Boveda packs

Within a week they were back to normal. In truth, they're quick. It took me a week to get back to it. It may very well have been fine 24 hours later.
I will weigh it again once rh is at 62
I never
Thought about weighing bud before and after to see the difference..... Kind of a cool experiment.
Great info in here. Thanks!

I use bovida packs 62% in my jars and in my cvaults. I notice, in the cvaults, I need to burp them much more than wide-mouth mason jars during the initial cure. I believe it’s because the cvaults are more air tight and I’m curing several ounces in one container. That’s a guess, but no matter, I will not cure without bovida packs again. They work great for me. Peace!
They last 6 months once you break the original factory (exterior) package.

Actually You can extend the. Life of your packs for a very long time all you need is distilled water All you need to do is dampen your paper towel i use plain white paper towel and wrap it around your pack put it in a sealed bag for a couple days and it will bring it right back to life i use them in my humidor and With dry bud. I’ve had some for over two years and I still work just fine
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