Wyoming cultivation laws


New Member
Just noticing at NORML web site that for Wyoming cultivation in any amount is just a misdemeanor? In other words keep it your own business and personal thing and don't sell it and your left alone? That means they wouldn't serve a warrant if they knew your where growing. They don't bust down doors for misdemeanor's. Just was checking cause me and my wife and kids were just getting ready to leave MI and move to Wyoming
Under the influence or use misdemeanor 90 days $100
3 oz or less misdemeanor 1 year $1,000
More than 3 oz felony 5 years $10,000
Within 500 feet of a school additional $500
Possible conditional probation or discharge for first offense.
Any amount misdemeanor 6 months $1,000
Any amount felony 10 years $10,000
To a minor at least three years younger than seller felony double penalty
Within 500 feet of a school felony 2 years MMS* $1,000
*Mandatory minimum sentence.
Miscellaneous (paraphernalia, license suspensions, drug tax stamps, etc...)
Subsequent offenses are subject to double the possible penalties.
I only grow for me, but i really love the hobby. there i could do it with a lot less fear. i just want to grow cool new strains and have fun with no fear
If you give it to someone and they hide a hundred bucks in your place even though you said no, I wonder if thats considered sales?

I gave some to my buddy next door to go sledding (snowmobiles) and when he got back he was smiling ear to ear. He said that him and his buddy were blown away. Later that day i found a hundred bucks on my desk. I think it was his... I will go give it too his wife, and she will wonder wtf?
Sounds like you can grow with less fear there in wyoming, but untill the life ruining federal laws change, great caution is still a good game to play no matter where you live in the USA. Btw fossil butte national park down in southwest wyoming is really cool, I've hooked bigger fossil fish there than any live fish I have ever caught elsewhere. Well worth the drive.
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