Will this purifier stop weed smell


New Member
If I use this purifier in my 2ft x 3ft closet with 1-3 plants in it will the smell still radiate through the house or what
Would you put that thing in the grow room itself or in a chamber that the air exhausts to before being fully exhausted?
Just interested as that's a nifty little piece and wouldn't mind looking into something like that myself but I have constant air in and out and am not sure if it would have time to effect the smell in the room.
Definitely in the grow room, I dont have an exhaust system or anything so im trying to find a cheap alternative that will keep other house members unaware of what i am doing
cool im sure that will do the job great! just be selective when you open it up as im sure the smell would build up quickly with the door open. For only a little more a small fan and filter may be better option as a good supply of new air is vital but I do understand im blessed with not needing to be super stealth and that its 'easy for me to say'
I would look into something else if stealth is an issue. That will only purify air that you're releasing right back into the grow environment. That purified air will become stinky again because of your plants--a case of chasing one's own tail.

If that is your only option, it would probably serve you better if you put it outside the closet door. However, I've used similar things/techniques in the past and when you have 2-3 flowering plants they become somewhat useless.

I agree completely w/ Padox in that it would be well worth investing the extra cash in a proper exhaust/carbon scrubber system. Or you can just tell your roomies that you collect dead skunks.:;):
Do you have any suggestions for a small fan and a filter, I have a fan in the room to circulate the air a little bit but like I said my only real concern is the smell, I still got some time though because they havent sprouted yet but I would like to have something in mind to buy so as soon as they start to smell I can fix the issue.
If you're a handy person or have a trusted buddy that is check this out.

Inline Carbon Filter under $40

Also check out the Do-it-yourself threads in the Growers Forums--there's tons of ingenious ideas/designs floating around in there.

From my experience, you can get away with hiding them as is for a month, maybe two if they aren't ultra smelly strains.
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