Yellow spots, drooping, slight leaf curl - Help


New Member
Hey. I'm not really sure what is causing these issues. Just started about a week ago. These babies are about 6-8 weeks. Temp and soil are good. I got scared that I over nuted them so I thoroughly watered to help flush the soil. Branches are just soft and plants look droopy and sad. This isn't my first grow and I'm doing everything about the same. 1200w hps light, fan on plants, 18-6 light dark schedule.

Re: Yellow spots, drooping, slight leaf curl. Help


Nutrients & nutrient strength?

How close is the 1200w?

Ph is neutral. Even checked a few days ago.
Light is a good 4 ft away. It looked really healthy about a week ago but has looked a little sad lately. Can't quite figure it out. I even tried playing some Bob Marley for them. No change
Re: Yellow spots, drooping, slight leaf curl. Help

If you mean 7.0 pH (neutral) thats a little high for soil, for soil the pH should be 6.5. If you're using coco, the pH should be 5.8.

It looks like a pH issue with the leaves getting all twisted & the little yellow spots showing up. Mix up your nutrient solution and then pH to 6.5.
Re: Yellow spots, drooping, slight leaf curl. Help

Ph is neutral. Even checked a few days ago.
Light is a good 4 ft away. It looked really healthy about a week ago but has looked a little sad lately. Can't quite figure it out. I even tried playing some Bob Marley for them. No change

Be more specific about "neutral". Definitely looks pH issue to me as well. Either that or under watering if the stem is droopy as well as the leaves.

What are your temps and humidity like?
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