Blackberry: The Real Story


New Member
Hello, I know there are people here that know the story. Maybe they can not be bothered. Don't know Don't care. But I love the facts.
A guy with the handle of SomaBlaze popped some bagseed. One girl was dark purple. She was a purty gal, but had no potency. He passed out a few clones to friends. Nebu and I believe Subcool was the other guy. Subby crossed said clone with AK47 if memory serves. He called the cross Black Russian. The seeds were sold on an auction site. One pack was bought by OrgnKid of Cali Kush seeds. He selfed the best female he got. Then sold the seeds as Blackberry S1. There is no such thing as Blackberry with potency. The real BB had no potency. If you are growing something called Blackberry and it has some potency it is not pure Blackberry. Blackberry was a purty gal and she had no wack to her.
SomaBlaze has passed on...RIP. I am not sure but believe no one holds the original clone anymore. I believe Subby gave up on purple strains because of the potency issue. That was 3 or 4 years ago and things do change.

There was a Blackberry and White Widow cross done about the same time as the Black Russian, on that one I have no information.

If you have a different story on Blackberry post it up. :peace:
Thanks so much for the further info! My seeds should be here in about 5 days and I can barely wait to start germinating them!!
Hi cocoJoe

Got this off the dope-seeds site. Hope this helps

Blackberry’s mother, Black Domino, was a clone sent to the Netherlands from the area around Seattle. Its father is Nirvana’s very own Raspberry Cough. Domino's tight leaf structure has been preserved well in this hybrid. Blackberry smoke is thick and heavy with subtle hints of Asian Sativa flavours. Yields are very good for a strain that already displays so many desirable traits.

Plant height: medium Plant
Stoned or high?: Stoned relaxing
THC level: High THC 15-24%
Flowering Weeks: 11 weeks or fewer
Yield : 450/550
indoor/outdoor: outdoor
dgh420 this is not your fault in any way. But this is Nirvana Seed Co BS. I remember reading a post by a guy on another site how this guy named Mau had set him up for a bust to get his own bottom off the hot seat. This rant post was quickly removed from the site. Mau is the owner and breeder at Nirvana Seedbank. He doesn't make many of his own seeds anymore, the Dutch government won't allow it. He has grabbed onto a name that will sell seeds. The real Blackberry is gone and he is trying to capitalize by using the name. Blackberry is as I have stated. Confusion never helps, that's why I told this story. Blackberry is one of those names that can sell seeds. So it is abused. Look the seed business is just that, seedy. Four people had a clone. SomAblaze has passed on. Subcool had one. Jojo had one, maybe Memy had one. Do to the lack of potency, they quit useing it. There is better purple pot around than Blackberry, so why breed with it? It is a name of a one plant now gone. But the name is sort of a legend. Truth. :peace:
Hi Guys, Nirvana Seedbank produces some decent "knock-off" stains. They are rip-offs of other breeders hard work tho. Examples, White Widow and White Rhino are Shantibaba's work, Papaya is A rip of KC Brain's Mango, and that is but a few. KrissK70's beans will be ok, but a miss representation of someone elses strain. The real Blackberry was nothing to write home about anyway.
So they will probably be a bit better. I haven't tried every strain but I can recomend. If buying cheap seeds is your option I can recomend Nivana's rip of White Rhino, Northern Lights x Haze, Northern Lights x Shiva, in the past these have been good, but he does not make most of his own seeds anymore.
Try Mandala or KC Brains for some low priced and very good strains. With KC's beans a lot of people have had germanation issues. Buyer beware. :peace:

PS What I trying to say is N's BlackBerry has none of the real BB genes. His seeds should be fine.
Interesting info on Nirvana. Knowing that I am likely to spend the extra $$$ to help support the true breeders. I do like the Papaya though... I think it's been inbred a few too many times though, it shows some weird mutations. I've seen polyploiding, strange leaf mutations, and even some unusual variagated albino leaves. Hmmm.... thank you for clearing that up though. Anyone who would sell out another grower/breeder is bunk in my book. and ripping strains? K'mon. Just a little creativity and make yer own. It's not like he dont have the recources. geeze.
Jasonlee247, Nirvana Seed co. is a story you don't want to know.
I have grown Papaya and some other strains from Nirvana.
People in the know say the seeds from Nirvana are nothing like the originals.
Today there are even more Nirvana type seed cos.
Stick with the real seed cos. and get what you pay for.
agreed, and I do alot of my own breeding too, so it's not too much of a problem, but I will avoid in the future. what a clusterf** though....some people never grow up.
Somebody up here in the Sacramento area has some real Blackberry still.
I say that with confidence as it was the weakest cannabis I have ever smoked.
Basically it was a waste of money, never even got a little bit high off it at all.
It was covered in crystals and had a fantastic color though, that's what sold me on it.
Never judge a book by it's cover, silly me.
In Nirvana Seed Company's defense I liked to say the seeds I have purchased and sproutted grew fast and the plants were very healthy. They have also added many new offerings to the list.
That being said, Blackberry is a name from the past. Does it still exist?
Maybe, and if it is pure it is punchless.

:peace: cocoJoe
i just cant see something with so much crystal and grow so good not being any good..

i've never grown this strain b4 to argue with anyone but i'll let you know later.. wish me luck guys..:cheer::cheer:
hello guys i just got done with my blackberry and wow!!! worth every penny:blunt:

i'm very happy with blackberry, so if anybodys growing bb from Nirvana it's worth it!:tokin::tokin::tokin:
Anyone know what the trichs were like on the powerless Blackberry? Do they not head? Never go beyond the very early stage clear? Fascinating info guys! And I'm sooo glad I removed bb from my last order!
90% of the blackberry out there right now is a cross with something else. The blackbery I have is billed as blackberry kush. And while not the highest in potency it seems to work real well for my pain and muscle spasms so it might be high in other cannabinoids than just THC. Getting high is just one part of using cannabis for med users.
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