military. This is the only position Ron Paul has changed on over the past 40 years. I do not agree that we should not protect our interest around the world (like Israel). Iran is and will be a major issue in the Middle East and even more so if they get a nuke. There is a lot of issues to cover here but you get the idea. I am a veteran and I have been to many other countries. I will agree that in some of those places there is no real reason we should be there. Others we are there to keep some form of order. Then there are those that we have a contract to stay in... like Japan and Germany. NATO and the UN are another issue that I won't get into.

As much as I hate to say it I agree with a lot of what TS said. Those able bodied unemployed people in America should be working off the debt we pay for them (welfare and food stamps). We have a crumbling infrastructure in America and what better way to fix it than employing the unemployed and getting it done. Honestly, it doesn't take a civil engineer to hold up a sign that says stop, yet our states pays these people >$15/h to do it and they have better benefits than most other people. The same for cutting grass, picking up trash, cleaning out ditches, the list goes on and on.

The only roads that the federal government put money toward are interstates. Those roads are covered under the interstate commerce clause of the constitution and would not go away. Remember, Ron Paul is a strict Constitution follower.

The department of education is a joke and America continues to decline in education. Why you ask? The federal government is deciding what everyone should learn, when they should learn it, and how it should be taught... no child left behind. This would be great IF everyone learned at the exact same pace, in the exact same ways, and all performed the exact same job after that education. Ron Paul's view on the DoE is that the state and local governments should be in control of education. Does it make since that we send billions of dollars to the federal government for the DoE to eat up over half of it in red tape and bureaucracy to then divide it up and send it back to the states in a proportion that they see fit? Sure federal financial aid/pale grants will go away... but the states can use those billions that are not eaten up by the fed to have a state version of it.

A lot of federal money goes towards state and local road projects. Much in the form of "matching" grants. Many local governments have caught the "use it or lose it" mental illness. Mine has spent an unhealthy chunk of change on unnecessary or even frivolous projects in the past 25 years because of its perception that there is a need to spend every cent of every "federal dollar" that is offered (and beg for more).

While I also feel that the DoE has become a joke, I do not feel that turning the job in its entirety over to state and local governments is the answer (even though I am a strong champion for states' rights issues). Teaching our children is one of the most important things that we should be focused on and, IMHO, ranks right alongside national defense / securing our borders and maintaining the country's infrastructure. Although there has been some attempt to standardize things such as setting minimum testing scores, there really isn't as much standardization as one might think. The various local boards' of education all seem to have their own ideas as to the "proper" way to go about things - and from what I've seen of the ones in the areas that I have lived, many of them seem to have dropped the ball. Merely attending a meeting of your local BoE will show you that politicking and the Good Ol' Boy network are alive and unwell at the local level; breathe a rumor that funding will be cut and you'll find that the uproar that ensues is not over "what will happen to our youth," but instead, "What will happen to our jobs?" Attend several meetings in several different jurisdictions and realize that each seems to have their own ideas about what is the right way to conduct the "business" of education but the agendas of the officials is almost always the same and would be recognized by any DC politician.

The only politics in our education system should be that which is covered in classes about American/etc. governments and the like.

Help standardize our education system. It is true that a child genius learns at a different rate (and, ultimately, more) than the unfortunate child who is lucky to find his/her way to and from the bus stop each day and that those two children must be taught differently. That is not the standardization that I mean. An intelligent child - or a less intelligent one - from Syracuse, NY, one from Terre Haute, IN, Tampa, FL, and Redneckville, USA ought to be able to be moved to a completely different area and still be able to receive the same education at the same level and in the same fashion as he/she did in his/her previous location. The ONLY difference should be the content of the local history class(es). But this is sadly not the case.

As much as I hate to say it I agree with a lot of what TS said.

Don't feel bad. Well... DO, actually (lol). I felt bad writing that rant. Much of what I wrote should not have been necessary to write, perhaps all of it. When you put up a sign that says "Elevator out of Order" and watch 50 people fall to their deaths out of mindless refusal to see what is plainly in front of them, you begin to realize that more drastic measures are called for and assign someone to stand there and turn the fire hose onto the lemmings that are heading towards the shaft. I was in a foul mood when I composed my rant. I started out thinking that doing so might be somewhat therapeutic for me but ended up being so fired up that I composed (and snail-mailed) several letters to my governmental representatives.

This country is in crisis and has been for many years. A crisis that affects ALL facets of it. Get mad - not the hot rage that decreases the intelligence of a mob to that of its least-intelligent member, but rather, a cold calculating anger that might, just might allow you to save your country. If, in fact, it is not too late.

Do something! Voting is not all that you as citizens of this country have a responsibility to do, yet many do not do even that. I get so sick of hearing people I speak to face-to-face say, "Well I don't think any of the candidates are good ones so I'm not going to vote for any of them," that I just know I'm going to end up in prison one of these days for snapping and bludgeoning one of them to death with a ball-peen hammer. While I agree that often - even, perhaps, usually - it is true that the choices aren't very good, there is ALWAYS at the very least a candidate who is likely to "do the least harm" if not actually a candidate who is likely to accomplish many great things. Like everyone else on the planet, I have an agenda of issues that I feel is important. I make every attempt to place more importance on those issues that are important to this country as a whole than ones that are strictly important to myself. But I'm only human;). Still, I do not focus on those issues to the exclusion of everything else.

As long as I live I will never get used to the fact that to many our elections are a popularity contest and that many others, even in this day and age, decide who to vote for based on what their favorite slanted "news" station tells them to. Grandma used to look at some of the silly things that kids would do, shake her head, and say, "You just can't teach common sense." That may be true, but it seems apparent that you sure can kill it.
I always ask people, with having government involved in education for the past 30 years, do we have smarter kids? Are our college graduates coming out well-educated, so-much-so that they are able to enter our government and fix issues, solve problems? No...so what good is all this doing us? Spending $100,000 on college, some add $50,000 for private high schools, the only thing your kid leaves college with is a worse liver, and debt. What an American Dream.
Ron Paul is flat out too old to make a viable two term candidate. This country needs a younger man with more recent experience behind his belt. :thumb::thumb: Gary Johnson is the man for the future of this country. We need to stand back and look at how he governed New Mexico. :bravo::bravo: RD :peace::peace::peace:
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