Who's tokin?

Thanks for your service Tricome!
If you like Coronas give some Landsharks a try...best beer going here right now.
This buds for you!
PapaBear, I know how that is, I was in the same boat earlier today... This toke's for yah! :roorrip: :grinjoint:

Got a g of this Indica a little while ago, dark green, tight, dense buds, earthy, hashy, lemony flavor, orange trics, strong indica stone... has got me stupid stoned, it took me way too long to upload this pic, i kept forgetting where on the page i needed to click next, lol. :ganjamon: end of day smoke for sure. :smokin:

I went to Omega Healthcare; very nice place....superb quality :)
:laugh:Picked up an eighth of what has got to be the finest dank in the county, at least, am currently mid-way through a bong load.:roorrip:

My roommate better keep his dirty mitts off of this one, lest he earn himself a nickname, like stumpy, or lefty. or three-fingers.:laugh:
I just got a disbursement check from my mortgage company for $110. Woohoo! (idk why... i think I overpayed my escrow or something)

I also just got a collections letter from a utility company from 3 years ago for $150. What the fuck. Something good comes and then somthing bad comes and cancels out the good. Damn.

Whoops. I forgot to add the best part: I am currently enjoying a nice fat bowl of some fine green. :eek:)
exactly cumon.. people use cannabis to get off n@rcotics:bongrip:

Exactly! I am close to someone that used cannabis along with treatment to help him kick an opi@te addiction. He still smokes weed and says he has no desire to use opi@tes at all. To me that's great because he almost died from an overdose when he was using opi@tes, but now... well, you can't overdose on pot. :grinjoint:

:rollit: Check out this Article:... The Surprising Effect Of Marijuana On Morphine Dependence

:ganjamon: Blazing ganja!
Got this tonight, am told it's white widow... nice and potent. :smokin:

:ganjamon: blaze it up!
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