Can you clone from Auto Flowering plants?

I have noticed on here a lot of misconceptions about what we are buying from seedbanks in the first place. Very few companies have any truly hybrid seed. By "Hybrid seed" I mean seed that is truly homogenous. If seed corn companies( which I did a lot of detassling for bay int the 60's and 70's ) sold what seed banks sell you would drive past corn field with plants of varying heights and yields. It would not look like what you now see, i.e. fields of plants the same height with the same size ears and even with the same numbers of rows of kernels on each and every ear.

I read people talking about F1 this or F2 that. Those are just first and second generation crosses. It takes years of crossing and FOCUSED selection ( And that focused part is really important) to achieve a homogenous seed source. That is one of the reasons why seed companies are expanding GMO crops. It is a huge time and expense saver.

So Holler, what are we buying? Well in honesty you don't know. There has been a huge proliferation of seed companies because the money is there. I suggest that first stick with the oldest companies with proven track records. If you are reading in the description of a strain that you get multiple phenotypes then you are buying something that is as far from a hybrid as what you could find in nature.

You have to maintain focused selection in any breeding program and even then it can go horribly wrong as I learned from personal experience. I worked season after season on a couple of my own strains since 1979. I lost them to an explosion of hermaphrodites in the mid 2000's.

The bottom line is that any one can make helter skelter crosses and perhaps come up with a good plant or two that you then keep going with clones. But, trying get the exact combinations of genetic traits stabilized within a stain so that you achieve a true growing hybrid is much more involved that what people speak of on here. It just shows that the old adage that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing is absolutely true and you only have to look at what Some seed companies are offering as proof positive.

If you want to set up your own breeding program to create your own auto seed I would be very happy to give you the basic outline on how you can do this. But remember that some of the percentages that others have spoken of on here will not hold true if you don't maintain Focus in your breeding program. You only have to read the basics of Mendels experiments with English peas to see what I mean.

As always, best of luck in all you do! The sound you just heard is me now getting off of my soapbox!
Very interesting stuff uptheholler2.
Gives me lots of food for thought in my new growing adventures.

The True Value in Knowledge comes from the Pleasure of Sharing and Building Something Grand.
I call shenanigans.

Impossible to clone a female plant have the clone turn male.




I hate to be a dick, but don't spread misinformation.

Also, the bit about an AF reverting to veg is false. It doesn't happen. YOU CANNOT REVERT AN AF TO VEG.

You also cannot clone an AF and revert the AF to beginning veg. It doesn't work. At best, the clone will take an extra two or three weeks to get half the size of the mother. Then, the mother spends a week repairing the cut sight.

Also, if you switch an AF from 20/4 or 24/0 schedule to 15 minutes a day to shock revert to veg stage... all that's going to happen is your clone will lighten up, stretch out and fall the fuck over.

Honestly, I don't mean to get angry but if you don't have hands on experience don't go telling people to clone their AF's (Or do something similarly detrimental). You're messing with people's harvests and that's not cool.

Hello there. Thanks for the info, and I was aware of this prior. I just tried to LST and one of my chutes broke(phoque, pardon my French). Still in veg state but nearly in the flowering stage, so I quickly got it in water and then into some cloning gel and a Rockwool plug. I know that it won't produce much, but I'm wondering if I did any good by doing so. Lol I hate myself right now.
I know that I haven't been around for a while, but I felt a need to weigh in on this subject. I've been helping a few friends set up grows, and I've decided to try autos for the semi-set it & forget it qualities that they have. I'll post this grow when I get a chance.

Back to my point: My one friend who I help decided to grow a tent of autos as supplementary stash. He was particularly successful with the autos & decided to experiment. I warned against the cloning experiment for all the usual reasons; stress/stunted growth on donor plant, genetic age of clones same as donor & won't produce, etc. I was honest, telling him that I've never grown autos before & that this was just the conventional wisdom, so do as you will.

His go-to auto strain is Cash Crop, which seems quite hardy. That may have something to do with his success. I watched (no pics allowed!) him clone up to (3) sets of clones from the same plant, though (2) seems to be the productive limit.

The donor plants end up close to 5' tall & yields about 20-25% less than the unpruned Cash Crops. However, here's where it gets interesting. When finished, his first clones (only 2 at a time -ever!) grow to 3.5'-4'+ & yield 20-30% less than the donor plant. These first cuttings are also cloned. The end result of the second cuttings is a plant that is about 2.5'-3'+ & yields 20-30% less than their donors. All attempts at a third pruning/cloning resulted in shit (for yield -quality still there, though).

It's counterintuitive, but I've watched him doing it successfully for over a year. It's definitely not a perpetual harvest, but it is slightly staggered & yields FAR more than the single donor plant would alone. He ends up with (7) plants of diminishing size & yield (again, NOT quality) from a single auto seed.

I don't know if this helps anyone. I'm certainly not going to try it on my first grow w/ autos. I can't explain the science of it, but I know that it's possible & productive. He may be a Warlock, too. I've had my suspicions.
I call shenanigans.

Impossible to clone a female plant have the clone turn male.




I'm find it interesting how passionate you are about this when you are wrong...

Its not reliable of proffered but it is entirely possible to get a male (or at least male behaving) from a female clone. Plants have crazy methods of heredity and even have different numbers of chromosomes in the same plant. Under stress a cannabis plant can easily become hermaphrodite and will produce both male and female parts. Clone the male part and you at least have a stock to pollinate with. (You don't even need to clone it)
Again this isn't a reliable technique, if you can even call it that. But I call shenanigans on your shennigans.

Even fish and frogs can go back and forth in the same lifetime and they are animals

P.s. it is nearly impossible to use the words "never/impossible" and "always" when it comes to biology (without using tons of qualifiers, making its like one of those long winded baseball stats)
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