Charly's 4th Grow - G13 Haze Soctober 2011

:partyboy: Congrats on a successful harvest, ggrant! I too enjoyed the pictures with the most appropriate titles. Enjoy the fruits, hope they're as sweet as they look!
Let me know when your next journey begins :high-five:

two months ago i decided on g13 as the strain that i would use to resume my cultivating after about a 10 year hiatus (living in various rent houses and apartments not suitable for obvious safety reasons)...long story short, in my preparation i ran across this journal where i have been silently following for quite some time... bravo, gg!! its always so wonderful to see the full process unfold..

my own g13's recently arrived from their long journey over and i will begin germination this weekend...i will surely be needling you for advice here and there along the way...

other than that just wanted to reiterate how fantastic your grow turned out and express my admiration for such an enjoyable diary...

peace and best wishes,
Thanks for your comments, Twelve!

I can't believe how big they're getting. They grow like weeds. (Bet that's the first time anyone has heard that.)

I've only grown indica-domina strains before. This is my fist sativa. The blurb says they're supposed to stay under 3 feet and I'm hoping to keep them small.

I topped them yesterday and fertilized them today. Here are the latest pictures. They are one day shy of three weeks old.



I stopped High Stress Training with the topping, now I just bend them over !! :)


I stopped High stress traing my plants,,,, Now I low Stress Train them by bending them over, and let the bottom part try to become Apical Dom, and so on and so on
Ill roll on over in my minibus and we can talk about guiness if you want g-man... Know you have just finished this crop just curious if your planning another?, Always good reading your journals very informative and helpful to new and older growers...

As usual i have a question ( see this is why i should just move across the pond ), Right so flowering has begun, white widow was showing little white pistils all around her bud sites, good sign, great white shark is showing none, does this mean she/he has not reached sexual maturity? and im guessing it can take 2-3 weeks before you start seeing her change from the veg state into flowering stage correct? Just wanted to double check, cause if im right, another thing ive learned from you lol
Vannelle said:
niceley done, oldtimer.....i wish you lots of smoking pleasure.....thanks for the stories ...i really enjoyed them.

Thanks, Vannelle! This geezer is never too old to learn some new tricks!

VtecHoe said:
Ill roll on over in my minibus and we can talk about guiness if you want g-man...

No need to roll over and play dead. I'm working on a transporter and when it's perfected, I'm going to beam over to Scotland so I can try a Tennant's. Can't seem to find it over here. Maybe you could ask William Wallace to send over a case? I'll answer your MJ question on your journal. It needs bumping!

Miwa and LiveTour said:
you would be surprised how many trics you knock off handling the buds...

I know! The colas were so long that I cut the stems as short as possible to fit them inside the curing jars. There are so many trikes on the buds that when I pull off part to smoke, I can hear the pitter patter of trikes falling on the paper, like tiny grains of sand!

my own g13's recently arrived from their long journey over and i will begin germination this weekend...i will surely be needling you for advice here and there along the way...

Glad to see great minds think alike! This is the nicest crop I have ever grown. These plants are very hardy and easy to grow. I hope you'll enjoy yours as much as I've enjoyed mine! Start a journal so we can see how yours turn out. A journal is an amazing way to learn about growing MJ. And you get lots of feedback! (whether you want it or not, LOL!)

Bud Diggler said:
I stopped High stress traing my plants,,,, Now I low Stress Train them by bending them over, and let the bottom part try to become Apical Dom, and so on and so on

I'm going to try this on some of my clones. Miwa is a pro at this and I've seen pictures on how to do it.

Live said:
Congrats on a successful harvest, ggrant! I too enjoyed the pictures with the most appropriate titles. Enjoy the fruits, hope they're as sweet as they look!
Let me know when your next journey begins

Life is a journey - it never ends ... and neither does my growing.
I'm moving towards a perpetual grow, so this journal will end the day after I end! When that happens:

Please don't send flowers, but put me in a box with RH = 50% and Temp = 65 degrees. After five weeks, put me in a glass jar and leave for two weeks. This will get rid of the bad taste.

Afterwards, put me on a funeral pyre for my final smoke. And it's OK to inhale because I'm

Half Man and Half Marijuana!

Here's a picture you'll never see again:

A Clean Flower Room


I spent a couple of hours cleaning the room for the next guests.
Top is lamp and ballast.
Middle left is air intake vent.
Middle center is CFL globe for side lighting. Under it is white reflective poster board. Behind the poster board is a carbon filter and fan.
Lower middle are phone books I use to prop up the littler kiddies.
Lower right is transformer for the ballast.
Bottom right is timer and broom.

No cleaning materials were harmed in the making of this picture.

I cleaned the room on Saturday and want to take some clones from the veg room before I start the flower room up again. Here's a picture of the

Ladies In Waiting

A clean room is a happy room sir :)

Hi gewähren ihnen alte raucher!

I messed my light cycle up, Timer burnt out and was putting my lights on/off at random times, They are only a week into flower, Ive removed the timer, Going to put them in 24 hours darkness to be able to set my times for when im getting up, going to bed, is this a good idea g? And will i of harmed them? :(... now that i think about it, bet the timer was doing this during my NL grow!!

VtecHoe said:
I messed my light cycle up

It's just the first week of flower, so it should be no big deal. The only reason you have to be careful about keeping a regular flowering cycle if that, if you don't, you could stress your plants into turnie hermie.

Otherwise, you could turn on the lights on whenever you wanted. If you messed up for a few days, so what? Besides, when there's a full moon, plants in the wild get almost 24 hours of light.

On one of my previous grows (2nd, I think), I didn't know about this and used to turn on the lights all the time during the dark cycle just to check the gals out. A few times I forgot to shut off the overhead light and the ladies were in 24 hours of light. Luckily, none of them turned hermie and they still flowered properly.

The longer the ladies are in flower, the more likely a disturbance in their light cycle will cause them to go hermie. This is because they're getting tired of waiting for "Mr. Right," so one your ladies may step up and go butch!
As always thank you g man, Ive got them in 24 hour darkness maybe a bit more so i can try put them on and off at times im about during the day/night :circle-of-love:

Io amo concedere all'uomo!

Im loving this free online translator lol

EDIT: Getting a new camera in the next few days, So you can come perv on my girls again ^_^
Pics up in my journal sir, Take a look and leave me a comment, I know your probally quite excited to see how they are doing, Needing some low stress idea's to stop the bio going so tall, shes near enough touching my small cfl, Measured her at 90cm so far lol
QTL said:
Congrats on the harvest. 11 jars, you should be good for a long time.

Thanks Queenie! When I said 11 jars, I was going to going to tease you guys for not being able to count because there were 12 jars. When I looked at the picture again, there were 11 jars, but there are 12 in my curing room!

I have to ask, where did the other jar come from? Beats me. The only possible explanation is

Pot Pixies !

It's a good thing I wasn't stoned or anything like that when I did the counting!

Here's my

New Grow


There are some senior citizens in the photo. The oldest is Big Clone, which is a clone of my biggest G13 Haze plant, Big Sister. She's 18 weeks old! That's right, 18 weeks in veg. The others are almost as old. Miss Nebula has to be at least 10 - 12 weeks old herself.

All these plants have ever known is 24/0. There is no timer in my veg space and the lights are on ALL the time! I want to ease their transition as much as possible, so that they don't turn hermie on me. I started with 24/0 and am going to reduce the light by 2 hours a day until I get down to 12/12.

I waited 10 days after my harvest because I knew I had to take clones AND transplant some of the gals and I was too lazy to find the time to do it. (Ended up taking 4 hours, which wasn't all that bad.)

Here's a picture of the

New Clones


There are two clones of Big Clone (clones of Big Sister -biggest G13 plant), one clone of Little Clone (clone of Little Sister - nicest G13 producer) and two clones of Miss Nebula (Paradise Seeds Nebula).
i like big clones and i can not lie, no brother can deny...

Check my thread, some dirty bondage pictures for your viewing pleasure x

Looks like I haven't posted in a while.

I am keeping this journal and it's going to be a perpetual grow. I have 3 G13 clones and Miss Nebula in the flowering room.

My intention is to veg two plants every 6 weeks. When they're done, I'll put them in the flower room. The flower room can hold four plants.

So the schedule is:
six weeks veg ---> flower room - Slot A
six weeks flower ---> flower room - Slot B

Each plant will spend six weeks in Slot A and six weeks in Slot B,for a total of twelve weeks.

That's the plan!

Ladies in Flower

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