Any suggestions based off pictures?


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Hard to suggest anything when we know nothing about what yer doing, using, or anything

Read this, then answer the questions

Good luck and welcome aboard
Idk the strain; it was a seee out an 8th i bought, the seller said its runtz
I only have one plant
It is in Vegetative stage
The seedling showed on june 20th
If Soil... What is in your Mix? I used some potting mix i found in my gma yard
5 gallon pot

Any Pests? Has caterpillars from time to time
I water whenever the soil gets dry
Hard to suggest anything when we know nothing about what yer doing, using, or anything

Read this, then answer the questions

Good luck and welcome aboard
No offense bud, but ya can't just toss any seed in dirt, tomatoes or cannabis, and hope it grows


Better read up a bit...

And full sun I mean in the sun, not shade all day.

She needs some nutes, bet the pH is way high if it's tap

Maybe even bugs by the look of the white spots on the leaves
Theres no chance of survival without nutes? And it is in the sun all day btw. And I didn’t know about the seed part lol i just wanted to try a grow, but is the lack if nutes the reason there’s no branches growing yet? I’ve seen alot of other plants on the internet and they have branched growing near the bottom whereas i only have one stalk that i topped on day 30 and you can see the two new colas in the picture but still no branches
Nutes are a must unless yer soil is fantastic, which it appears it isn't
Water pH is a major factor as well

She is stunted because of lots of factors...

I mean let it go, but don't expect much from it

Ya get what u put in, yer not puting much in my friend
It dosent look terrible..but it's hungry and will just get worse

Check for bugs under leaves with white spots, may need a magnifying glass

Get these if u really want to grow...
Cannabis nutes, real nutes for cannabis not veggies
pH pen

And read this

Agree with the others. You need nutes, and I'd stop using faucet water, unless you let it sit for a few days first. You sorta have a double wammy. If your faucet water is town water, it probably has chlorine/chloramine in it, which kills the organic life in the soil. Since you are not feeding nutes, that is going to make it even worse. I'd get a bucket of some sort and fill with faucet water and let it sit for a day or two to evap off the chlorine, and add a nute system to the mix. You can also collect rain water if you don't want to bother with the faucet shite.

Checking your PH after you mix in whatever you are going to mix into the water and after you stir the water/mix is Key. I like my water going into soil to be 6.3-6.8ph. I tend to stay on the low end, because the PH seems to float up in soil.

Anyway, good luck, and :welcome:
If I had a guess by looking at the soil I'd guess you are watering too often. Check out the link in my sig below about how to water a potted plant. It is gold. The biggest thing is waiting to water until the bottom of the pot dries out. Trust me, if can make your plants look sick and like it needs this and that when all you really need to do is let the roots gets some oxygen.
It will be interesting to see if miracle grow works, but most have not had good results since it is not made for cannabis and cannabis has different needs nutritionally speaking.

I'll reiterate that the biggest problem may be that you are watering too often. How often do you water, on average? Does rain change your watering schedule?

I have my first indoor soil grow going and had some problems with my watering. Thought I was going to lose more than one plant because of it.
Thank you all for your feedback, im gonna do exactly what yall said i needed to do and ill post results in a couple weeks..... Oh yeah idk if this is important , but i recently transplanted my plant to the container it is in now from a 2 liter dring bottle and during the transplant, the bottom part of the roots broke off, after that the 2 bottom leaves died but the plant didnt start to droop and has no symptoms of dying... i should have been mentioned that earlier
Thank you all for your feedback, im gonna do exactly what yall said i needed to do and ill post results in a couple weeks..... Oh yeah idk if this is important , but i recently transplanted my plant to the container it is in now from a 2 liter dring bottle and during the transplant, the bottom part of the roots broke off, after that the 2 bottom leaves died but the plant didnt start to droop and has no symptoms of dying... i should have been mentioned that earlier
Should be ok, just be a longer veg with luck.
If you need a non-burning fertilizer that you can get almost anywhere and is not expensive I'd suggest Schultz brand instead of Miracle-Gro. In the greenhouse industry we call MG the 'kool-aid' of ferts. It's just like sugar water for the plants, they get a boost and a buzz and then woof it's gone on the next watering. Schultz at very least is milder and that's what you want with cannabis. Until you can afford canna specific stuff at least.
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