1st time grower week 4 day 3


420 Member
Hi all, first time grower here.

Would like your opinion on how these plants are looking health wise ...

1x strawberry banana
1x berry haze

Currently using 1/2 advised nutrients (Organicus) and filtered PH regulated water.
Use a 300w talos grow LED
Humidity kept at 55-60
Temps range from 21-28
Co2 @ 1100
Mountain air 4” filter pulled by inline green air fan
18/6 light cycle
Black magic soil with 1/3 vermiculite
fresh air intake (this I use to blow acros Canopy as I don’t have space for oscillating in tent)

Do I need to do anything?
Do they look healthy?
Any advisories?


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Yeah it is two plants 1 50 litre air pot.. next grow I’m going down the route of 4 autos in seperate pots. I was told by a mate he has good results from growing two in one pot, apparently they compete which can lead to quick grow times. Just need to watch nutrients.

I can’t seem to get rid of drooping ever since I left my humidifier on constantly one night, came down in the morning and the whole tent was dripping wet!

I have left for 3 days with no water thinking it would help but to no avail.
You can already see the plant in the right is over taking the left one

I'd split into two pots or the smaller may get dwarfed

Is the Bottom of the pot wet, and top dry, or is it all wet
Just checked, seems to be dry at the bottom of pot despite watering with 1 litre of water 1.5 hours ago (when lights came on)
Here is a great link for watering
Check it out
Here is a great link for watering
Check it out
Thanks for the info. A good read!

Are you thinking underwatering or over ?


I think you may be over watering when u do

Use her weight way of measure in the thread, always works for me

That big pot should go awhile if you water to runnoff, so be careful and get a good system down
I agree with Chris. You should split them up into different pots if you can. lots of reasons to do this now. 1 is it is early enough you might get away with it. They will take some recovery time but as long a you take your time you should be able to split them without major damage to the main tap root.

As Chris mentioned when 2 plants are grown in the same pot 1 can choke out the other. That could be the case with your plants. They are different strains so size can't say that for sure. That is the other reason to split them up. With different strains there needs are probably going to be different at some point in time. You can't give on nuits to one without doing it to the other right now. That can cause problems..
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