420 Magazine Website News: August 2017


Welcome to our monthly update, designed to give you a bit more insight into what’s been going on at 420 Magazine over the last few weeks. Apologies first of all – we missed last month’s member update due to Teddy Edwards’ unforseen unavailabilty. Our worldwide Moderation team have been working round the clock to keep the website full of the positive energy that we encourage in order to further our mission, and our great Spambot Patrol continue to sweep the site clean of those pesky posters.

Thanks to those members who report spambots, spam and other infractions too. You are a great help to our busy team. To help both you and ourselves, there’s a new 420 Guidelines FAQ. So whether you’re a new or experienced spambot spotter, please check it out – Questions & Answers – How To Deal With Spambots

Welcome to visitors and new members alike. Thank you for being part of Our Mission.

If you are a fresh face here, please do take a moment and read our Posting Guidelines. They are there to help and protect you and to keep 420 Magazine full of the spirit of knowledge-sharing, friendship and good vibes that we all work so hard to preserve.

We always say that we wouldn’t be here without our Sponsors. However it’s equally true that 420 Magazine wouldn’t be such a great mission without you, our members. We are always grateful for your presence, contributions & positive energy. Tech Updates
We are in the process of testing a new plug-in which, if successful, will be another anti-spambot measure. However, during a couple of the brief test periods, some members (and staff!) were inadvertently locked out of the website, experienced very slow loading times or had strange javascript warnings. Many apologies to everyone affected by this. We’ll do our very best not to let this happen again.

As always, please let us know by sending us a report if you encounter any strange bugs or glitches, by clicking the report icon at bottom left of every post. For those not familiar, it’s a little triangle with an exclamation point inside. If it’s something that can’t be included in a report, please post it in the Bugs Reports Forum.

New Forum 
We’d like to highlight for the second month running our new forum – Forum: Ebb & Flow Also Known As Flood & Drain. There’s always someone looking for some help or advice there, so please, experienced E&Fers, do share the benefit of your experience.

Human Resources: Job Opportunities
If you are interested in helping to support our Mission, please do check out our Human Resources forum.

Social Networking Moderator
We are delighted to announce that we have a new social networking guru to manage our Instagram account. Matty Hemp will be posting half a dozen photos from our archives every day from here on out. If anyone has any photos they’d like featured, please feel free to contact him via pm, through our Instagram channel or at matty@420magazine.com

Thank you, Matty, for supporting our mission. We are truly grateful.

Sponsor Welcomes
Some sponsors have renewed this month, and other new ones joined the 420 Magazine family. We are truly grateful to all of them. Please do check out these welcome posts and the sponsors’ websites. Every click counts! They have some great products and offers.
Thank You To Our Renewing Sponsor Seedsman
Welcome To Our New Sponsor Arizer
Thank You To Our Renewing Sponsor 420Packaging.com
Thank You To Our Renewing Sponsor VaporWarehouse
Thank You To Our Renewing Sponsor PRO-MIX
Welcome To Our New Sponsor Safer Brand
Welcome To Our New Sponsor Best Organic Nutrients – MightyGrow
Welcome To Our New Sponsor Dutch Master Nutrients
Thank You To Our Renewing Sponsor Sensi Seeds
Thank You To Our New Sponsor Growers Choice Seeds
Welcome To Our New Sponsor DopeBoo
Welcome To Our New Sponsor SunPlus LED

We are also pleased to announce that August’s Sponsor of the Month is long time 420 Magazine supporter and sponsor, 420Packaging.com. Please check out the article about them on our Home Page.

Our new sponsor Best Organic Nutrients – MightyGrow are also sponsoring three new sponsored grows.
Mighty Grow Madness Autos & Photos Blazes Sponsored Grow Current
Bloodguy’s GDP & KushnCheese Soil Grow Sponsored By MightyGrow 2017
BF Afghan Coco/Growstones Grow Sponsored By MightyGrow 2017

420 Magazine Contest Winners
If you enjoy photos of sticky buds or extraordinary plants, if you aspire to be the Member of the Month or want to see some of the best grow journals anywhere, then do look at our monthly contests. Congratulations to all our winners, who, thanks to our sponsors, will be receiving some great prize packages.

Dr.h00k – 420 Magazine’s Member of the Month – July 2017
FeralA9X – 420 Magazine’s Nug of the Month – July 2017
Cola Monster – 420 Magazine’s Plant of the Month – July 2017
Hyena Merica – 420 Magazine’s Creme De La Creme Photo Contest – July 2017
FeralA9X – 420 Magazine’s Grow Journal Of The Month – August 2017

We’re grateful to our new contest sponsor SmokingOutlet.net for adding a $50 Gift Card to the already impressive list of prizes for Member of the Month.

Join Our 420 Magazine Contests
420 Magazine runs five contests each month, celebrating our members and their work. You don’t have to be an experienced grower to enter – any member with a minimum of 50 posts may enter and vote in those with polls. There are some great prizes to win – exclusive 420 Magazine merchandise such as nug jars, t-shirts, lighters, magnets (which you can’t get hold of any other way), and some quality and high value goods from our sponsors too; lights, nutrients, vaporizers, seeds, gift certificates and much more.

Three of the contests have been running for years; Plant of the MonthNug of the Month and Member of the Month.

Entries for Plant and Nug of the Month are accepted between the 1st and 15th of every month. Then until the end of the month, the polls are opened and members may vote for their favorite. They are great places to enjoy some of the finest work that 420 members have produced, and to share your own perfect plants and nifty nugs too!

The Member of the Month is chosen from a short-list of members’ nominations. Again, voting takes place between the 15th to the end of the month. It’s where you can say ‘thank you’ to a fellow member who you think has particularly embodied the positive sharing, helpful, compassionate and welcoming spirit of 420 Magazine.

We also have two newer contests – Grow Journal of the Month and our Creme de la Creme Photo Contest.

Grow Journal of the Month is selected by 420 Magazine staff members. All you have to do is start and maintain a journal of your grow. Keep it active, interesting, full of good photos and information and you’ll be in for a chance to earn some recognition and win some super prizes.

The Creme de la Creme Photo Contest runs across the whole month. You can enter either your own photographs or scour our Gallery of over a million pictures to pick what you think are the best. There are first, second and third place awards every month, so there are high chances of winning. Full details for entering are, (as with all the other contests), in the first post in the thread every month.

So if you fancy picking up a garden-full of great prizes, or just enjoy looking at some of the most beautiful plants and nugs produced on the planet, do check out our contests. They are fun and inspirational.

A Note On Voting From A Mobile Device
In contests with polls, it is not yet possible to vote using the 420 Magazine mobile app directly. You can vote from a smartphone by choosing “Web View” and viewing 420 Magazine in the “Desktop version” on your mobile browser. You may have to pinch outwards to zoom in close enough for comfortable voting. If this process is not suitable, please log in from a PC or Laptop until we get this feature added to the app.

DIY LED Builds
The growing trend for growers to assemble their own LED grow panels, usually from COB lights, has meant that we’ve had to develop a policy guideline for these threads. We welcome the sharing of DIY light builds, and the resulting contribution to technical information and knowledge sharing, however we do not permit off-site links to the components or to re-sellers of the components, or threads dedicated to such components. This is partly to retain site traffic for our Sponsors, without whom 420 Magazine would not exist as a free resource, and partly because for those interested, such links are easily found via search engines.

An additional consideration is our members’ safety. We cannot take responsibility for any advice on DIY builds offered here, or the components employed, and we urge all our members never to blindly follow another’s instructions and only to construct lighting panels if they are appropriately qualified. If you are in the least doubt, please remember that buying a pre-assembled panel from an accredited supplier will always be safer.

That’s it for this month. Thank you for being a valuable part of our Mission, we are truly grateful for you.

Sending you all lots of love and positive energy through the universe.

Your 420 Magazine Team