2nd Grow! GDP! Indoor CFL!


New Member
Welcome, If you didn't know, my 1st grow was going great till i didn't have time for two weeks and left them outdoors... not great for indoor plants. Well, I came across some GDP seeds and I saw this one really fat one in the bag, So I germed it and in two days its nice purple stem and 2nd leaves are already developing! Pics will be posted sometime soon. :Namaste:
Right now I'm using ph balanced water and no nutes.
I am using miracle grow soil and mulch, to absorb some of the nutes in the soil.
I have 2 cfls, that is all I'll use throughout the grow.
The room is at around 81 degrees during the day, and around 75 at night.
I have her on 24hr light right now.
1 week since germination, my one and only grand daddy purp plant at the moment, let me introduce her....
love me some gdp bro! and if your using only 2 CFLs i hope they are monster cfls! GDP is a tall plant, it will really need some extra lighting. My brother vegged a single GDP plant with 4 CFLs but they were 40w and theres no way he could have gotten away with 4 CFLs for flowering. He used an hps light. but i would think like 4 CFLs on top and 4 side cfls like 2 on each side.
But thats just my amature input :D
did you get them from a sack of bud or from a friend or offline or what? i want so bad to get a hold of some! gdp is like impossible to find!
Hey guys I got an ounce of grandaddy and found about 20 seeds in total i think it may have been crossed with a sour diesel, since the nugs were deep purple and had the purp smoke but had the sour smell. I'm getting about 1600 lumens from both lights combined, which is more than enough light to grow one plant. I'm using miracle grow soil which i've never done before and it seems like my seedling may have been a bit stressed from the nutes in the soil. I solved this by transplanting the plant into a 1 gallon and adding mulch, i will only feed it ph balanced water no nutes until it gets bigger. I switched it to a 20 4 light cycle so it can relax from the heat for a few hours, I also reduced the temps a few degrees lower since these strains tolerate cold a little more. Anyway thanks for the support guys and ask any questions i'll be here to answer as well as if i have any questions i hope you'll do the same.
hermies are not born they are made by stress, i learned this as my plant came from a seed that came from long line of hermies, and shes full lady! so even if the hermie trait does pass down, im proof that its not impossible to get a lady :D :peace:
Ummm gdp sounds good. But dude your gonna need at the bare min 5000 lumens to get her to full term.
I had the lights so close I already have a few little burns but yeah my lights are set up so once it gets bigger the light will hit the canopy and the other light will hit the sides and lower branches... I just have to rig something if I have to put more bulbs. thanks a lot.
Wuts up GT8 I don't mean to pry but can we. A pic or two. I'm curious do you have reflectors on those cfls. Oh and I'm not saying they won't work it just gonna take a lil longer and the bud will be airy I'm just saying this remind me of first grow. Got nice smoke from it but?
budda CFLs can make great plants its all over this site, dont down the set up man :D
my cfl set up might bring shitty buds but im sure this guy has better means
Oh no GT8 and pooh I'm not bye no means trying to put dwn nobodys set up if that's how it sounded my bad. Cause my set is the definition pOor and cfls can grow some good bud

nahh i was only kidding bro lol
idk how my set ups gonna turn out, my buds are tiny right now only been in flowering 3 weeks or so.
getting an hps for my next grow though :D
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