2005 Mod Elections

if by 'unpaid labor' you mean assembling merchandise, labeling shirts, packaging items and things of that nature that generate revenue, I'd be glad to help out with that in any way I could.

lemme know
i was referring to mod duties...
i was being sarcastic to stoned stoner for bringing negativity to my search for help, telling people it is "unpaid labor" and why do it...
" I see " said the blind man, as he picked up his hammer and saw.
420 said:
that's why i want more mods, so the few i do have, don't get overworked and quit..
420 said:
yeah, me..
i'm sick and fucking tired of these fucking children using my website as a sandbox and belittling my fucking mission.

I would love to be a mod. I think I could be objective enough, as most of what I do is cruise the boards and check out all the new threads that show up on the home page. I like pics and front page as I watch all threads on the front page because I like to read news on Cannabis...
Some things that are not 420 related are ok but other things these guys/gals come up with sometimes need a nudge in the right direction. This is a Cannabis site and why we are here is to become more aware of how cannabis effects everyone not just a select few. I want to have fun and I want every body else to have fun but you can't please everybody so take the bitter with sweet and find what works best for you and don't try to fix anything if it aint broke....
It works best if you don't.... :hmmmm:

You wont get 1 mod here you will get 2 in 1 :icon_cool Me and MRS MV

I am on here all hours of the day and night almost 24/7 sometimes. LOL
So I get a chance to see a lot of what's going on. I have helped with some other issues on the boards also without being a MOD. You don't have to worry about me dissappearing and I have 2 computers just in case one goes down.

Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you out!

The Highness said:
I too would like to nominate J842P. he is usually very diplomatic about situations, unlike myself. altho i enjoy his opinions, I cant vote for King Phillie, no offence man, but it is bad enought that 'da hui' is a mod and you two together there is not telling what might come out of that... fraternizing and shit to form some sort of degenerate pot head alliance completely subjective in your views. Im not dissing yous, im very a egocentrically individual melsef but j842p is not, he as empathy (maybee this has to do with that his not american...)

but first i need two commitments from him, not to just bounch out of here for a couple of months like you done before, and explain what the J, the 8, the 4, the 2 and the P stands for?
Haha, I only bunched out because I went on a trip to Guatemala, and didn't want to be going to a weed forum in front of my grandparents, and didn't feel like going to an internet cafe... (those are really shitty in guatemala... shitty computers and connections, good prices though)...
But yeah, I'm actually going on a trip the 29th and I won't be back for a month. I'll sign on from time to time, but not as frequently as I usually do.
And as to my screen name, well, my name is JP, (actually, Juan Pablo, but everyone calls me JP) and my lucky number is 8, and the 4 and 2 were just random...
I made that screen name a LONG time ago, when I first got AOL...
It's just sorta stuck, I still use it sometimes for other things...
The Highness said:
I cant vote for King Phillie, no offence man, but it is bad enought that 'da hui' is a mod and you two together there is not telling what might come out of that... fraternizing and shit to form some sort of degenerate pot head alliance completely subjective in your views.

Completly uncalled for and very unpleasent.
And dude, you got major issues.

"it is bad enought that 'da hui' is a mod" - You are gonna have to explain that one.
I dont know whats so uncalled for about it, he's just stating his opinion, its not his fault you dont agree, but it is your right to disagree, and I can see where both of you are coming from.
He is intitled to his opinion but I do not see how mentionning that it's bad enough that I am a mod has anything to do with it.
True... well i guess we'll see what he has to say to that.
Oh yeah, and a "pothead alliance"? The only pothead alliance around here, I'd have to say, is between 420 and the other mods that try to make everything possible so that all our members enjoy the boards. Rob and the rest of the mods are working very hard to make this place the number one marijuana/hemp related website and forum on the internet.

Oh yeah, so if you think you are passionate enough to be part of our team and our movement, you know what to do. ;)
Matanuska Valley said:
I want to have fun and I want every body else to have fun but you can't please everybody so take the bitter with sweet and find what works best for you and don't try to fix anything if it aint broke....
It works best if you don't.... :hmmmm:



DaHui have fun Dear you can't please everybody :smokin:
question :

when will we know the results?
for those of you who disagree with the way dahui handles things, again, i say, she has no psychology degree nor a child daycare license...therefore, she is not, nor does she claim to be, an expert in dealing with all situations...you people have no idea how hard it is removing the trash from here...it is a daily battle and a very difficult task...not to mention the fact that i see none of the complainers offering to do anything to help the site or help her understand what you don't like......she puts a LOT of time and effort into this place...if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all...if you have a complaint about her, contact me and i will see if your complaint is valid and will work it out...

felix, when i feel i have seen enough information and make my decisions...i may leave this open for a while and just start appointing mods, no idea...we'll see how it goes.
Chico has wanted to be a mod for a while, i feel i am a respected member of this board and i feel i could do my job right, to tell you the truth, newshawk would be perfect for me, because every article i usually hear it first before it gets posted, and used to be a journalism major, and i check multiple news sites everyday, i could build up a database of every states main couple of news stations, and a bunch of other stations, i could have basically every story that pertains to us Marijuana Advocates, i feel i'd make this a better place by not only posting important articles regarding marijuana, but positive ones also, because we all know, that in the media, most of the time a negative light is cast on our plant of choice, i'd find positive articles and maybe even write an editorial once a month, like "Chico's monthly rant" or something like that, something to bring a little more life to the boards, i'm always bitching how the boards have become somewhat boring again to me, well i'll put my money where my mouth is and try to liven things up. come on rob, you've see how much i'm willing to do for this site (420 contest???), lol, please take my consideration seriously, i really think i could contribute a lot to this site, just given the opportunity.
I'd like to see Chico as a mod. My mans got mad comedy skills! Peace.

Vote for Euphoric in 2005!

Now I need a campaign slogan?? hmmm...

PS. I think DaHui does a great job. :peace:
Yeah dude... I vote Chico for Newshawk...
I mean shit... he is a journalism major...

hash has been demoted until he learns to communicate...
keywest has been demoted since he hasn't even been here for a month...
same goes for mad cow...
if any one of you wants back in, no problem, just communicate with me.
i can't have people having mod access to my forums when they don't even come here or answer my repeated emails and pm's....

so team mod now consists of myself, dahui and smokeymacpot...
there is plenty of room for everyone and we need all the help we can get.

so far, i am thinking chico for news mod and pinch and hash for news hawks...
and felix for general...

please keep giving me feedback as i will let this go on for a while until i feel satisfied that this team can handle the work load we have.

thanks everyone.
i have not overlooked anyone..
i just have not decided on you or anyone else yet..
like i said, this is an ongoing process..
but since you said something, i'll tell you how i feel about you, avatar...
you led me on to believe you would help me with a lot of stuff in the past and literally left me hangin hardcore...basically blew me off after promising all kinds of help...
so, i have a bad taste in my mouth about you...
what is different now?
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