Auto Blueberry Berry growing problem

you all are getting it wrong again... yes, it has peat and coco in it... but I would bet you a dozen donuts that it is 70% soil based. Check out the amount of coco in Fox Farm Ocean Forest for example... the percentages of coco and sphagnum moss in there are large enough to contribute to its water retention capabilities, but the stuff is still considered soil. The pH of this mix being at 6.8-7 also says to me that it is soil...
you all are getting it wrong again... yes, it has peat and coco in it... but I would bet you a dozen donuts that it is 70% soil based. Check out the amount of coco in Fox Farm Ocean Forest for example... the percentages of coco and sphagnum moss in there are large enough to contribute to its water retention capabilities, but the stuff is still considered soil. The pH of this mix being at 6.8-7 also says to me that it is soil...
I'm not getting it wrong I'm just perplexed mate. Is it not now down to the OP to figure this out like we did at the beginning? We can only surmise at the moment as we do not have all the info we require.
It can be over watered. Lol. Don’t believe everything you read bro bro....
Can it fek. That "soil" has had a cup full of water around the edges in the last five days. Do you think that's over watered? Mine are in 3ltr pots and they got 1 ltr a day at that age. Mine aren't dead
you all are getting it wrong again... yes, it has peat and coco in it... but I would bet you a dozen donuts that it is 70% soil based. Check out the amount of coco in Fox Farm Ocean Forest for example... the percentages of coco and sphagnum moss in there are large enough to contribute to its water retention capabilities, but the stuff is still considered soil. The pH of this mix being at 6.8-7 also says to me that it is soil...
It’s a soilless mix...edit..??? Lol.
I thought about remove her ..but than I think that she does not do any harm. About that quantity....I read in Emilya guide that....until the pots are "sahara dry" if this takes longer than a few days (if the overwatering problem is so severe it can take 10+ days...and I thnik that my case is that severe) ...I should water them with only a cup or two of water, at the pot edges to force the top roots to grow the soil to be wet a few inches from the surface...and the water not to go in the bottom of the pot. At least a galon means that the "new water" will drain to the bottom of the pot the lower roots will not be able to ,,drink" all the watter from that region and I'll never escape from this overwatering problem. Am I wrong?

The first two ingredients in your "soil" is Peat and Coco, correct?
Both peat and coco are hydrophobic until they get thoroughly and totally wet which as far as I can tell from every single picture you have not come even close to doing so far.
When peat and coco are dry they are hydrophobic, you could take a tablespoon of water and watch most of it come out the bottom if its not hydrated yet.
That is why I fruitlessly recommended a wetting agent like Yucca so the fibers of the coco and peat are able to absorb water so it doesn't run off like a ducks back.

Think about this for a second.
You were giving 8oz of water to a 5-6 gal pot of peat/coco most of which flows right through it and into the saucer.
(That tells me its hydrophobic)
So the actual water that managed to stay in the fibers was probably about 4oz of water.
For 5 days?
4oz of water for 5 days?
And someone has told you thats "overwatered"
You can not "overwater" a peat/coco medium even if you were to literally toss it into a swimming pool for 10 minutes pull it out and then let it sit 5 days.

Granted I am not standing there so that I can feel the soil and pictures can be very misleading but just going on what I see I still say that you have a hydrophobic peat/coco medium that needs to be hydrated.
And the best way to do that is with a wetting agent such as Yucca.

Biggest problem is these are autos and may not fully recover no matter what you do because that's just the way autos are.

But if it is to have any chance at all I would water the pure T shite out of it, pretend its on fire and water it like a cow pissing on a flat rock.
And just when you think you've drowned it, water it again.
Put away your measuring cup and roll out the firehose.

I mean its not responding well to a few ounces of water draining out the bottom so what do you have to lose?
Let your freak flag fly and drown it and see what happens.
you all are getting it wrong again... yes, it has peat and coco in it... but I would bet you a dozen donuts that it is 70% soil based. Check out the amount of coco in Fox Farm Ocean Forest for example... the percentages of coco and sphagnum moss in there are large enough to contribute to its water retention capabilities, but the stuff is still considered soil. The pH of this mix being at 6.8-7 also says to me that it is soil...
I take the bet. And you know I love you Emilya! I bet that’s mostly coco. It looks just like Mother Earth coco bricks expanded before I add all the perlite. Is there a name to this mix? I probably owe out doughnuts now. Lol
Even if it's grown in unicorn poop.
A cupful of water around the fekin edges in the last 5 days ain't enough in my books.
I said every other day.
Even if it's grown in unicorn poop.
A cupful of water around the fekin edges in the last 5 days ain't enough in my books.
I’m growing in unicorns poop my next grow! I will tag you so you can tell me when to water it. Ha ha!
I said every other day.

I’m growing in unicorns poop my next grow! I will tag you so you can tell me when to water it. Ha ha!
I wouldn't mate. Unicorn poops expensive and it doesn't know if it wants to be Coco or soil. So, unfortunately, I can't advise you on the watering schedule. You will have to figure it out yourself :laugh:
I wouldn't mate. Unicorn poops expensive and it doesn't know if it wants to be Coco or soil. So, unfortunately. I can't advise you on the watering schedule. You will have to figure it out yourself
If you have to buy it. I been breeding pure bred unicorns in my backyard for a few years now. There’s piles of shit back there! Ima mix some yucca in it so it will help.
If you have to buy it. I been breeding pure bred unicorns in my backyard for a few years now. There’s piles of shit back there! Ima mix some yucca in it so it will help.
:rofl: remember to only water in the middle and around the edges and bottom feed it also. Make sure it's soaking wet and the pots are as light as a feather before you put them in a full bathtub of water and make sure they are bone dry before you stick your finger 2inches into the medium
Sorry about this . We all have different opinions. It's what makes us human. If we all agreed, we would be one boring race.
In my limited failures I call grows. I would say that a cup full of water is not enough. Without knowing exactly the composition of the medium you are growing in, we can all be wrong.
I still agree with @Nunyabiz . Even though we differ on the medium it's grown in , we both agree it needs a little bit more have nothing to loose and a lot to gain in experience.. I really wish you luck mate. But we all learn through our own experience. But still follow the advice of the stick to find the water table and see what decision you come up with.
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