Bottom leaves browning after topping


420 Member
Greetings all!
This is my first grow ever. I have 4 white widows and one of them has outgrown the others. I topped the bigger plant and seems like after almost a week, the new two colas seems to have sprouted but during this period, the leaves on the bottom seems to be turning yellow and the yellowing seems to be propagating towards the leaves above. In the beginning only the first two leaves were yellow then they turned brown so I removed them now the leaves above them have paled. Here's pictures of the leaf that has turned yellow:

Here's a full picture of the plant:

Here's a picture of one of the other plants:


Originally, The grow medium had 10% of organic fertiliser but I was told that I should add nutrients to the water mix. I started using nutrients mix of Ph, N, K and Used a little Epsom Salt (Magnesium). The pH of the solution was about 5.5 but the pH of the grow mix didn't really change.
I want to know if this has something to do with the conditions or its stress from the topping and what I can do about it.

Topping had nothing to do with this problem. Your soil looks like a composted soil based grow medium, complete with perlite. 6.3 is your optimum pH to water with then... don't even concern yourself what the pH of the soil is. If you have normal earth based soil, there should be plenty of nutrients in it to get your young plants to about 3 weeks of age and before that additional nutrients will just be harmful unless very gingerly applied.
Fix your pH mistakes and stop watering so often... let the containers dry out all the way to the bottom between each watering and you will do fine. Save the nutes for when the plants are big enough to do something with them.
Is it okay to just let it be the way they are now? or do I have to make any changes now. besides not watering too often and keeping the pH low.
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