Cannabis Dosing: Delivery Methods & Dosing Guidelines

As I'm reading about the benefit of a good CBD:THC ratio, I'm wondering if I can take my CCO (59% THC / 2% CBD) and add some of my CBD hemp oil to create a more balanced ratio? My CBD oil is from a hemp plant, not a marijuana plant.

Sent from my 1975 Radio Shack walkie talkie.
As I'm reading about the benefit of a good CBD:THC ratio, I'm wondering if I can take my CCO (59% THC / 2% CBD) and add some of my CBD hemp oil to create a more balanced ratio? My CBD oil is from a hemp plant, not a marijuana plant.

Sent from my 1975 Radio Shack walkie talkie.

I'd give it a try Chad. We have a member in the group that congregates in the Study Hall playing around with hemp oil for inflammation and anxiety while she works out the cannabis oil ratios with her caregiver. She's having a fair amount of success. Start with a small amount, use it like that for a day or so, and increase slowly until you begin to feel something positive.

You might want to stop in the study hall and ask Sara yourself. There are others there who might be able to help you with this as well. I can tell you your idea is sound.
Thank u SO much! U have no idea how much it means to me that you would take the time to help a complete stranger who is lost as could be.... Wish I could give u a hug!

SD2016, I realize this may be a little late, but here is another great resource from GrowGoddess over at the site for all things cannabis oils.

Rso, Qwiso, Qwet, And Naturally Decarbed Sap-Tincture, Concentrates, And Other Essential Plant Oils - By: Grow Goddess

Grow Goddess has a tons of experience creating oils of all kinds. She has successfully treated cancer patients and is very willing to provide fellow patients with info.

Hopefully you've found a source for the oil and are successfully treating your father.

Take care.
Hi Sue, this is EXACTLY what I need to see! I need help so badly; am very confused. Have breast cancer dx and have let it go on too long. I'll be like a sponge on this thread, :thanks:
Hi Sue, this is EXACTLY what I need to see! I need help so badly; am very confused. Have breast cancer dx and have let it go on too long. I'll be like a sponge on this thread, :thanks:

There you were. I figured I'd missed you somewhere. Take heart and find Cajun's thread. He's mentioned numerous times that breast cancer responds very positively to an intensive cannabinoid therapy. Are you anywhere near Colo. by chance? He has a clinic just opening. If I could, that'd be where I'd be headed.

If not possible, the next best thing is the information he complied to guide us and the band of warriors that support his thread. We'll do all we can to help you find answers that work for you.

A Base Treatment Regimen for Cancer
Hi all! I got lost, LOL........Am not all that familiar with forums, etc...Thanks for answering me Sue. I've been reading your posts, and was reading Cajun's also and Tim's before that. So, so SOOOOOOOOOO much to pack into this noggin of mine....sometimes too much. I get discouraged and take a break from even thinking.
OK, I am in NY (legal) and have a MMJ card, but they really only carry limited product, namely, tinctures, sprays & vapes. (was dx'd bilateral breast C exactly one year ago, but I knew of it for a few months prior to that and got a card to be prepared for what might lie ahead).
I have the link if you could take a quick look at what they have & what I got.
Products - Etain Health
I purchased the "Balance" formula/equalTHC-CBD. 4.5mg T/4.0mg C
This was prescribed for pain, not curing. A dose is 1-5 drops. I'm not interested in being stoned right now, and I can only get a 30 day supply at a time. This vial contains 46 doses @ 5 drops per dose and cost me $200!! (gotta love NY). It's pretty potent and 2 drops gives me a small buzz.
I sure could use some advice. I haven't had any traditional treatment yet...have been kind of wingin' it with essential oils, liposomal Vit. C, vit D & B's, EFT (tapping) reflexology.......I see my oncologist Thursday, and am prepared to turn down the drugs she wants to start me on, but I need to have my plan firmly down so that I'm not burning bridges for nothing. I hope she will go with MY flow and see what happens.
I am open to any & all suggestions. Thanks all.:thanks:
Oh, and I know no one who smokes or grows, so I'm really up a creek...

It only feels like you're up the creek, because this is all new to you. :cheesygrinsmiley: At the bottom of my signature line is the link to my Study Hall. Go there, head to the last page, and repost the one right before this. The crew over there will assist you in figuring out how to get the doses right.

Let me be the first among us to encourage you to consider growing your own meds. As you're coming to understand, the state has little if any understanding of anything beyond the generation of tax dollars. The only sure way you'll be able to secure your health with cannabis is to make that commitment and get started. It takes very little space and a few basic pieces of equipment to secure your grow.

I'm glad I found you, now follow me to the study hall and let's get to work already. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Information gleaned from CBD 101, a class at Green Flower Media taught by Martin Lee of Project CBD

* THC and CBD are the power couple of the cannabinoids. Their synergy is amazing, and notable enough to warrant the inclusion of each in the cannabis medication of choice.

* Cannabis is an individually dosed medication. No surprise for us there, we're well-versed in the need for the patient to be a good listener to his or her own body.

* At least initially, treat the individual, not the disease. Learn the patient's history with cannabis and the comfort level. Use that knowledge as a stepping stone to guide them gently into the sometimes intimidating world of cannabis therapies.

* You control psychoactivity by controlling the ratio of CBD to THC. Start at a low dose of both THC and CBD, but with a higher ratio of CBD.

Dose is the milligrams of cannabinoids in each administration. A low dose, for example, would be 2 mg of THC. Ratio is the proportion of one cannabinoid to another found in your oil and is expressed in percentages. For example, 20% THC or 10% CBD. These determinations are the result of testing.

Work up from there, gently raising the THC to find the optimal ratio that allows for the maximum ratio of THC, but the patient still feels comfortable.

Then you toggle up, staying within that ratio, until you have the THC where you need it therapeutically. Of course, we all know, watch closely for any signs that the patient is no longer comfortable and adjust accordingly.

* Concerning drug interactions, CBD has been shown to interact with about 60% of the pharmaceuticals they've tested it with. For the most part, these interactions are either harmless or helpful, with whole plant extractions giving the least concerns and the isolate CBD products causing the greatest concerns.

The complication most alarming is with the meds they prescribe for seizures, and some others, in particular blood thinners.

If any meds contain the caution to avoid grapefruit juice, this is a red flag for your CBD cannabinoid therapy. Isolate CBD products will probably interfere with the timely degradation of these medications, causing them to build up in the system, with the danger of toxicity. Speak to the physician overseèing those medications, even if you're using a whole plant extraction. The CBD isn't the problem here. The overload of the pharmaceutical is.

It means you get to reduce the beloved pharmaceuticals.

With blood thinners it might be a good idea to have more frequent labs.

* An interesting observation about seizures: It's not so much the seizure but the underlying genetic reason for the seizure. Medicinal Genomes of Massachusetts discovered that there's a genetic mutation in the gene involved in coding sodium channels with certain serious seizure disorders that responds dramatically and positively to CBD. Others, with seizures just as serious, don't.

The field is beginning to see some trends:

- Brain cancers turned out to be interesting. Glioblastomas you treat most effectively with high THC, but always include CBD. Neuroblastomas, which show up most often in children, respond better to a high CBD, but always including some THC.

- Anxiety apparently responds most positively to a higher ratio of CBD and a low dose of THC. I know this one from the experience of successfully treating my daughter.

- Patients with depression, spasms, and pediatric seizure disorders do better started out with a low ratio of THC and a high dose of CBD.

- Cancer, neurological, and gut issues seem to do better with a balanced ratio.

What most patients with gut issues appear to be doing is going high CBD during the day and high THC during the evenings and nights. Sensible approach IMHO.

- GW Pharmaceuticals has proven in numerous clinical trials that a balanced ratio manages pain better.

We're talking chronic pain and neuropathic pain, the type of pain that opioids don't manage long term very well.

The balanced ratio provides a better avenue of relief from these types of pain than opioids, with none of the dangerous side effects the opioids bring with them.

I'll add more next week after I give it another run through. :Namaste:

I bought some liquid lecethin a while ago to use in making capsules. I transferred a small amount to an eye dropper bottle, but the liquid is very thick and almost impossible to draw into the eyedropper.

Can I heat it and will that make it more liquid? Will heat hurt it?

Any suggestions?

I bought some liquid lecethin a while ago to use in making capsules. I transferred a small amount to an eye dropper bottle, but the liquid is very thick and almost impossible to draw into the eyedropper.

Can I heat it and will that make it more liquid? Will heat hurt it?

Any suggestions?

Sorry I missed this Danolo. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Yeah, it is awfully thick. If you place some in a custard cup with your carrier oil and CCO and then set that in a heated water bath it should work for you. Bring the water to a boil and then turn the heat off. It doesn't take much heat to get the oil and lecithin to mix.
When taking a CDB extract for pain relief, is it better to take the drops after a meal or on an empty stomach? (This involves a coconut oil carrier for a high CBD low THC strain of cannabis, to get relief from rhumatoid arthritis pain.)

Is emulsifying with liquid lecithin adviseable? Is a spoon of coconut oil ½ hour prior to administering the dose advantageous as with THC?

Do we even wish to limit the liver's breakdown of CBD as when medicating with THC?

In other words, when medicating should we process all cannabinoids equally? :blushsmile:
When taking a CDB extract for pain relief, is it better to take the drops after a meal or on an empty stomach? (This involves a coconut oil carrier for a high CBD low THC strain of cannabis, to get relief from rhumatoid arthritis pain.)

Is emulsifying with liquid lecithin adviseable? Is a spoon of coconut oil ½ hour prior to administering the dose advantageous as with THC? ��

�� Do we even wish to limit the liver's breakdown of CBD as when medicating with THC? ��

In other words, when medicating should we process all cannabinoids equally? :blushsmile:

Excellent questions. Let me see what I can do by way of an answer.

It's always recommended to have food in the stomach when you dose with cannabis. Competitive inhibition practices as well are always recommended when you use cannabis as a medicine. The liver metabolizes the cannabinoids, regardless of their structure, so you want those enzymes to be overwhelmed by the apigenin or amentoflavone. You don't get to really pick and choose which cannabinoids the enzymes will be degrading.

The spoonful of coconut oil is recommended if you don't choose to have a bite of some fatty foods to prime the stomach for the cannabinoids.

The lecithin emulsification is only necessary if your intent is to greatly increase the bioavailability of the cannabinoid therapy. This step allows you to get the greatest bang for the buck. This stuff isn't cheap, in time or money, and many of us benefit from an attitude of thrift when it comes to dispensing.

I'm having a happy evening with my sweetie.... I just made up another batch of Bio Bombs... should last her 20 days or so..

The fun part is I get to clean up! As usual I wiped out my mixing bowl and cleaned my tools with a tortilla. Added a bit of PB...

Now, 5 hours later I'm still heavily stoned.... it seems to vary between high giggles and inward contemplation.

I like making Bio Bombs for my wife. :cheesygrinsmiley:

And thanks so much to you folks for what you have taught me.

I'm having a happy evening with my sweetie.... I just made up another batch of Bio Bombs... should last her 20 days or so..

The fun part is I get to clean up! As usual I wiped out my mixing bowl and cleaned my tools with a tortilla. Added a bit of PB...

Now, 5 hours later I'm still heavily stoned.... it seems to vary between high giggles and inward contemplation.

I like making Bio Bombs for my wife. :cheesygrinsmiley:

And thanks so much to you folks for what you have taught me.

OK Danolo, you have his way of making me giggle with delight at your updates. I still get a warm feeling imagining her dancing around the space again. Your adventures in cleaning up mirror mine. I can't stop licking the utensils and at some point in the process I always find myself thinking "Damn, this stuff is good!" :laughtwo:

I couldn't be more pleased that this method of administration has been effective for her and fun for you. :hug: :love:
OK Danolo, you have his way of making me giggle with delight at your updates. I still get a warm feeling imagining her dancing around the space again. Your adventures in cleaning up mirror mine. I can't stop licking the utensils and at some point in the process I always find myself thinking "Damn, this stuff is good!" :laughtwo:

I couldn't be more pleased that this method of administration has been effective for her and fun for you. :hug: :love:

Yeah, we are so pleased this works..... Thanks
SweetSue, I can't thank you enough for sharing all of this wonderful information! I still have much to read and learn, so I'll need to keep a notebook by my side, but you have provided a flashlight to help someone like me at the beginning of a journey in the dark.:love:
SweetSue, I can't thank you enough for sharing all of this wonderful information! I still have much to read and learn, so I'll need to keep a notebook by my side, but you have provided a flashlight to help someone like me at the beginning of a journey in the dark.:love:

You're more than welcome Garden Gnome. :hug: If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. If you come across any good dosing info, feel free to add it to the pages.
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