1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Technique

Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

I wouldn't worry too much about one side growing more than the other, especially at this stage. Once the mains get more developed it is easy to stunt growth without disrupting the overall health of the plant too much. When I fluxed I had a significantly weaker side. Now that side has the strongest growth.

Thanks, Dan! I voted for you, btw! Good luck in the contest. :cheesygrinsmiley:
420 Magazine's Member of the Month - April 2015
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

when i clone i cut the leaves almost in half , some clones dont make it due to an air bubble in the stem , its better to cut under water .

here is an example :goodluck::nicethread:
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

Thanks, NuttyProfessor! I just checked my clone today. It's been 10 days, and I gave a gentle pull on the stem to see if any roots had formed. Nothing! It came out easily. I redid everything on it, and popped it back in it's tray with a dome, but this time, I put it in the dark. I obviously still have no idea what I'm doing. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

one small cfl would be good enough , too much light is no good , putting it in the dark might send if trying to flower

Okay...good to know! I decided that on top of the Bloombox would be best for now. I have a heating pad that I didn't use before because the cord wasn't long enough to be inside the box and plugged in. I'm honestly disappointed that I might not get a rooted plant out of this one, but I'm glad to have the experience. There are other opportunities to take clones, and I still have two beans that I held back!

I wish I could have tried the power cloner--I just need better timing to be able to utilize the box at its highest potential.

Thanks for the advice!
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

ill show you some pics of clone i did lol , nothing fancy at all and every single one rooted , even the one i showed you yesterday the flowering clone i just used one or 2 cfl and misted the empty bottles and the water carrier :)

Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

I think my three biggest mistakes were

1. Not scraping/exposing enough stem

2. Putting the clone in the veg chamber too soon. The 125 watt cfl is too strong. I don't think the clone knew what to do--continue growing vegetation or put down roots.

3. Not removing enough of the lower vegetation.

Thanks for your help!
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

on your number 2 it wont keep vegging it will stop
it will start feeding off the leaves until theres enough roots to eat fyi
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

I think my three biggest mistakes were

1. Not scraping/exposing enough stem

2. Putting the clone in the veg chamber too soon. The 125 watt cfl is too strong. I don't think the clone knew what to do--continue growing vegetation or put down roots.

3. Not removing enough of the lower vegetation.

Thanks for your help!

I'll add another:

4. Although I removed the dome at least twice a day for air exchange, I think I kept her in too high humidity too consistently (for 10 days!)...she never had to look for water and therefore, she never grew roots.
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

i am going to make a simple set up today , fool proof , if i have all the parts i need :) ill post you step by step pictures of this fool proof cloner :) . i will even take two clones off a plant today and see how it goes , :)
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

i am going to make a simple set up today , fool proof , if i have all the parts i need :) ill post you step by step pictures of this fool proof cloner :) . i will even take two clones off a plant today and see how it goes , :)

That would be amazing! Wow--it's stuff like this that makes me so happy that I joined this site!
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

In other news that doesn't involve cloning, Willow is putting out beautiful, white, and fuzzy roots everyday.


Topside. She's like a little mini-plant. She has all of the structures of a plant her age, but smaller. Hopefully she doesn't stay smaller her whole life--I'd like full-sized buds from her please! Also, she is truly a testament to not giving up on a plant. I know I"m not completely out of the woods yet, but I am thrilled to see her thriving. I broke out some Prop-O-Gator (0-3-2) and top fed her last night with it. I added the rest to the reservoir--it was a very mild solution, well under 200 ppm's. I've not used it before this, so it will be interesting to see root development on her. If Scarlett 2.5 grows any roots, I'll use it on her too.


Scarlett is rapidly growing. Almost time to top her on both sides for 4 tops! I bought some of that coated wire that is more gentle for LST'ing. The holes in her leaves are due to either me being a tiny bit too rough when I was opening the growth tips, or more likely, when I foliar fed some Super B+ a bit too early before lights out. I do need those leaves for the next phase of growth; I might have to defoliate a bit less aggressively until the new growth comes in so that there are enough leaves to power her through to the next topping.


I'm thinking Wednesday for topping and reservoir change as long as the ppm's remain steady. My pH has slowed down when it comes to drifting upwards. I think the key to this is adjusting the initial reservoir to 5.1 instead of 5.8. When I do that, the drift is much lazier. My ppm readings are still going down, but not quickly enough to worry. It has been over a week, and I'm just about 100 ppm's less than when I started.

From Future Harvest's website:

Root Growth Enhancer.
Root mass is the plant's foundation and PlantLife Products Prop-O-Gator is a combination of nutrients and organic matter formulated to accelerate your plants root growth.

Prop–O-Gator has been used for numerous years to promote faster growth of root hairs and feeder roots.

Prop–O-Gator will increase the survival rate of newly rooted seedlings and clones. A larger volume of root hairs and feeder roots enables the plant to gather greater quantities of nutrients and water which in turn will promote stronger and accelerated growth.

Key Benefits
Increase root mass.
Produce thicker, greener, and healthier foliage.
Strengthen root structure.
Produce more new root growth on stressed plants.
Achieve sturdy stems with short internodes.
Increase survival rate of newly rooted seedlings and clones.
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

ok here goes nothing lets hope i dont make a fool of my self LOL ,, the nutty in professor haha

cloner , hmmm dont think you will need me to write ( thank goodness as i cant spell and not very good at writing )
fish pump , air stones old bucket or tub , black being better , sharp blade or knife , cheap and cheerful

Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni


pick one have a cup of water nearby soo as you cut drop into the water


then try cut clone in an angle under water ( scissors is best ) , scrape a little with a blade , split the bottom of stem with a blade ,

dip into gel/powder trim some leaves in half ,


i put these that the stem is just touching the water inside and left them in the caravan out side my veg room , ( lets see ) :)


Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

i feel if gives them less work to do holding them up .if you ever see clones they look really tired and drop their large leaves , i like to do this because it seems to help them with more energy in root building
Re: 1st Time Grow - Flowergirl21's - White Widow - Bloombox - Hydro - Manifold Techni

i take all leaves off but top 2. or i cut them in half works also. better to strip the bottom leaves so the plant will not keep growing and make roots. oh dont be freaked out when leaves turn yellow. mean roots are being made instead of leaves.

FYI only.
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