Who is John Galt?

Hey I am touched by what you wrote and have lived through...

...My heart is heavy with what you have endured and your entire family will be in my prayers. If ever you want to talk PM me anytime and please feel free to ask anything of the site we are here to help. I again :thanks: and wish you a great weekend with safe meds.

Thank you for sharing about your children and for the kind words of empathy. It's been almost 10 years now since my brother passed; it's still difficult to talk about, but it is certainly true that time heals. Like all else I've survived in my life, the old saying is true: what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

As for the prayers, I appreciate the sentiment. (Even though I'm an atheist/agnostic, I was a Christian for the first 20 years of my life, so I can truly appreciate what that means.) I wish I had an equally meaningful secular sentiment to send your way, but alas, I'm at a loss. (I don't believe in luck, fortune, fate, or karma...) So I guess I'll just say you and yours will be in my thoughts.

And by the way, the weekend meds were pretty fantastic... no pain for 4 hours straight... might be a new record for me. Most the time I'm only able to numb it to a degree, but Saturday I set a new standard. The trick? 5 shots of rum, 2 beers, and about 4 times my regular dose of medical herb. A Slight hangover the next day, but that was the best 4 hours I've had in years.
Oh, and something else I'd like to share... something that trips out all the tokers I mention it to: I don't care much for the "high" of MJ. Not that I dislike it, but I tried it a few times before my accident, and it was just OK - preferred the high from alcohol by far.

I'd probably still toke time to time on special occasions, but that's about it. (I smoked maybe 5-10 times in my life before my accident, now I smoke almost daily.)
Welcome to this Awsome Community.......I know Ayn Rand only by my husbands collection of books. He does tell me stories about John Galt so I am right there with ya! Well....I think you should show us your baby's so we can see how big they are....we love photos here....Well I do....because I have to live vicariously through pics and journals...... It was great reading your introduction and you are definitely among FRIENDS!

Sounds like the way my wife doesn't read my Rand collection because I talk her ear off about the books I read!

As for pictures... waiting for my USB cable to get here, but I've been taking pictures regularly. I'll forewarn you though, the quality isn't what I've seen in the journals I've read so far. (I'm kinda wishing instead of buying that $35 cable I'd just put that toward a better camera...)

Speaking of journals, I need to go update that thread now...
Hey John that is some pretty lofty concept you have about capitalism. I do not consider myself a capitalist either. In fact I really dislike labels applied to me. Some people are called communist, some called capitalist, some have moments of selfishness yet other times selflessness. All up and down all the traits of human behavior you can imagine in various degrees of a lot of things and as the time calls for. We are all sort of rainbows in our human expression but when we exhibit one trait in front of someone they apply a label. It's really those that label themselves something that are those to be watched, whether a religious zealot or a communist. Those are the ones that have labeled themselves something and feel compelled to defend the label and do all the things the label entails. They pick one color from the rainbow and defend it with their life.

Glad you are coping with the pain. From one person that has been labeled an alcoholic wrongfully (I can drink socially, but can go weeks without it) alcohol can really damage your organs and it does age you if used in excess. Some of my most interesting work has been done while drinking too.

Coping with the human condition is a greatest task.
(Even though I'm an atheist/agnostic, I was a Christian for the first 20 years of my life, so I can truly appreciate what that means.)

I was a pastor for years, but not good with politics or judgmental attitudes. I now longer practice any religion. Personally I think religion is an anchor to a distorted view of the past, confining in the present, and pie in the sky future.

I agree with you that it is hard for any society to reach in their purest forms capitalism or communism. China is considered communist, but it is very watered down at best.

It's the tea party folks that frighten me. My extended (brothers, sister, in-laws, mom and all their spouses) family are cocked and loaded tea pots. I'm the liberal, disowned, black sheep of the family. But I am happy and content and smoke the best herb around. There is so much freedom when religion is removed and that is where I live.
It's too bad that Ayn Rand has been promoted by people who she would most definitely had as the bad guys in her books - I'm a big fan of "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged" - they were the inspiration to strike out on my own, eventually designing and building homes so I could be a producer like John Galt and not a leech like Rush, Glenn Beck, and the other clowns.

Welcome to the site John Galt - you are free to share with us, or not, as you please! I hear you make some pretty good steel... :)

Seriously, you have found a great spot for your independent spirit.
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