THC and spirituality


Well-Known Member
I have recently watched a show where the were following these churches who base their services around weed. That led me to thinking a bit and I would love to exp a church like this.

Now for all the people against this. I am not thinking about the actual high but on how mj can make you feel mor in tune with yourself and nature if you take the time to just be still.

I've always loved going off into nature alone and smoking then to just sit relax and concentrate on my breathing. I find myself relaxing as it seems the background noise blends together in perfect harmony. The sound of leafs rustling in the wind, the birds chirping or the sound of a nice brook.

Their are so many beautiful things in this world that we seem to take for granted once we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Even if its not in church I highly recommend turning off the TV or radio. Go out into nature get high and take it all in. There is no better feeling then when you feel like you are in the presence of something majestic. We are all spiritual beings I think its high time we get back to our true roots even if its only for a minute and rejoice in the beauty of the creator.

What do you do to feel closer to hod/nature and just at peace with self

Unknown Strain From Seed - First Time Grow
I think this is a cool idea. I remember last summer going outside during a full moon after smoking a bowl and the moon appeared to be 3D. It was stunning. I don't remember what strain it was though. I also know that some strains seem to make myself and other more philosophical. Would certain strains be more likely to induce feelings like that?
Oh my first reply after hundreds of

I do think some strains effect our different areas of our brain. The people who are in the world that are gifted I believe they are just more in time to their environment. That does not mean I smoke bud and start seeing dead people but I just get it.

I love that philosophical type high. I love how sometimes when all the elements are working in your favor something just clicks. It might sound strange but I love when you suddenly not only recognize but actually feel just how small we really are. We are a grain of sand in the whole existence of things but when you can feel that warm embrace of being close to your creator there is no feeling like it.

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!
The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Unknown Strain From Seed - First Time Grow
With that 3D moon I love how sometimes it seems like it was a canvas painted just for you. We can both look at the same scene but will both see it in our own unique way

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!
The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Unknown Strain From Seed - First Time Grow

Yes - I wish I wrote down the name of that strain - I guess I was too high! Trying to keep better notes going forward:)

What are your favorite strains? We have a contact who has a medical marijuana card and he will sometimes get us a little - but some of that stuff is like 25% THC and it's too strong for me. I think I'm better off with like 18-20%. The White Widow we just grew is supposed to be 18%. It's amazing to me how different each strain is.

I hadn't smoked in 30 years and started again last year. I have a lot to learn and catch up on!
I'm not a religious zealot just a cannabis consumer so bear with me :)

Once I fell asleep watching TV.Woke up very early am and a man was yelling on the tube.I was lucid coming out of sleep.He was saying how we were pathetic sinful creatures but once we've had an spiritual experience,,,I got to the mute buttom just in time!,,.I rolled me one was ready to light it when I realized just his muted presence was disturbing me.I shut the tv off and went outside to toke. Yes the full moon was there and so was his voice after a couple toke his disturbing preaching/yelling disappeared.

Then I had an a wonderful thought. We are not mortal beings whom will have a spiritual experience that brings us closer to God,,,the infinite,,,the omnipresence,,life force. I couldn't really give it a name that was adequate tho I felt its presence.Then the thought came to me.

We are Spiritual Beings Having A Mortal Experience, which we call our lives.I got a glimpse(not with eyes) but an understanding of the universe and eternity.

If we die and a millisecond later go to eternity.Then we were in eternity an millisecond before we were born,otherwise we have clue to what eternity truely is.

Then I remember that song/poem,,Desiderata

"Go placidly amide the noise and the haste,and remember what peace there may be in silence."

It was like I remember it all ,word for word by heart.

THC?,,moonlight?,,breeze blowing through the tree? Perhaps none of them or all of them. Possibly the THC awakens a part of our brain we haven't used since before we were born.I don't know.But it certainly frees ones thoughts that transcend this mortal experience.

Many since then have thumped on a book and tell me I'm going to hell.I quietly think they must have skipped the part about the gates of hell were broken down and the captives set free.

Picture an overgrown quiet graveyard,where no ones been buried for years,,,that's hell to me. :) I no longer believe in hell.

My bible now is one page,,,Desiderata. Tho I must abstain for a short period,to follow workmens compensation rules.
I guess you could say my communion is THC.It gave me an insight,,that stays with me even during times of drying out for drug test.

I believe there is definitely an connection there.

"You are a child of the universe no less than the tree and the stars;you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you,no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."
Exactly Connoisseuris,while our mortal experience?existance?vocabulary? struggle with words like,,'that moment',,or,,'that split second',,,still are finite terms attempting to describe the infinite!!

"Imbedded In Our Souls For A Lifetime" (I like the way you spoke that) You do get it!!!)
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