Has anyone used unflushed product to make butter?


New Member
High! I am wondering because I crimped a stalk too hard and the buds started drying when the vessels were broken by my hand. I only got 1 "water" watering before they started drying out. I tried smoking some and it made me sick. I figure it's a lost cause unless someone knows how to flush after drying. Haha. I guess I'll just throw it away and call it a learning experience? It's only an eighth dried that was chopped.

Any insight anyone may have is much appreciated.

hey man no idea, it sucks it made you sick! That's never happened to me before even when i smoked unflushed product (cause I am impaitent).

Theres no reason you should have gotten sick unless you didn't dry the buds properly. You most likely smoked a lot of chlorophyll which in tern made you feel sick. I've gotten a bad headache and felt light headed after hitting under cured meds.

When making lets say butter or oil, you're extracting the thc into the fats and the oils. You're not extracting plant material for the most part, so as long as the tricomes are mature you should get a nice effect from a butter or oil batch. IMO
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