Anyone heard of K-wreck?


Well-Known Member
Got this bud off a guy i know, says its called K-wreck, has anybody here heard of that strain?? its a very strong smelling potent smoke even in small ammounts... here is a few pics. Please any comments or insights i'm very curious :)

Looks okay... Hard to tell from the pics, but I'm glad its doing you good, friend!

I have heard of K-Train, but never a K-Wreck... If he is someone you trust on the name, maybe the person who grew it bred it themselves. Or maybe its a clever name for an alternate phenotype... I cannot find it on any seed-bank sites or databases though..

Even with the light blaring, your pictures still come out clearer than most of mine! I'm terrible with a camera. So don't take offense to my picture comment!
I have K-Train which is bred from white widow max X train wreck but never heard of k wreck. Kind of sounds like someone along the line mixed up the name.
Aww man! Without the light glare, your pictures are like a hundred times better than mine! Sad times for THsea...

So, does it look like K-Train?

Gonna go with IronTiger on this one... Even when I have seen Trainwreck, it looked green with many lovely hairs... I will note that I have heard of some (not all) people who have grown trainwreck saying it has ended up slightly purple/darker near the end of flower. But that has nothing to do with this!

Honestly bro, unless you can get some K-Train from a totally verifiable source and compare smell, look, taste, etc... There is no way to tell. I wouldn't trust anyone saying they can tell a strain by look. Unless it was a particular strain that had very stable recurring and unique looks... And even with a side by side to compare, it still doesn't make it necessarily true or accurate. It could be something else, that is similar and turned out similar. With thousands of strains out there, that is just the way it is.

What I can tell you with 100% certainty, is that even though its what I would consider a bit leafy... Those are still very good looking nugs! And I am green with envy, being in a heathen un-(pot)cultured state! So enjoy them, love them, and most importantly... Smoke them! :Namaste:
cheers for the comment THsea i was pretty proud of my little blackberry for them haha :D i guess tho that im destined to not know the true identity of this herb, either way it was very pukka :D just got myself on some new stuff yesterday tho :D really having some great luck with bud from the dealers in my area lately :D this stuff has no name but smells very strongly of citrus and smells very much like bottled lemon juice, the taste is also very fruity with a heavy body and mind buzz and as i proved to myself last night in higher doses its quite trippy :D tropic thunder has never been so funny haha :) heres a few pics

tasty XP
Re: Anybody heard of k-wreck?

If I remember right, it was originally TrainWreck which is supposed to be a clone only strain so breeders/dispensaries are breeding w/other strains, making seed and calling it variations of the original name.

My pard grew some KushWreck that was doubly awesome... maybe that's what it is!

Not sure what it is mixed with but the train part is awesome!
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