Autos and temperature?


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to grow some auto seeds for the first time. I understand that they like the cool night time, but what I am wondering is?? Do I need to put them in my tent for warmth as it's not warm here in the UK. I'm hoping to use sunlight and a grow light but I am concerned that they won't veg fast enough without the confined space to keep warm in. Any advice please!
You mentioned hoping to use sunlight and a grow light. Are you going to be trying to grow from seed outdoors? I would think that if you start from seed now they will grow slow until the temperatures start to warm up, especially at night.
No I'm using my spare room. Infront of a window and under a dual spectrum his. My concern is what temperature the room is going to be while they are starting and before the season warms up. I understand that autos like a chilly night from the ruderalis. I'm wondering what temps I should aim to get during lights on and what sort of tolerance autos have regards the daytime temps? would welcome any advice
They are in a seed tray,in a propergator in a 2ft cardboard box with a 250w giant CFL in a reflector on the box like a lid keeping the box just comfortably warm. It's when they move to in the open I'm not sure what is ideal for. I'm panicking as they are autos and I would like to have them grow as best as possible. Naturally,
No I'm using my spare room. Infront of a window and under a dual spectrum his. My concern is what temperature the room is going to be while they are starting and before the season warms up. I understand that autos like a chilly night from the ruderalis. I'm wondering what temps I should aim to get during lights on and what sort of tolerance autos have regards the daytime temps? would welcome any advice
Since the ruderalis was supposed to have been developed and grown in Eastern Europe and Russia I would think that as long as your room does not get hotter than the day time temperatures in those countries you are OK.
I'm hoping that is one aspect of the grow. I've also heard that the ruderalis likes the cold night time??. So I am after some clarification on this score I guess if I'm giving them 24hrs of light to start then 18 when they're flowering . As long as I'm getting some reliable advice ijj to happy.
I'm passing out on the sofa Haha. Best go bedtime night night every body.
Well I am giving them 6 hours darkness whilst They produce the seedlings. . All 6 popped ok in water in the cupboard. One has broken through as a lovely green shoot. I'm worrying about the proximaty of the 250w CFL light now. Don't want to have too much brightness appearently. Got a heater next too them for when the light is off for 6 hours at night. Keeping them damp but not too moist. Hopefully I'll be seeing 6 rampantly growing seedlings soon. Makes me wonder how people can fit in training on autos. No answers to that thanks.
I'm passing out on the sofa Haha. Best go bedtime night night every body.
Well I am giving them 6 hours darkness whilst They produce the seedlings. . All 6 popped ok in water in the cupboard. One has broken through as a lovely green shoot. I'm worrying about the proximaty of the 250w CFL light now. Don't want to have too much brightness appearently. Got a heater next too them for when the light is off for 6 hours at night. Keeping them damp but not too moist. Hopefully I'll be seeing 6 rampantly growing seedlings soon. Makes me wonder how people can fit in training on autos. No answers to that thanks.
I'm hoping that is one aspect of the grow. I've also heard that the ruderalis likes the cold night time??. So I am after some clarification on this score I guess if I'm giving them 24hrs of light to start then 18 when they're flowering . As long as I'm getting some reliable advice ijj to happy.
Here is a rough idea of the set up so far


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