
It would all depend on your neighbourhood. Prices range greatly depending where you reside. For instance, I pay roughly 210-240 per oz of the highest grade cannabis available or 160 for an oz of commercial hydro(Which I haven't bought in over 2 years). I would never pay 350 an ounce, but that's just because cannabis is likely more abundant where I am. Medicinal dispensaries in Cali often charge upwards of $400 per oz though, so as you can see it's really contingent on your location.

How much do you usually pay for that quantity?

Inspect it thoroughly and test it out before unloading a healthy sum of cash.
350 for ak sounds good for where im from but can you trust that its real ak?
you can never tell unless you've grown it really, 350 is alright I'd get more and bargain the price to like 300 but whatever 350 isn't really a rip off either
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