1st-ish Grow, California Snow Auto, Help Needed, Day 19

Yes it is an all out battle to eliminate. The h2o2 is good to keep running through and is non toxic to you once its cut and dry it is evaporated.
Did you know in the oceans and lakes that sunscreen containing titanium dioxide is washing off ppl and chemically converting into h2o2 at the water surface and killing the micro algae and phyto plankton effectively doing a number on the whole food chain on a global level but we dont seem too concerned about leaving our childrens children with no food LOL
It sure is a strange thing to have to head into winter makes sense though they used to teach that to us in school now everything below the equador is going into winter lol weird.
But also a gem of a climate to grow free a/c and natural dryness... Gonna be tricky curing. My trick is brown paper bags or boxes you can close after the outside starts to get dry and slow the dry in a box or a bag to help preserve your sought after dank terps.
It says to water the 1 to 4 h2o2 and water sometimes up to 4 weeks but keep the trap and yes its funny to see the dehumidifier is also a good trap. I have found gnats to be one of the most annoying pests. Did you dilute the acv like an ounce to say 4 ounces water with dish detergent and sugar in the water dissolved? Gg4! I love northern though super intriguing. Try to find a northern with a Nevilles haze in it theres a lot of NL crosses one is right for you or all of them hahahah
I hope you do get this onw to yield a fair amount though. It has been noted that the original cheese plant is good for hydroponics and when grown hydroponically it doesn't smell. The diesels are good too they have more of a diesel fuel type scent so pretty discrete too.

Hello CC,

Regarding the sea algae not only the food chain but isn’t it also the biggest provider of oxygen, or whatever, bigger than even all the rain forests?

Gnats are worse than ever today, I just ran more HP through, glad once that’s “processed” it’s not harmful to me, or the plant. I dug down one side about 3 inches and didn’t meet onewriggly thing! Just the gnats scurrying over the newly turned stuff. Just ordered some mossie bits, even if its too late for this I’m sure I’ll have need of them in the future.

As for the ACV I did dissolve the sugar in warm water, then added dish soap, then the ACV, but, thinking back, I didn’t really measure anything and it may have been 50/50 so I’m gonna do a new brew in a minute.

Mine is purely for personal use, and I’m not a real heavy user like I was in my younger days. If I can harvest enough to get me through the next grow I’d be ecstatic! I can’t really see that happening.
But if it helps with my pain, alcohol and methadone dependencies. it will be good.

Ive always drank a lot, it runs in the family and throughout English culture. I dabbled a bit with smack when about 16-20, but nothing serious. I knew what could happen as my older brother was an addict. But then in 2015 I fractured a couple of vertebrae, pain incredible, immflamation markers so off the chart they were throwing all manner of extremely strong opiates from every direction. That, plus I’d always loved the buzz anyway, soon grew to dependence. Once the majority of the pain had subsided, and healing had progressed I went to Methadone Maintenance, and I’m still bloody on it.
In my case I do not blame the doctors for giving me opiates, Iwas in so much pain I even thought of blowing my head off! But they do hand them out way too easily. My GP now will not even prescribe low grade stuff like codeine unless you’ve had at least 3 previous appointments with him.

But I digress, my girl is still producing new buds and pistils, does this still occur at around 8.5 weeks into flower? Looking at the trichomes I’d guess (and it truly is a guess) 60% clear, 39% cloudy and 1% amber. I’m not really sure about the amber, I thought I saw some over a week, maybe 2, ago but think it must have been a trick of the light.

So, anyway, after you also liking NLs I think I’ll definitely try that next time. I’ll be doing 2, maybe even 3, it seems a waste to use all that power for one when it takes the same amount as more.

Anyway dude, take care buddy!

Quite a gem of an auto you have there. She looks great and the new pistils will throw late flower nothing to worry about shows she still wants to go. If you are willing to let her go another 2 weeks she will cloud up by then and you might see 50 percent amber.
If you really want a good pain reliever try to get at least a good 50 percent.
But yes I do believe algae makes up most of the o2 in the atmosphere I believe so at least. I leave the algae in my fish tanks as long as possible some i keep bc its cool looking but also is a plant that helps digest the fish waste after the bacterias convert it to nitrates. Keeps the o2 levels in the water higher too.
Also good to snack on for the fish and provides the little species of phytoplankton like water critters healthy and makes food for babies available.
I feel your dilema on them gnats though I literally ordered me a small bag too bc I cant stand to see them buzzing around esp. Late at night and I am writing to people and it flies around my phone lol little bastards
Its been clearing up for me but I remember you mentioning them becoming immune and yes there is a new strain of gnat that is resistant to BT thats why you gotta keep hitting them babies with the h2o2 and keep in check with a little aspirin or something else like neem. Just breaking the cycle is enough to sometimes get them down to being gone.
I just treated all my plants with h2o2 and some silica too that has always helped me when dealing with higher levels of insect activity.
Buds are looking delicious though!
I made an acv sugar trap as well cpl days ago only a few so far. Used fake maple syrup idk if they will like it as much as pure sugar but reminds me of when I used to drink acv/ lemon juice with cayenne pepper put maple in it to taste better and get it down. Very strong cleanse. Yucky smelling stuff.
Yea that ratio will still work. Experiment though make one with less and find what works best for the bugs in your area.
This dude I know needs methadone every day and when he smokes gets rocked bc he doesnt really smoke much and will often skip the morning session before work bc of how high he gets bc his body isnt as familiar with it as it once was like when you smoked a lot back in the day that was normal for you but now your system is more familar with what you have been doing so its gonna rock you my best guess.
I have had a bad alcohol dependance myself and find that the herb helps curb it somewhat bc if Im drunk and havent smoked and do it really gets me. Get the spins but if smoking herb first then drinking it almost makes the effects of the cannabis a bit greater but also makes the drinks tastier so is a tricky game to play smoking and drinking.
I still smoke and drink havent found much use in pills got sick way too often messing with them but had a cpl operations myself and yrs before had codeine for a pulled muscle in my arm and then experimented with harder forms. Tried opium once and said forget this almost rode bike into a van. Sleepy as can be for 3 days... Didn't wanna do anything and the taste of flowers uh nasty
Very familar to when I would get morphine but I dont like the opiates they make me itchy and I get really cranky on them so I do the best I can to stay away. I started using this stuff called Arnica Montana its extract of arnica flowers from the mid west prairies. Might be in Australia but has a strong effect and good for hangover headaches and nausea. The strongest forms will make you nauseous though as its a very strong compound and not meant to be used more than what they recommend bc of possible fatality.
Alcohol use if definitely a hereditary thing though I hear you on that with my ancestors coming out of Scotland, Ireland, the netherlands, the mediterranean and Germany/ Poland. My greatest uncle was lebanese and was buttler to the Czar back in the Holocaust. The Nazis heard word and believed him to be a Jew, so the Czar sent him to the Americas and if it wasn't for that I would not be here now. Yes quite a story but its the truth.
It sure is a shocker to see what is happening now as it is another genocide in Europe with Russia invading and killing all these innocent people who basically share the same blood as them.
Do you drink coffee? That is a good natural pain reliever the caffeine in coffee. Arabica makes me want to rip a head off the person who drives like a dick in front of me though lol road rage is real. But my friend says you cant keep getting mad at things you have no control of. Hes right its not worth wasting the hate.
The old saying goes don't waste your hate. Rather gather and create.
Yea you'll like the NLs they are a good mix of warm buzzing happy euphoric stone from what I have experienced in having a few times I have.
Good to hear back and looking forward to the next update on your California snow auto.. She is looking like a nice chunky girl for ya.
Thanks Digger! You too my friend!
Quite a gem of an auto you have there. She looks great and the new pistils will throw late flower nothing to worry about shows she still wants to go. If you are willing to let her go another 2 weeks she will cloud up by then and you might see 50 percent amber.
If you really want a good pain reliever try to get at least a good 50 percent.
But yes I do believe algae makes up most of the o2 in the atmosphere I believe so at least. I leave the algae in my fish tanks as long as possible some i keep bc its cool looking but also is a plant that helps digest the fish waste after the bacterias convert it to nitrates. Keeps the o2 levels in the water higher too.
Also good to snack on for the fish and provides the little species of phytoplankton like water critters healthy and makes food for babies available.
I feel your dilema on them gnats though I literally ordered me a small bag too bc I cant stand to see them buzzing around esp. Late at night and I am writing to people and it flies around my phone lol little bastards
Its been clearing up for me but I remember you mentioning them becoming immune and yes there is a new strain of gnat that is resistant to BT thats why you gotta keep hitting them babies with the h2o2 and keep in check with a little aspirin or something else like neem. Just breaking the cycle is enough to sometimes get them down to being gone.
I just treated all my plants with h2o2 and some silica too that has always helped me when dealing with higher levels of insect activity.
Buds are looking delicious though!
I made an acv sugar trap as well cpl days ago only a few so far. Used fake maple syrup idk if they will like it as much as pure sugar but reminds me of when I used to drink acv/ lemon juice with cayenne pepper put maple in it to taste better and get it down. Very strong cleanse. Yucky smelling stuff.
Yea that ratio will still work. Experiment though make one with less and find what works best for the bugs in your area.
This dude I know needs methadone every day and when he smokes gets rocked bc he doesnt really smoke much and will often skip the morning session before work bc of how high he gets bc his body isnt as familiar with it as it once was like when you smoked a lot back in the day that was normal for you but now your system is more familar with what you have been doing so its gonna rock you my best guess.
I have had a bad alcohol dependance myself and find that the herb helps curb it somewhat bc if Im drunk and havent smoked and do it really gets me. Get the spins but if smoking herb first then drinking it almost makes the effects of the cannabis a bit greater but also makes the drinks tastier so is a tricky game to play smoking and drinking.
I still smoke and drink havent found much use in pills got sick way too often messing with them but had a cpl operations myself and yrs before had codeine for a pulled muscle in my arm and then experimented with harder forms. Tried opium once and said forget this almost rode bike into a van. Sleepy as can be for 3 days... Didn't wanna do anything and the taste of flowers uh nasty
Very familar to when I would get morphine but I dont like the opiates they make me itchy and I get really cranky on them so I do the best I can to stay away. I started using this stuff called Arnica Montana its extract of arnica flowers from the mid west prairies. Might be in Australia but has a strong effect and good for hangover headaches and nausea. The strongest forms will make you nauseous though as its a very strong compound and not meant to be used more than what they recommend bc of possible fatality.
Alcohol use if definitely a hereditary thing though I hear you on that with my ancestors coming out of Scotland, Ireland, the netherlands, the mediterranean and Germany/ Poland. My greatest uncle was lebanese and was buttler to the Czar back in the Holocaust. The Nazis heard word and believed him to be a Jew, so the Czar sent him to the Americas and if it wasn't for that I would not be here now. Yes quite a story but its the truth.
It sure is a shocker to see what is happening now as it is another genocide in Europe with Russia invading and killing all these innocent people who basically share the same blood as them.
Do you drink coffee? That is a good natural pain reliever the caffeine in coffee. Arabica makes me want to rip a head off the person who drives like a dick in front of me though lol road rage is real. But my friend says you cant keep getting mad at things you have no control of. Hes right its not worth wasting the hate.
The old saying goes don't waste your hate. Rather gather and create.
Yea you'll like the NLs they are a good mix of warm buzzing happy euphoric stone from what I have experienced in having a few times I have.
Good to hear back and looking forward to the next update on your California snow auto.. She is looking like a nice chunky girl for ya.
Thanks Digger! You too my friend!

I’ve decided not to worry too much about the gnats at the moment, just keep them as low as possible and I don’t think they’ll do much harm at this point. But I’ll try a new strategy in my next grow. Although I’ve been letting the top couple of inches dry out, I can see from the outside of the fabric pot that it still holds plenty of water.

Now I know from what you’ve told me that it’s the larvae that do the real damage, especially if young plants, would it help if I used the Cannazym enzyme? I know it won’t kill gnats but would it help the roots? Or just make them more appetising for the larvae lol.

Yep I’m on Methadone every day too, I actually saw the doc this morning to reduce another degree. Like all opiates your tolerance builds up, I don’t want to up the dose, so it’s best to get off it all together. It takes so long though, unless you want to go through withdrawal so no to that! But I have to go to the pharmacy everyday to dose, except that as I work I’m allowed 5 takeaways. But it’s so rubbish if you want to go away on holiday etc to arrange it all. I just want it gone.

I’d never heard of Arnica Montana before but have just searched and we get it here too, pills, powder, liquid and even patches!

Do you mean the First World War? I thought the last Czar died then, Nicolas II.

Holocaust was Second World War, or do you mean a Czar of somewhere other than Russia.

The title(s) all come from Caesar: Czar, Kaiser, King etc

I really find it incredible what Putin is doing, quite honest militarily Russia is rubbish, they have less than 1/10th the power of the Soviet Union, no money, loads of outdated tanks most of which don’t work, a conscripted military that doesn’t want to fight etc

All the oligarchs are losing so much money let’s hope someone has the sense to take Putin out, although quite honestly I’d love to see him get convicted of war crimes.

Anyway, I need a nap now lol,


EDIT: Late last night I put a new sticky gnat catcher in, it’s got 20+ already! I don’t know if there may have been something wrong with the first one, I did notice that the gluey stuff had leaked through to the outside but I don’t think that should affect it.
Yes one of the best thing I have read to ease my mind is not to worry about the bugs that much unless its a complete infestation. You seem to have it well under control and this last sticky you just put up sounds like it got a lot of the problem squared off.
You cant stress too much over having bugs because the bugs are there they will always be there. There is no perfect garden especially when you garden inside that was never there in the first place and we exclude so many things like natural predatory insects and beneficial nematodes etc.
There is no perfect garden even guys who run commercial facilities playing God is expensive and there is always the need to have to control the environment to avoid pests and molds etc. People are always tending plants to keep them healthy how is that perfect? Ya know what Im sayin.
Cannazyme sounds like a good product and will possibly make any root matter that wants to shed easier to eat... But a healthy plant like yours probably doesnt have any decaying or rot... These things will eat whatever is in front of them and as the plants get older the roots get hardier and are tougher to eat. The cannazyme will help encourage any unused foods hanging out to be more readily available too and might give a good boost to her.
I dont particularly know what its like to have to do that everyday but I can only imagine how it can get frustrating knowing your limited to trips away from home and how its not something you can just "cold turkey" it might be expensive but Ibogaine from the Iboga plant is a common way to beat any addiction of any substance however you need to ride the train after you buy the ticket so to speak. Its almost comparible to an ayuhuasca trip.
You come home feeling no urge to do any drug or even sip a lick of alcohol and it supposed to be so powerful it restarts your whole system to not want anything to do with anything that shouldnt be in it.
A little vommiting is possible as with a lot of the best stuff to put yourself in a better place like ayuhausca or peyote. ibogaine is much like it but its purpose is to beat addictions and is why it is so illegal and banned everywhere else than where its originally from.
I sure wish to talk more about these topics but try remaining neutral on subjects like war, politics and pharma but if theres 1 thing I can say that is the truth is that big pharma is killing millions while making billions and it ties all the countries together we get opiod from korea it filters through the oil from russia we dont need it but use it anyways and I agree Russia has bigger problems in their own country so much wrecked poverty stricken communities that resemble wastelands because of epidemics from opiiods in particular. There's a bad krokodil problem there some areas in the country are so littered with hypodermic needles you can find 1 every sq. Ft. In some places more where ppl use but it is bad and they think they are going to pave a way.. To where or what exactly? A great grand piano that my great grandfather once jammed on back in the day lol...
But no really he was the last Czars buttler and it was before WW2 you are correct the Nazi regime was a force then and they were cleaning up what they could wherever they could reach and if it wasn't for the Czar it would be no fate for me.
Thats why I am so torn to see the way the leader is behaving himself. It would be great to see persecution and would make me feel a little more peace. More peace to all of those directly impacted mostly.
It is sad to see that is for certain.
I was getting to some thinking and thought maybe cannazyme might help break down larvae in the soil to... Its a bit off topic but I seen this thing a guybwas using like 200x the dose on hygrozyme for his plants I was like NOOOOOOO! that sounds like an expensive way to solve a diseased rhizoshpere lol if you ever need to increase the amount of enzymes that much might as well dump the bottle right into the pot hahahahaha just thought that was a bit funny to find ppl using way to much
Yes one of the best thing I have read to ease my mind is not to worry about the bugs that much unless its a complete infestation. You seem to have it well under control and this last sticky you just put up sounds like it got a lot of the problem squared off.
You cant stress too much over having bugs because the bugs are there they will always be there. There is no perfect garden especially when you garden inside that was never there in the first place and we exclude so many things like natural predatory insects and beneficial nematodes etc.
There is no perfect garden even guys who run commercial facilities playing God is expensive and there is always the need to have to control the environment to avoid pests and molds etc. People are always tending plants to keep them healthy how is that perfect? Ya know what Im sayin.
Cannazyme sounds like a good product and will possibly make any root matter that wants to shed easier to eat... But a healthy plant like yours probably doesnt have any decaying or rot... These things will eat whatever is in front of them and as the plants get older the roots get hardier and are tougher to eat. The cannazyme will help encourage any unused foods hanging out to be more readily available too and might give a good boost to her.
I dont particularly know what its like to have to do that everyday but I can only imagine how it can get frustrating knowing your limited to trips away from home and how its not something you can just "cold turkey" it might be expensive but Ibogaine from the Iboga plant is a common way to beat any addiction of any substance however you need to ride the train after you buy the ticket so to speak. Its almost comparible to an ayuhuasca trip.
You come home feeling no urge to do any drug or even sip a lick of alcohol and it supposed to be so powerful it restarts your whole system to not want anything to do with anything that shouldnt be in it.
A little vommiting is possible as with a lot of the best stuff to put yourself in a better place like ayuhausca or peyote. ibogaine is much like it but its purpose is to beat addictions and is why it is so illegal and banned everywhere else than where its originally from.
I sure wish to talk more about these topics but try remaining neutral on subjects like war, politics and pharma but if theres 1 thing I can say that is the truth is that big pharma is killing millions while making billions and it ties all the countries together we get opiod from korea it filters through the oil from russia we dont need it but use it anyways and I agree Russia has bigger problems in their own country so much wrecked poverty stricken communities that resemble wastelands because of epidemics from opiiods in particular. There's a bad krokodil problem there some areas in the country are so littered with hypodermic needles you can find 1 every sq. Ft. In some places more where ppl use but it is bad and they think they are going to pave a way.. To where or what exactly? A great grand piano that my great grandfather once jammed on back in the day lol...
But no really he was the last Czars buttler and it was before WW2 you are correct the Nazi regime was a force then and they were cleaning up what they could wherever they could reach and if it wasn't for the Czar it would be no fate for me.
Thats why I am so torn to see the way the leader is behaving himself. It would be great to see persecution and would make me feel a little more peace. More peace to all of those directly impacted mostly.
It is sad to see that is for certain.
I was getting to some thinking and thought maybe cannazyme might help break down larvae in the soil to... Its a bit off topic but I seen this thing a guybwas using like 200x the dose on hygrozyme for his plants I was like NOOOOOOO! that sounds like an expensive way to solve a diseased rhizoshpere lol if you ever need to increase the amount of enzymes that much might as well dump the bottle right into the pot hahahahaha just thought that was a bit funny to find ppl using way to much

Abosolutely, at this stage of the game I’m happy just to keep the bugs under control, if this was early on in the grow though I’d be tearing my hair out.

For the next grow I’m going to take a lot more care with watering etc and plan more.

I did find a small spider this morning and thought about introducing him, if it was earlier I would’ve, but I like spiders (except when they surprise you, or worse bite you but that’s never happened) and didn’t want to possibly harm him, I’m doing another HP run later. My 2 cats also like spiders but only to play with unfortunately.

I’ve seen too many horror stories about worms to introduce them even if completely safe lol.

When we were talking about natural psychedelics the other day, I was thinking about the stuff available over here. Apart from mushrooms we also have the Acacia tree, the bark of which contains DMT, and Datura/Jimson Weed, which contains stuff not too good for you like “All parts of Datura plants contain dangerous levels of the tropane alkaloids atropine, hyoscyamine, and scopolamine, which are classified as deliriants, or anticholinergics” copied from wiki.

Have you ever read The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge, and the other books by Carlos Castaneda? From what I remember there’s some good descriptions of their effects in there, but I read them ages ago. A good read all round actually if you’re interested in the part that drugs play in mysticism and shamanism.

We used to have Datura, locally known as Devils Trumpet, all up our street here in suburbia till some kid went along touching all the plants in peoples gardens and got violently ill not behaving normally, then they all got cut down. They’re still common everywhere though.

And no, I haven’t tried either of these. At this stage in my life I don’t think my mind could handle psychedelics although I love them.

When I was young my best friend was a dealer. Only small time, we probably took more than he ever sold lol. We both loved LSD. As you know if you take acid one day and you want to trip again the next night you have to take double.

But we used to take 2 the first night mostly anyway, I can remember getting up to 16 orange micro dots. We started to do real weird things to bring on an edgy close to bad trip. Dropping acid at football/soccer matches, which were scary if you were stone cold sober in them days, at amusement parks going on crazy rides etc we also used to go to The Fort in Tilbury at night time tripping. This was an old defensive emplacement from the days of Henry VIII, not a castle just a sort of big earth works ramparts with the remains of ancient buildings on them. One was a big round, crumbly building. It was built around a huge deep hole with only about 12 inches of footing around its inside circumference, some of which would fall in as we made our way around tripping holding candles. But just the atmosphere of the whole place was freaky, imagine only flickering candles!

We also tried to get to Borely Rectory, reputedly the most haunted place in the UK. We knew we wouldn’t be able to get in the building but the plan was just to trip in the grounds. Me, my mate Steve, his girlfriend Tracey and another mate Carl drove up that we. We went into a local pub, had a couple of ales and started talking to locals who laughingly told us the Rectory had been demolished years ago (we were just talking, we didn’t tell them our plan). They told us the rectory had gone but the church was still there. We dropped the acid, had another beer then began out trek, but we got lost down a small country lane, decided to take a shortcut through the forest lol talk about Blair Witch! We got totally lost, found a small clearing and sat down for a smoke. Tracey really started to freak, especially when Carl told her to be quiet or she’d attract the spirits of the forest who would lock us in the trees!! Obviously this didn’t help her much especially as we were all laughing. Steve then found some bloody vines or something, made them into a ring, put it on her head and told her this would protect her. Well at least it calmed her down.

After these sorts of events I started having real bad edgy trips all the time, but it was different when I was with other people who just wanted to be happy etc, I started feeling alienated without Steve and had to stop as it really began fucking my head up.

That’s why I don’t think I could ever do them again.

You never know though ;0)
so I haven’t done anther HP dump as planned, but I’ve been poring through plain water as I think another 2 weeks will be absolutely maximum. The trichomes on the buds seem mainly cloudy now, although only a few amber, but it should not take more than 2 weeks I’m sure.

Last night I clipped a tiny bud from underneath where it was getting hardly any light. I’m letting it dry over the LED lights, had a look today and think thats all it will need. I’m surprised at the amount of trichomes on it, but it is only a tiny bud.

I’ll update in about 6 hours, let you know how it went. I’m quite excited! I haven’t havent Had a real smoke for over a month, and not one grown by me!
So, yesterday, maybe even the day before, I started to notice a few brownish spots, nearly all on the lower leaves, also some leaves where the inner parts seem a slightly lighter shade than around the outsides.

Heres some photos, I tried to get real close with the microscope attachment but couldn’t get any decent shots.

Looking at the underside of the leaves there are no tiny black dots, but the brown goes through to the other side.

Any ideas?

Last night I tried the small bud I’d cut off. The smell was strange but not mouldy or off putting and they taste was of course harsh, but this had only just been quick dried and no cure at all.

I didn’t write anything last night, basically because I couldn’t do much except smile immediately then sit and laugh at the TV!

If this is anything to go by I’m really happy.

She really hasn’t had much nutes at all lately, probs 2 feeds in the past week, due to me mostly hitting it with Peroxide, and was just going to flush with water for a week, maybe a bit longer

. (Just this second had a thought, the brown spots are all on lower leaves, could this be splashing from HP.)








I searched “brown spots” here and many things mention cal/mag deficiency??? My spots are sots beige/buffy/yellow and she hasn’t been fed much at all the last week, week and half.
Im not sure whether to feed with c/m or just continue flushing.
An old post from here, looks similar. Diagnosed as a cal/mag type deficit.

If so should I feed or just continue flush? She’s eight and a bit weeks into flower, almost 12 weeks since sprouting and an auto flower.
Sounds like you had yourself some good times in your days.. I am familiar with the trumpet flowers and the Datura in specific I have a lot of seeds of it plan to grow some but am aware of its toxcicity. I seen scopalamine is extracted and refined to make a people do whatever you tell them to do and thats whats crazy about it not being illegal but yes people can go blind from using it thats how strong the plant is. Kind of scary to know you can get stuck in a bad trip from using it. I havent tried any myself just really like the nature of the plant and how the flowers look the plants hold a decent value too so when I get my own house and can grow everything I want to they are gonna be everywhere.
They turn into trees in South America where they originate up and down the streets like you say locals snag the flowers to make hallucinogenic tea it sounds fun until you trip the rest of your life or lose sight lol
It is probably the worlds most dangerous drug.
It seems like your plant could have some burning from vpd spikes in the overlapping areas... Meaning the water vapor that collects can be sitting on spots like the leaf tips and seeing it long enough looks like is what happened. Do you have a little powder mildew it looks like theres a spot on one of them bigger leafs right in the middle second last picture.
Not to worry you can remove it if it is but treat it first if so and cut it off. It might also be a glare im seeing but looks early onset of PM
No hard feelings just telling you what I am seeing.
Can never hurt to use some additional cal mag late flower I would say it is important especially late flower and if you 2 week her go possible 1 more dose but not necessary then your flush.
You definitely felt some buzz from her though thats whats up as long as it works right.
Try making a box to hang it in like cardboard and keep it cooler dries slower and if you can get a 16 day dry that is ideal but takes some practice to get that result.
Run a string from one corner to the corner across or both you know make like an x and hang them on them take out the fans or leave them but I find that its best trimmed up completely dried vs wet from the yrs of cutting many buds and my friend agrees its a personnel preference type thing though.
I feel they dry too fast being trimmed and your left with fresh cut leaf taste because you are trimming fresh and not letting the chlorophyl break down it takes 2 days to break down and if dried too soon will trap into the plant matter and the good terpenes oxidize off into the atmosphere leaving the flower tasting like hay or leafs you used to clean in the fall.
Why I say a low air exchange box with a lid get you that slow dry for a premium smoking experience.
You can turn really turn a top shelf product into mid grade by drying it too fast and theres no reversing a bud dried too fast them good terps most are gone it is sometimes saveable to a point. I just dried some stuff a little too fast and it is a bit harsh but its getting smoother with cure. Which is another thing. A good cure is around a few weeks to a month in my opinion.
Something you can time it out and let some of these processes occur while intact to the plant. Like in the Netherlands they will take a brown paper bag and put it over the buds on the plant in a dark room for 6 months at least. Some of them are doing things like that. We dont have the time for that though.
I hadn’t seen that suspect PM, I’m not sure if it is or not as I’ve never seen it up close. I cut if off anyway with some other damaged but not white ones.
Ive just had the tail end of that tiny bud from the other day. It’s got a real good head too it, might have a lay down on the couch in a minute, serious.
Ive chopped a lower branch which had the smallest cola type thing, I was amazesed how big it was actually.
im gonna dry it, and if first base is as good as I’m now gonna chop the lot, it’ll be 9-10ish weeks in flower anyway.

some photos of the damaged leaves, including the suspect leaf with a photo of it now.
Im now going to make out I’m asleep as wifey has just walked in and I don’t fancy having a natter about nothing while I’ve got a big grin on my face lol

chhers CC








I hadn’t seen that suspect PM, I’m not sure if it is or not as I’ve never seen it up close. I cut if off anyway with some other damaged but not white ones.
Ive just had the tail end of that tiny bud from the other day. It’s got a real good head too it, might have a lay down on the couch in a minute, serious.
Ive chopped a lower branch which had the smallest cola type thing, I was amazesed how big it was actually.
im gonna dry it, and if first base is as good as I’m now gonna chop the lot, it’ll be 9-10ish weeks in flower anyway.

some photos of the damaged leaves, including the suspect leaf with a photo of it now.
Im now going to make out I’m asleep as wifey has just walked in and I don’t fancy having a natter about nothing while I’ve got a big grin on my face lol

chhers CC









I forgot to add, most of the damaged leaves were from right at the bottom and had come into contact with the sticky gnat catcher as they still had a bit of the sticky stuff attached to the end of them.
Im going to chop my baby this afternoon. Before hanging I’m going to remove all the leaves, big, small, sugar, fan etc that are easy to get to. Then sort them to stuff I can use for bubble hash.
So I’ll be freezing the ones I can use. My question is whether to dry or not to dry before freezing?

Also a quick question about curing. Before going out and spending dosh on new containers is there a certain reason why plastic containers cannot be used? I’ve got these really good (for food) containers, air tight, UV resistant, and BPA and Phthalate free. I’m only asking as I already have these clean and unused.
Im going to chop my baby this afternoon. Before hanging I’m going to remove all the leaves, big, small, sugar, fan etc that are easy to get to. Then sort them to stuff I can use for bubble hash.
So I’ll be freezing the ones I can use. My question is whether to dry or not to dry before freezing?

Also a quick question about curing. Before going out and spending dosh on new containers is there a certain reason why plastic containers cannot be used? I’ve got these really good (for food) containers, air tight, UV resistant, and BPA and Phthalate free. I’m only asking as I already have these clean and unused.
Hey @Digger3691 congratulations on your upcoming harvest.
I think Mason jars have just hung around because they were so popular in the 60's and 70's.
It's all there was back then.
I've seen members use air tight plastic containers with success.
I've resorted to plastic totes on occasion.
We do the best we can with what we have.
If you want to save your hay nothing wrong with that.
Keep up the good work my friend.

Stay safe
Hey @Digger3691 congratulations on your upcoming harvest.
I think Mason jars have just hung around because they were so popular in the 60's and 70's.
It's all there was back then.
I've seen members use air tight plastic containers with success.
I've resorted to plastic totes on occasion.
We do the best we can with what we have.
If you want to save your hay nothing wrong with that.
Keep up the good work my friend.

Stay safe

Many thanks Bill, its great to actually harvest, check it all make sure nothing nasty etc, took longer than what I thought, but still not too long as to get boring.
ive got a couple of Mason-type-jars but they’re not too big, and I had these others on hand too. Think I’ll use both and see if there any difference.

Cheers mate!
Many thanks Bill, its great to actually harvest, check it all make sure nothing nasty etc, took longer than what I thought, but still not too long as to get boring.
ive got a couple of Mason-type-jars but they’re not too big, and I had these others on hand too. Think I’ll use both and see if there any difference.

Cheers mate!
Just make sure they are clean and smell free.
You don't want pot that smells like the pickled onions that used to be in the container. :rofl:
Hope everything goes well my friend.

Stay safe
Now chopped down and hanging.
It’s looking nice, I can’t wait for it to dry so I can cut the buds off and weigh it. In all honestly it looks better than I expected as we’ve had some ups and downs, although of course it’s still wet.

I’ve just put the trim in the freezer to make some bubble hash later. It weighed 97gms. I put the fan leaves in too as some had trichomes around the edges and some all along the stem of the leaf too. Anyone any idea would I should reap from that? It will be the first time for that also!






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