1st Grow - Auto Blue Mystic & More Under G8LED - Closet Grow

Captain Cow

New Member
I have been lurking on and off sites like this for years with the intention of setting up a grow. As an adult making a choice that I want to indulge in cannabis; the only bad side I see to this (other than the danger of arrest) is where my money may end up further up the chain. This combined with the fact that the price has doubled in the past 10 years, makes growing a no-brainer. Since I started growing the amount of reading I have done has stepped up (which I don't really have time for right now) and it is quite a while since it was last a topic I was researching. I have read some fantastic journals (just finished Reg's journals start to end all ~1000 pages) and have wanted to reciprocate. Yet I have held back for a few reasons, the first of which is the way I see it the first rule of growing is the same as the first rule of fight club and posting it all over the internet seems to break this rule. The second being with arrest quota policing and their greater awareness of using the internet at a local level; I don't want to make their lives to easy. I know they should have better things to do than target hobby (or any without links to serious OC) growers like me but if they are a few arrests short close to quota day I don't want them busting down my door. So I have set up a new email (my god is it hard to find an email service that does not require verification these days) and some routing which while making this a slow process makes me feel a bit safer. This brings me onto my first questions:
What precautions (with out providing specifics) do those of you (not counting you lucky legal/decrim people) take to protect your security while posting evidence that could get your door kicked in at 5am?
Does this site have a photo metadata scrubber built in? (I will do this manually anyway)
Or am I just being over paranoid? (not smoked in over 2 weeks; so that's not to blame)

So a few months back I had some money in the bank and knew my life dictated an imminent 3 month period on the wagon. So I thought it would be perfect to set up this project which has been on my mind for years with the aim to have a harvest in time for when my dry spell was over as a bit of a celebration. I always knew if I did this LED was the way I wanted to go and had selected the brand I wanted to go for something like 4 years ago (although seems the LED grow light market has changed a lot since then). Time until when I wanted my harvest dry and with as much cure as possible was limited so I selected autos. Since then my landlord has told us he wants to put the house on the market in the autumn, which has put an end in the short term to my plans for a small perpetual grow. Also introduced a new time scale as ideally I would like to get as close to recovering my set up costs in dealer savings before I move as I can, I currently estimate this in the 3-4oz range (not counting seeds for future use). This brings me onto my journal:

Set up: closet grow approx 2'x2'x4'6" roof, floor and 3 walls covered with space blankets, 4th covered in silvered acoustic barrier (think this is supposed to go under carpet in blocks of flats). Currently the only ventilation is the fans built into the light unit but have a home made carbon filter and some fans waiting for me to fit.
Lights: G8LED 240w flower/bloom with a 90w red UFO on standby. Started on 24 hour for the first few days while waiting for timer to arrive. Then I read about dark periods being important so I started switching it off as I left for work and back on when I got home for a few days (~14/10). When the timer arrived set it to 18/6. Currently on a GLR inspired 15/4/1/4 for approx past 10 days, as I sleep in the same room and the fan noise, heat and humidity were messing with my sleep.
Strains: 1x Afghan regular (the ones Herbie is giving away by the bucket load, no real info on this except pure indica.
2x Auto Blue Mystic from Nirvana; c&p from Herbies:
Seedbank: Nirvana
Type: Indoor/Outdoor
Indica / Sativa: Indica dominant
Feminized: Yes
Yield: 200 - 300
Effect: Stoney
Grow height: Low
Flowering weeks: 5 - 7weeks
Blue Mystic was especially chosen for its soft blue hues, which appear roughly halfway into flowering.

Blue Mystic grows in a very similar way to Northern Light, showing all the desirable qualities of that marijuana variety, with the added appeal of its own colourful appearance and the faintly berry-like aftertaste of its smoke.

Compared to many other marijuana strains, Blue Mystic has a neutral smell while growing.

I will update when I have something germinated in the fourth slot so far been trying to germinate 10yo seeds, which I didn't expect much from but they are not going to get any more viable waiting longer. They crack and produce small taproots but don't seem to have enough energy to turn into plants.

Pot Size: Autos in ~15L (4 US gal?) Afghan in 5L (~1.5 US gal) intending to pot up before flowering.

Medium: 3:1 generic multi-purpose compost:perlite (I have since read this is likely to be a bit rich(hot)) with about 1/2-1 pint of seedling soil around the point where the seeds went in. Pots have about 1" of gravel with a layer of perlite on top, as my mother taught me to do this then water from the drip try for potted plants sensitive to over watering. I have since read that a layer of gravel is a bad thing, however since then I have read about SIPs and this to me sounds like rudimentary SIP.

Feed/Water: Not bothering with pHing; using rain water (which should be around the right pH anyway). Nutes currently on hand: a load of stuff for the garden/house plants which won't be coming near these plants, liquid kelp, some pelleted poultry manure (I am reluctant to use poo based stuff atm as I sleep in the same room and don't want it to smell like a toilet but have no problem using it in the garden) and something called "root it first feed" which claims to replace water for the first 2-3 weeks of a plants life. It is a 2/1.15/2.3 with a full (I assume balanced) range of micro-nutes. I followed this but at half strength until recently. The autos loved it the afghan initially also loved it but not so much after a while. Anyway I have resolved to alternate water and feed from now on to avoid salt build up and potentially use more water so the plants use up the compost. Will make a visit to a garden centre to look into a phosphorus source (thinking steamed bone meal drilled/top layered) and spray gun (although tempted to buy a cheap Chinese airbrush for this as I have a compressor).

Germination: All the current plants were germinated using the paper towel method, lost 1 ABM which tap rooted and was transferred (most likely my fat handedness) and 2 10yo seeds. All transferred straight into the pots you see them in now. Trying some other stuff atm will update.

Temp/Humidity: Not going to worry about these right now unless I see signs of problems, as my time is limited and spend far more of it than I can afford right now on this site as it.

TLDR: Here are the pics, they are really bad will try and take some better ones later. Also I am bad with dates so they are not 100% accurate.
Grow day 23:

Grow day 24:

Afghan (regular): Lets start with the bad; she was the first to show above soil and the one who's age I am most sure of. She (I hope) was going great for the first week and a half apart from some minor signs of over watering, so I slowed the feeding. Then she started showing minor nute burn and more signs of over watering. So I let her dry out and switched to pure rain water and she showed signs of recovery, then I let her get pretty dry again then micro topped her at the 3rd node and gave her a little water. Following this things went down hill very fast, major swift nute burn within a day she had gone from brown tips on the lowist leaves to the damage you can see. So she took a midnight walk to the water butt (my tap water in contraindicated as it is softened with NaCl) which I had hoped to avoid as it is visible to public areas. After a flush she showed incredible recovery; by the next morning she was looking very perky. However her development of new branches is slow, which I assume (hope) is due to a combination of damaged leaves photosynthesising poorly and her focusing on root repair. I would say my noobishness has set her back 2-3 weeks. I am not really worried about the leaf damage in the long term however her stalk looks very weak. The set back while annoying is not a total disaster as I intend for her to have a photoperiod sister which I have yet to germinate.
Day 23:

Day 24:

Older Auto Blue Mystic (O-ABM): This girl is fantastic she has taken everything my noobishness can throw at her and thrived. I saw her first lady bits on day 17. I always intended to give her some LST, but held back a long time as she was so short and perfectly formed (unfortunately no pics). Eventually I gave in and started her training and am glad I did, as I now have 5 or 6 bud sites all around the same height. I also stumbled across a LST technique which I am really happy with (have nothing to compare it to). I anchored her at the bottom like normal, then make a loose lasso around the inter-node I want to train from and hook it around one of those green garden sticks. Then I pinch the wire at the stick and twist gently reeling her in each time I check on her until I am happy (although she does fight the looseness a little but that can be reeled in too). I think, but have no control plant to compare with, that I may have slowed her flower period a little by training her and redistributing hormones.

Day 20:

Day 21:


Baby Auto Blue Mystic (B-ABM): I deliberately planted her off centre with the intention of trying to train her across the pot and have started training early using the same way of LST as her sister. Although considering her sister is very short not sure how far she will make it. I may run a few more experiments on this one, not sure right now will update if I do.

Day 6:

Day: 7

So I have some questions which I suspect do not have definitive answers (I can already look up the answers to those sorts of questions on this fantastic site) but could use some experienced opinions/consensus. Firstly my autos seem to be loving their regular nutes, while I will not return to never giving them just water, I am unsure if I should continue with them quite regularly or let them use up what is in the compost, as I don't want nute abundance at harvest time; what would you recommend? Secondly I have a G8LED red flowering UFO sat in a box waiting to go in. Given my mix of photos and autos and ages ranging from still a seed to almost 4 weeks old, with the oldest auto showing pre-flowers but no real stacking of bud; when would you recommend I add the UFO?

P.S. Sorry for the really long post; guess if I had started a journal when I started the grow I could have done this over lots of short posts. Will sort some better photos asap. Also loads more I want to say but this is way to long already.
re: 1st Grow - Auto Blue Mystic & More Under G8LED - Closet Grow

OK, well seems from the lack of replies my first post was way to long. Once I have managed to take some pics worth looking at I might go and invade some threads I have read. So I have named my plants now the first 2 are named after the acronyms I was using BABM became Bambam, OABM became Obama and then I could not leave the afghan out so she became The Hound; partly because of the type of dog and partly because she bares burn scars from childhood (ref: ASoIaF/AGoT). So to the pics; they are probably worse than the last ones with the exception of not being under the LEDs. Bambam's were so blurry I won't bother uploading them. Obama's are only slightly better, will take more next time.

All day 25:

The Hound day 25:

Obama day: 22

I also fitted my homemade carbon filter:

One thing I started doing a few days ago was gently manipulating (squeezing and rolling) the pots to allow gas exchange and improve drainage. While I have no control plant to compare with they seem to like it and it seems logical.
re: 1st Grow - Auto Blue Mystic & More Under G8LED - Closet Grow

Seems I accidentally answered one of my own questions. Yes the site does scrub metadata.
OK so I really suck at this photography malarkey (I never normal take photos of anything). I have now managed to persuade, after a fairly significant battle, a broken phone with a better camera/camera software to turn on. So hopefully that should go some way to resolving the issue in future. Once I have a pic of each plant I am happy with I can stop the daily updates.

The Hound (afghan) day 26:
Her recovery is slow but steady.

Bambam (auto blue mystic) day 8:

Obama (auto blue mystic) day 23
This is the plant I really want to get a good picture of and have repeatedly failed. Although I have nothing but pictures to compare her to I am really happy with her structure. She only sits about 5" tall (probably about 8" untrained) but with a little gentle LST and a bit of tucking little leaves on top of big leaves she has 6 top within 1/2" of the same height. All her new growth seems to shoot straight to the canopy then stop and start nodeing up.

My homemade carbon filter is doing a fantastic job. I bought the stuff for it before I could smell anything but I could smell Obama 3 rooms away before I fitted it. Now even the closet barely smells. The best part is I could have built it for the cost of the fan and bag of active carbon (I spent more but could have built it with less).
Well I shall keep talking to myself. First photos with fixed phone and they are much better but still a long way to go. Anyway I think they finally give a clear picture of what I have going on.

The Hound (Afghan) day 27:
She had some 1/4 strength liquid kelp today

Obama (Auto Blue Mystic) day 24:
She also had some liquid kelp today. Need to look into a source of available phosphorus for her soon (any recommendations which are not over priced cannabis specific bottles with pretty pictures?)

Bambam (Auto Blue Mystic) day 9:
She just had rain water today

Also for the people interested in pH. Even though I know rain water to be slightly acidic and should be within the right range. Also if a plant can't survive on rain water then how does it survive. Any way I dug out some universal indicator strips I had in a draw; greeny yellow should put it at around 6.5.
Well I was going to stop the daily conversation with myself but did some stuff to the girls last night so I will document it. I know most of my photos have been terrible so far but I am really happy with the one of the baby bud in the previous post. I really love the colour contrast and found myself compelled to look at it several times yesterday. I am tempted to print it and frame it. Anyway to business:

Here is the room on day 28:

Bambam (Auto Blue Mystic) day 10:
I moved her LST point up one node she is having a dry day after water yesterday.

The Hound(afghan) day 28:
Not much to report here I am possibly being a bit over cautious with water and nutes having burnt her.

Obama (auto blue mystic) day 25:
She had her restraints adjusted last night to try and keep her canopy even. I have now pretty much run out of horizontal space for her so not a lot more I can do but let her go vertical and try and keep it even. I am at a bit of a loose end with her. Considering she went into pretty hot soil in the first place and had nothing but 1/2 strength "root it first feed" for around the first 2 weeks of her life (no plain water). As she seems to have taken everything I can throw at her and thrived; I am tempted to throw more at her but at the same time I don't want to over water/feed and hurt her. Still need to sort out a source of phosphorous, I think I want to head in the organic direction. Steamed bone meal sounded a good option for available P but she is so low and dense it would make top dressing and soil drilling tricky at best. Top dressing would also require watering from the top which is almost impossible without wetting her leaves, so would have to be done at lights out. I believe (correct me if I am wrong) liquid kelp should provide sufficient N and K, although I am tempted to cut out the middle man and take a trip to the beach and collect some seaweed (most likely bladder wrek).
Your plants looks nice and I like the LST across the pot that youve started. Keep up the good work. :blushsmile:
Yeah im planning on drying some sea weed this summer and then make tea as i need it. For p i would use something like biobizz bloom or something alone those lines and yeah autoflowers are sensitive to rapid change in nutes so slowly build up on them.
Your plants looks nice and I like the LST across the pot that youve started. Keep up the good work. :blushsmile:
Thanks, I have some more stuff in mind for that one but will come to it if and when I get there.

Yeah im planning on drying some sea weed this summer and then make tea as i need it. For p i would use something like biobizz bloom or something alone those lines and yeah autoflowers are sensitive to rapid change in nutes so slowly build up on them.

Yeah seems I have learned that latter part (more to follow). Sorted some transport issues over the weekend so will try and take a trip to the garden center some time this week. I have no idea if there is an indoor grow shop near me, guess I could ask in the local head shop. As here they are not allowed to sell grow stuff (except seeds) in head shops but it is quite common for head shop owners to have a grow shop (which sells everything but the seeds) somewhere else in the same town. Plus I haven't been in a head shop in years.
I saw your pictures in the gallery and thought I'd stop by. your plant that is giving you trouble has been overfed and is too close to your leds.
OK so update time, seems I went a bit snap happy this time a few to many photos. Also need to lay off my 420 research a bit as I have important stuff going on in my life and have spent way to much time on it. So think I will try and keep up to date with the threads I have replied to and my journal. Need to try and avoid starting reading new threads, not sure what to do about the many I am part way through. Will try and catch up on what more of you guys have done and are doing when I have a bit more time on my hands. After visiting AllSmiles' journal and getting advice from him and MaxYeilds I have decided to install the red bloom booster UFO.

First off a new addition to the family. Herbie in his infinite wisdom decided that I should be well stocked with pure indica Afghan (reg) seeds. So I had a bit of a search for short height sativia and thought these would pair quite well. C&P from Herbie's:
Gold Sugar Haze from Seedmans:
Seedsman Sugar Haze Seeds Specs

Genetics: Santa Marta x Haze
Variety: Mostly Sativa
Type: f1 Hybrid
Harvest Date: October
Flowering Period: 9 weeks
THC Content: 23%
Characteristics: Sweet tasting cerebral haze

The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is a mountain range in the Northwest of Colombia. It reaches an altitude of 5,700 metres above sea level, just 42 km from the Caribbean coast; it is the world's highest coastal range. The mountain range encompasses about 17,000 km² and serves as the source of 36 rivers.

It is the perfect habitat for a huge variety of plants including cannabis and many strains have flourished there. For over 40 years now cannabis enthusiasts and American hippies have included Santa Marta on their South American marijuana trail and certain varieties have deservedly earnt a good reputation e.g. Santa Marta Gold, a yellowing indica dominant strain.

In our Sugar Haze we have crossed a Santa Marta with Original Haze, one of the Skunkman's most famous creations. The result is a fast flowering sativa dominant haze strain with a THC potential of around 23%. This strain has a sweet taste but is a heavy hitter and not recommended for the occasional user.

Through our selective crossbreeding techniques we have managed to reduce the flowering time on this strain to below almost all other haze strains, so much so that it can be grown outdoors in places, and should finish by the end of October.

As I think of the autos as sisters and the photos as (step)sisters and her mountainous genetics I have decided to call this one The Mountain. It crossed my mind the other day that I seem to have given my girls masculine names; I hope I haven't jinxed them. The first two names were an accident saying OABM and BABM over and over in my head resulted in their names. So then I had to come up with and name to call the Afghan, so I though Taliban...Afghan hound... yeah with the burns the hound works. Anyway I digress to business:

The Mountain day 1:
Germinated by being put straight into a jiffy pellet under a humidity dome took 4 days.

I read one or two accounts of root autopsies where jiffy pellets seemed to have restricted rooting (have read many many successes with them too) so I thought why risk it.

transplanted into a small pot of 4:1 seedling soil:pearlite

Day 2:

All day 29:

Day 30:

The Hound day 29:
I am debating removing the damaged leaves now as they are getting in the way a bit. However I have noticed they have started dying off more. I think (and hope) this is the plant writing them off and reusing the nutes invested in them, rather than more nute burn. As none of the new growth seems at all discoloured. So will leave them on a little longer so if there is a problem it effects them not the new growth.

Day 30:

Bambam day 11:
She looks like she will be ready for her training point to move up a node soon. She also has a few branches which are just about big enough to start training.

Day 12:

Obama day 26:
Showing a mild reaction to the switch in nutes. I aimed to give her ¼ strength liquid seaweed but that did involve eyeballing 1/20 of a cap full in the dark. Will give her another day to dry out then hit her with a big dose of plain rain water. Will dial back the liquid seaweed a bit more for next time. Also I read on an organic gardening site that citrus rind can be used to deliver available phosphorus quite quickly. So I top dressed with ¼ of a finely chopped lemon rind and prodded some into the soil.

Day 27:

P.S. sorry for another long one although a big chunk of the text is c&p from herbies
I saw your pictures in the gallery and thought I'd stop by. your plant that is giving you trouble has been overfed and is too close to your leds.

yeah think I have the over fed part sorted, will lower her/raise lights a bit. Actually now that you mention it the damage did start to appear around the time I raised her off the floor.
Will post a proper update later. The damaged leaves on the plant I nute burnt are definitely dying more but there is no sign of any damage to the new growth. My assumption is that the plant has decided to kill these leaves off and reuse what it can from them. Am I right, is this normal or do I have a problem?
I'd say if the rest of the plant is healthy and showing no signs of over nutes or a deficiency then just keep doing what you're doing and if anything changes adjust accordingly and don't freak out a lot of these journals on here are failed because they freak out and over nute or stop nutes all together.
I'd say if the rest of the plant is healthy and showing no signs of over nutes or a deficiency then just keep doing what you're doing and if anything changes adjust accordingly and don't freak out a lot of these journals on here are failed because they freak out and over nute or stop nutes all together.

Thanks; as I said I am assuming it is just redistributing resources to new growth, you can see from the way the camera flash reflects white off those leaves they are photosynthesizing poorly. Just wanted to get on top of it if an experienced grower said it was definitely not normal.
Yeah, I wasn't panicking so much as seeking confirmation that my plan to ignore it unless further symptoms presented was the right one. I tried giving you some reps but seems my rep power=0.
I raised the main light by about 2" today, going to have a bit of a fiddle with it again later to try and recentre it after fitting the UFO yesterday. I would estimate it to be in the lower end of the manufacturers 16"-24" (maybe I should measure it at some point). I should have mentioned this when I added it; I have left the main light on the same timer. I have set the UFO to come on 20 mins before it and go off 20mins after it but it does not come on for the GLR inspired hour. I have come across no science or journals suggesting this. My thinking is to somewhat simulate sunrise/sunset.

The Mountain day 3:
So far she has had no water other than what was in the jiffy pellet. Will give her a few drops around the edge and bottom either around lights off or tomorrow morning.

The Hound day 31:
Am leaving the dying leaves on for now. They are getting worse, which I think is the plant reusing the resources in them. So I will let her recover what she can from them (or if it is a problem let them absorb it). Started her training today. She is probably due a drink in the morning, one thing about those dying leaves is they are great for monitoring turgidity.

Bambam day 13:
Moved her training point up a node today. Will give her a day to sort out what she wants to do with the leaves just released from the restraint. Then I will have a look at starting to train some of her branches. She is probably good for a few days water wise.

Obama day 28:
4 weeks since she showed her face, a week and a half since I saw her first flowers. Having hit her limits horizontally not much more training for her. Just minor adjustments and the odd bit of leaf tucking. Seems I miss-remembered the stuff about citrus peel that was for K not P, oh well. Going to hit her with a big dose of rain water around lights out. As she did not take to well to the liquid seaweed a few days ago. Will dial it back next time I decide to feed.
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