Any other Aussies here?

Hey there HJ
That's good then mate seems like its going good, any strains or bagseed?
Sticky with pots the whole grow mate?
Close to a month old they should be handle a lot of weather that gets thrown at them in our zone but when I have pots outdoor I like to move them into part/full shade on those real stinking hot days that we get doesn't seem to affect them at all,
Yeah thats usuall our harvest last outdoor toke longer and got harvested just in April but I don't think to many go that long haha
Got a journal up and running yet?
Well bugger me ladies and gentlemen, in the gentlest possible way.
When I decided to seek alternatives to the bullshit drug regime I'm on for a rooted back I thought I might have to suck it and see as far as growing my own, then I discovered this site and figured I'd be dead by the time I'd read it all anyway.
I have bought a grow tent kit from Holland hydroponics (CFL's and LED's) added a shit load of my own CFL's (6500k) and using a few years supply of bag seeds got right into my own DIY grow. Believe me with my limited computer/forum skills I have searched the internet and this site but can't find the answers I seek and If I do I can't reconcile the southern/northern hemisphere thing so I have come to the Aussie thread and if the questions I will now ask are not appropriate can the people in charge boot me off because I don't fully understand forum etiquette yet (and I'm pissed). So If you don't mind may I ask a couple of questions with a bit of grow history thrown in:
1: Late spring in Melbourne and I bring my babies outside every day to enjoy the glorious sunshine and return them each evening to a CFL and LED lumen rich environment with fans and an extractor if temps get up. NO night at the moment, 24 hours of light, right/wrong, potential F ups? I think I'm saving power??

2: They are 5 weeks out or the ground and I have hardly left them alone for a day. They are trained beautifully I believe with the intention of scoging them under a screen. My darling partner keeps telling me to leave the poor things alone.
3: They are growing in quality soil and I'm feeding them house and garden soil A+B every second or third day and I think they are looking effin great. Next grow I might choose a different medium but as I said, bull at a fuckin gate is me.
4: Does our Aus (vic) summer which we are about to come into affect when we veg? I have been thinking of another couple of weeks til I go 12/12 just to get the girls(i hope) a little bit bigger, my tent is 1m x1m x2m and is inside my tin shed so I should have a small say in temps.
5: The extractor fan is at the top of the tent and I have been busily freezing plastic bottles of water. Has anyone done this and can it be successfully used to cool a tent when we get those glorious 40c+ weeks if so how?
Ladies and gentlemen I have read an awful lot of your grow journals but a lot of you grow outdoors or use hydroponics, this is my first grow and I'm using LOTS of CFL's with appropriate kelvins and I have a very thick skin.
I did take photo's of my set up and my babies to show you all but right from the start I have told you of my lack of ability with a computer and I can't do it and now I'm REALLY pissed and chemically relaxed so I'll post this now 4 hours after I first started. edit. I just fuckd around with the photo's again and it's now 5 hours xxx
Hey there BB,
Welcome to 420 bud
Drugs for most pain relief seem to be a bunch of money grabbing, dope crap in my opinion so going this mj route is much better.
As long as you can type and have basic skills on the computer you'll be right mate, for questions there is a questions section but like you said you want aussie recommendations so you have probably gone the right way here.
I can give you abit of my short experience.

1. I have done similar before but not for full 24 hours, I couldn't see there Bering to much of a problem but there is a chance that the change of light colour/spectrum from led might stress them, I can't be sure of that but maybe just using cfls could help.

2.Bending and training them is good so an occasional trim when they're overly bushy, however too much love can harm your girls and cause a lot of stress. Personally I'd give them minimum 2-3 days recovery before continuing, a lot of growers leave them up to 1-2weeks between, training, bending, trimming and dimming/topping.
3.if they're looking great then all is good, just make sure bytes have your correct ratios or just keep an eye out for deficiencies, especially magnesium, calcium and nitrogen when you hit flower.
4.I'm not exactly sure what you're asking here, indoor it won't affect and flower outdoor begins on 12/12 day night which is roughly say the start of February or so for us, the daylight and heat doesn't affect when vege ends just the time. Temp is a killer for us here you really need to keep things atleast 30℃ or below, if you can you will be much better putting the tent inside where an aircon or cooler room temps reside. But just keep an eye on temp and work with it as you go.
5. I'm not sure on that never attempted it at all, but in a shed in a tent during those weeks you are making a lot of work for your self and it could be a waste of time with that heat melting them down, it cool them down a bit probably but I don't know if it will be enough to prevent heatstress.

That's all I got on that mate hope you can get something out of all I've written and helps with your decisions some more experienced members from aus might be able to help you out with a few of the questions I'm not sure on. Good luck with the grow hope all works fine :)
Thank you Sir Bud, I have been out in the shed just "looking" my shit and listening to some good music I'm sure most Aussies with a shed understand that. Tomorrow I will reread your reply. I don't know how to do an emoticon slit eyed drunk/stoned head but if you can all imagine one people that's me, rock n roll xxx

Hello mate, I'm glad you came back and Budlovski was here to help....good on ya mate!

Now, dude...start a journal!!!

What you have to remember, is the people here @ :420: are a family of lifers...most either care for someone who uses it medicinally or are using MJ in some form themselves're not alone there. :)

Those you see who have journals, have been here a while, these are your source of answers. They're here to help. Ask, write a journal mate, and get everyone involved!

The etiquette here is be polite, ask questions, treat everyone like your friend, don't expect that everyone will agree with you all the time, ask more questions, put up a journal, invite your known online friends along, grow some magnificent MJ!


1. Some tips on that. Woa back on the swearing...the Northern hemispherians are more sensitive to it than us. The brits will be ok with it. But until you know that someone accepts it fully, put a f*cking asterix in there please if you have to get your point across...on your journal, you can get away with it...start a f*cking journal dude :)

2.'ve got your button at the top of the editor, it pulls up a menu. On that menu is a 'MORE' opens up a new small may be 'sent back' behind your browser if you can't see the smiley window

..:tokin: like type it ': tokin :'...dont use the apostraphes or spaces...I put that in so you see the text, not the smiley :) but have a look at your smiley box in your text editor.

1. I quote someone else on here....under CFL, then move outside under sun light...OUCH! MY EYES...then move them back in...OH WHERE DID ALL THE LIGHT GO? You're doing that twice a day.
You can stress them. It can force changes you don't want. It is preferable to maintain one constant light source, even if it is CFL, even if there's not really enough...not boasting but have a look at what Ive got going under about 98 watts of CFL house lights...(not enough for flowering, this is just veg)

2. Listen to her! :) But if you have trained them beautifully (not what I did ok) then :goodjob:

3. Fair enough.. :)

4. Budlovski I agree with, you should be flowering by the time heat becomes a problem, then your lights off during the hottest.

Bush Airconditioning: You need airflow from one side to the other through or over the shed...around your tent. You gotta know which way the air/wind comes from at your place.
You're either cooling the outside of the shed by putting another tarp/roof over the top, allowing airgap between the two...the shade alone, will drop temps by up to a couple of degrees.

You can bush mechanic an evaporative air conditioner....soaking an open weave cloth bag, like hession or chalf/feed bag Must have some space between the weave, and the weave thick enough to hold good volumes of water...getting airflow or blowing cool air over the outside of the tent, but inside the shed....keep the cloth down in a bucket of water so it acts as a wick...plenty of options to help, just think shade from sun, cooling from airflow....if you moisten that airflow it cools it a little more......unless you want to veg during summer, then you need an airconditioner!!!!!! :)

5. I havent tried will make a really humid environment because of all the evaporation and melting. Just like the bush air con only worse, I'd reakon, but It will work...but I hope you've got a big freezer!
You could suppliment the bush air con with the ice to really cool the need airflow...cross flow either around the outside of the shed and the area surrounding first if you can, like shade...cooler air BEFORE it enters the shed, then cool it down some more with the water/ice/cooler/thingy....

Put your out or exhaust vent high, a vent like a chimney painted black that the sun can heat up will pull air through like you wouldn't believe...bring your inlet in as low as you can...,cooler air closer to ground, paint it white and insulate, you know, anything you can do or are happy to do to improve it....If we're talking no power, full summer HELP for cooling then this is what you're trying to're own shed sized evaporative cooler.

Good morning :)

I wanted t pose this to fellow Aussie growers in hopes of seeking good advice. My young ones are just settling into veg stage at 30 days old. They live outside full time now and are surrounded by other vegetation as they live their life in fine soil in 3L pots until I tranplant them into 13L pots later on.
My concern is that when I check on them from time to time, I suspect they are being nibbled on by tiny pests, bugs. I can puck them up and see tiny little black or brown bugs, very small, waling across the leaves as well as the occasional little flying pest which is long and pill shaped, like a tiny grasshopper, gnat sized. Some of the leaves have spots on them. When they were seedlings at 2 weeks old, I lightly sprayed the foliage with a pyrithrin spray which I bought from Bunnings. It says is lightweight and safe for all plants and fruiting/flowering plants. The plants didn't like it and they looks a little pissed off for a few days. Did I spray them too young? Does anyone think they may be strong enough now to handle another spraying since it was 2 weeks ago? Is there a safer alternative to keeping bugs off my leaves?

Thanks in advance,

Hey Highjackerrr

A Little cover, I've used an inverted portable cot. It had very fine mesh sides, collapsible and fully self supporting over a 1.2x900 size footprint. I dunno how many or how big, 30 days they could be a fair size.

I doubt you'll kill em with another go. Read the application rate carefully if it has one. Pyrethrum is ok. If they look like they suffer badly for it hose it off. Wouldn't use it within 4 weeks of finish flowering.

Water, milk and a little bit of soap, not enough to foam the mixture, just a drop or two in a couple litres, spray with spray bottle....soap makes it stick to the insects, stops em breathing if aphids, bigger bugs don't like it. It's gone when it rains though, so you have to reapply.

The milk and soap help make a film for a time. Pick as many of the bastards off as possible first, spray lightly, underleaves mostly and on stems I guess. Don't do it when they're gunna be in sun for the rest of the day, do it in the arvo when the sun has gone, so it drys slowly and sticks and pisses the bugs off overnight, and wont burn the leaves.

Have a good one :)
Thank you, TassieDevil.

Good advice there. I am seriously considering some sort of stealth shading and will keep you posted on what I devise.

I decided to hold off on the pyrithrin spray all together, at least for now while they are young. I went to Masters yesterday and bought something called Eco-oil for foliage application for pests. It is all natural, like orange spray or citrus-based pest control spray. I missed 5ml with 1L of water and applied top and bottom of leaves and stem in the dying part of the day and in no more direct sun. Checked them this morning and and the look nice and clean, for the time being at least. I will re-apply as a cautionary procedure every 3-5 days for the meanwhile.
21 days to go until the light changes in this part of the world, that should give me almost 8 weeks of pure veg before they sense the time to flower. Hopefully this goes all top plan and will be flowering in January.

Hi guys, I'm new to growing, have 4 California orange clones let trained out to 1 square each in week 2 of bud - looking beautiful
Question - anyone know the estimated flower time ?
Do any of you Tasmanians know about how strict the quarantine is for getting seeds into Tassie by any chance? I'm desperately in need of some good quality strains to put indoors and just can't track any down as I'm not from here and know no one.
Do any of you Tasmanians know about how strict the quarantine is for getting seeds into Tassie by any chance? I'm desperately in need of some good quality strains to put indoors and just can't track any down as I'm not from here and know no one.
have carried an ounce thru the airport past the customs / quarantine dogs at hobart airport, they didnt respond, and it had seed in it
have brought seeds into victoria a few times with no problems thru mail / customs
personal i dont think the dogs are trained to pick seeds, just fruit and veg - live plants - as i said they didnt respond to the seedy bag of dope in my jocks as i walked past - so they cant be that good
hope that helps

p.s if on the off chance customs does stop your order - they will just send you one of those silly white letters (we have stoped a delivery to you as we believe it is on the prohibited list - dont do it again letter)
there will be no consequences - i have received about 20 of those letters to date
for a hole range of things - customs stops about 40k items a week - they dont have the resources to do more then send a letter
To add to spank the frogs post,
A lot of seedbanks will resend until you get your order, refund or do a couple of resends. He is correct that they aren't good on seeds its pretty rare they will stop them because usually they are in post envelopes not boxes or package things usually envelopes get through quiet easy, my advice would be to stay away from seedbanks that use those little snap lid container things go for one that just uses baggys.
if i were you I'd go with a 420 magazine sponsor seedbank, that way you can do reviews and reccomendations.
Before using this site much I had luck with OSSC and pick 'n' mix seeds. But they aren't sponsors here as far as I know
Not as many varieties to choose from but can vouch for Nice Chunk and Marion Davies nice nuggety produce from them in and outdoors (QLD). Trying 3 more strains Bubblefuck (Alaskan Thunderfuck x Bubblegum) , Chung Lee (LA Confidential x Afgooey) and Event Horizon (ChemD x White Rhino) soon to test for mould resistance. Marion Davies was prone to mould in and outdoors even with the lower humidity of winter ...outdoor summer flowering in sub tropics ..forget it. Chung Lee is reputed to be a bit mould resistant ... we'll see! Cheers PB
Merry Xmas TassieDevil and Happy New Years too!!! Hope all you Aussies are having a good festive season! I'm down in Tassie and away from friends and family for the last year but it's been nice spending time with my partner and looking forward to the birth of our second child in this beautiful state! I don't know anyone for any fresh produce so have just put some critical Kush and OG Kush underway. Can't wait for the rewards!
Yes me too, I always get my beans when I order but like to know how others go, what seedbank did you/he use?
just thought id add that Orders in late decemeber would most likely take abit longer because a lot of post went on holidays for a little bit, so where it would be a 2 weeks max delivery it could be abit longer
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