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How long does it usually take to dry the bud out....

we've got one that's about 10 inches long hanging in my closet, how long do you think that will take 'til it's dry enough to smoke.
I do the same dry until dry to the touch then put in air tight jar then when it is moist again i take the buds out to dry again the more time you do this the smoother and more flavorful.
yeah but you still gotta hang it either way or the plant wont dry out....after that i like to stick it inside of a ziploc bag closed most of the way and then inside a paper bag for a couple days....it seems to dry out the stem more instead of the bud.....then i go into the glass canning jars and store in a cool dry place for a while...i just take the jars out as i want to smoke for real...the longer they sit though the smoother the smoke is it seems
A cool dark place is good, you need fans running to circulate the air and keep it moving around the buds, and yes you want to cut the branches away from eachother so that they can dry the whole plant as one would take a while. Peace OG.
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