Bubble Bag Question


Well-Known Member
I have a question for those familiar with bag usage. I'm approaching my first icewater attempt and through watching bubbleman's vids, he seems to really stress the importance of cleaning bags right away to avoid them from drying and getting sticky. He uses his hose at home. For someone without a hose or safe drinking water on tap, should a spray bottle work just as good at cleaning the bags right away?
The wet hash material washes off well, when it’s wet. Once it dries it sticks like glue though. Really easy to just hose the bag down or dunk it in a bucket and rinse. A spray bottle seems a bit of a wimpy tool to clean a bubble bag with but i suppose it would work- a bunch of spraying and wiping... seems there should be an easier way somehow. Even if you’re not drinking your water surely it’s good enough to wash stuff with?
From what I've seen, it looks easy when washed off as you use each bag. But I've only really seen it done w a hose thinking about it haha. And yeah I mean I do wash my dishes w the water so there's that.. I just know my plumbing is old and my water wouldn't be as clean as it could be, + free from additives/byproducts.
Haha does this seem like a valid concern to anyone or am I just paranoid? :smokin:I'm at least conflicted enough to just opt to using clean water. idk if an exceptional home depot sprayer would work, but if not I guess I'd have to opt for what would. I was just wondering if this was something anyone else has come across themselves. I'm just trying to consider the variables before starting
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