300W LED replacement help

I got two VS v300(135w) reflector series...Angle of led light spread is 90° because reflecting plate .Anybody try to remove that reflective cover under leds? Then light spread is increased to 120°

you can. not advised. there are dangers involved and it fucks the canopy penetration. they are not what i would call a much loved diode. kinda old now.

I always scare to mess with lights because I'm always on budget or short on money...Can I gain something on 120° or lights power goes down with no cover?

the lens is usually to protect a dangerous diode or aim light for canopy penetration. nothing gained in either scenario.

I got one new led driver from optonica 350w.
Can I change drivers and gain more power like this?I know that that will short lifetime of led diods.

only if you are within spec for the whole board with no blown emitters. make sure to do all the fancy math and have the correct matched driver type for constant current or constant voltage.

you'll know in seconds if you fucked it up. have a fire extinguisher close.

Final question is can I with new driver boost my v300 130w to 200w?

no. if you have to ask put the screwdriver down.

I made this set up for about $25 of shite from the home de-pot. 10 100 wat (23 actual) watts LED. just regular bulbs like you'd use in your overhead light, I cut off the white defuser . It was extremely bright. I wasn't so sure how safe it was . I can do new construction house wiring but wiring sockets up in series like this I just didn't trust it

But a simple set up like this screwed into a clamp light would work and at a very affordable price. I was wrong they only draw 15 actual watts from the outlet

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