Charly's 4th Grow - G13 Haze Soctober 2011

Vannelle said:
and if you watch your message inbox .... youll see you have a new message.

Saw that and a previous one I missed. The Rock and Roll one about the Farmer's Daughter. Do you add the music afterwards or do you play it for your ladies?

Plants love to listen to music. There was a wine maker who placed speakers playing Mozart for his vines. The vines closest to the speakers grew larger than the ones further away.

Miwa said:
plants look good ggrant..i plan to cut when i see 1st amber..never saw a plant that didn/t go amber

Stick around then, you're about to see one!

I swapped out the HPS and put the MH in to get some decent pictures. I love it when the MH starts to fire up and you can see

The Martian Dawn


Here's the same lighting using a flash:

Flash Trikes


Here are some pictures after the MH heated up:

G13 Trichomes


More G13 Trichomes


Here is a picture of:

Colas On The March


I'm hydrating the rest of my Coco Coir. It's time to transplant the clones and take some new clones. I'm going to try rooting clones in Coco this time around instead of soil.

Stay Tuned. Don't touch that dial!

I play music for the girls ....but the music is optional when you upload a video...and i just try to find the same lenght music clip as my the one that is closest wins......sometimes i really roflmao....when i see and hear the outcome.....

a test for you ....make a clip and then watch the clip with ... 2 different will have a different experience....imagine the sound of a lightsaber going thru your growroom or the sound of a prestine piece of south american jungle......try the ahahahahhahaha tarzan created.....and zoom in and out whilst playing made me chuckle.....but then again....when i did the experiment i was you soon:thumb:
Your flowers are looking beautiful, my friend. Those pistols look fat! I once read somewhere, maybe in somas book, the trick to great tasting bud is harvesting your bud when the pistols are nice and big.
I've had G-13 once before, nice cerebral buzz with a mild body high. Have you a small bud to test?
If my babys turn out anything like these ill be extremely happy...

Once again all ive got to say to your plants *guido voice* YEAAAH BUDDY

Check my journal as well GG, Got some slow growth after i topped my white widow :( dont know whats up with her
Hi ggrant, how are things? I've looked through your journal, and you've harvested some decent nugs so far. A few questions for ya.. Has your mentor looked at your plants lately, specifically the clones? They look quite yellow, which is most likely caused by over watering just a bit. Also, why haven't you filled those pots all the way up with soil?

That's a recommendation I would make there. You might want to run that by your mentor, and see what they suggest. I feel when filling the pot up only half way, the roots do not get the potential root growth they could have if they were full.

Enjoy your smoke.

More to the point when are you A) Buying my plane ticket B) Getting the whiskey in C) Setting a bed up for me in your grow room, Ill work for taco's and if you read me that book about the dude who juggeled hammers

:morenutes: <-- thats me throwing the botinacare just so you get the picture
Hey Vannelle,

Thanks for stopping by. Loved your last video. Great music!

Miwa said:
so how long are you going to look for amber...if you don't have amber but all cloudy won't that be a all head you won't care after the cure..

I'm not waiting for them to turn amber. In fact, I hope they don't - I'm going for a trippy high. The reason I've been letting them go so long is that they still seem to be packing on weight. The colas are getting thicker and I can see are trichomes. I wish I could get a decent picture to show you guys.

The Vee said:
Once again all ive got to say to your plants *guido voice* YEAAAH BUDDY

Thanks, Goombah! (New York City Italian slang for "buddy.")

This crop far exceeds any of my previous grows.

LiveTour said:
They look quite yellow, which is most likely caused by over watering just a bit. Also, why haven't you filled those pots all the way up with soil?

You don't have to pussyfoot around. It's OK to say there's something wrong with my clones or crop. I know you're trying to be tactful by saying I should consult my mentor about my plants, but you can come right out and say it.

I had actually shown him a picture of my clones a couple of weeks ago and he off-handedly mentioned the same thing - that they were a bit nitrogen-deficient. I fertilized them and the color went back to being a dark green.

The plants in my veg space all look a bit yellow because of the lights I'm using. I have two globes: Each globe has a two-way splitter with a 23W 6500K CFL and a 23W 2700K CFL bulb.

The 2700K bulb gives my photos an orange hue and makes green look a bit yellow-y. Near the top, it makes the leaves look like they have brown lines in them. When I first saw it, I freaked! Until I realized it was the lighting, not the plants. But thanks for pointing that out. We see our own crop so often that we can sometimes miss a problem if it slowly creeps up.

As far as topping the soil up, that's sheer laziness! These poor babies are horribly rootbound and I've been meaning to transplant them for weeks. I just whipped up a huge batch of coco coir yesterday and I will be transplanting them to that.

I'll be posting the coco coir preparation soon (tomorrow, likely).

Live said:
I've had G-13 once before, nice cerebral buzz with a mild body high. Have you a small bud to test?

Yes, I've sampled buds from weeks 12, 14, and 15. I'm not sure if it's getting any better, but it certainly isn't getting any worse!

It's really space-y. I use a vaporizer to smoke. THC always makes me cough (it's an expectorant - it affects some people more than others - I'm one of the more than others). Anyway, after a few puffs I find myself staring off into space forgetting them I'm holding the vape tube and that 15 minutes has passed by.

I often go for a walk right after smoking and it's really nice to get away from the "madding crowd." I live almost downtown, but there are lots of parks nearby and a few bike and pedestrian trails that go by a river. Unfortunately, you can't post non-pot pictures in journals or I would show you how beautiful and peaceful it is on these trails.

Here are some pictures of the buds I've clipped.

The dead fan leaves seem orange in this photo and look like ribbons on a pretty bouquet:

Wrapped In Ribbons


Here are a

Couple of Buds Side-by-Side


This is the best I could do for

G13 Trichomes

Stop hiding and smoking all your crop and get on here, You complain when im not on and when i am you go into hibernation mode lol

Check this when your back on buddy, See what you think, Btw no place around me within 20 miles sells coco lol

A Topping Question
The Vee said:
Stop hiding and smoking all your crop and get on here, You complain when im not on and when i am you go into hibernation mode lol

It's true. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!

I spend most of my time helping new growers - Cough (vtechoe), Cough (vtechoe) - rather than posting here. I apologize to all my loyal viewers, both of you!

I looked at one of the buds I clipped off yesterday and freaked. The trichomes had turned a light brown - not even amber. I'd heard that trikes can change quickly and I didn't want my THC to degrade into CBD, CBN, etc. I was prepared to pull the plug on the crop tonight.

After the HPS came on, I looked at the trikes and they were still clear or slightly white! I had looked at the bud in my bathroom, which has these large soft white bulbs. They are really slanted towards the red spectum and that's why the trikes looked brown.


This is the 17th week of flowering and I'm down to 8/16. I just realized that this crop has been growing for almost half a year! It started in September.

I've got a slew of plants (three actually - does that count as a slew?) waiting for the flower room and I'm going to take a bunch of clones before they go in.

The clones are 14 weeks old! By the time they get into the flower rooms these gals will need a walker! Miss Nebula is about 10 weeks old herself.

I've sampled some of the newer buds and it still tastes great. I am going to try a proper cure after the harvest. My last crop turned out to be fairly smooth, but I could have done a better job on the curing.

Here is a picture of a​

Fat Little Bud


and here is a closeup of the same bud, where you can see the trikes

Fat Bud Trichomes

Mmmmmmm buds!!!! They look amazing gg... And you know i love you for helping me, Hell if you didnt live over the pond you would be a permanent guest at my house tanning the whyte & mackay on a daily basis

If i didnt have my gg, Id be lost!!!
The V-ster said:
If i didnt have my gg, Id be lost!!!

No prob, buddy. If my friend hadn't taught me how to grow, I'd still be paying $225 for an ounce of mediocre weed. I'm just passing along the information.

After you get a few grows under your belt (under your nose is more like it!), I hope you'll do the same for some noob grower.

I made up a new batch of coco coir. Just thought I'd show a few pictures of how I did it.

First I soaked the Coco Coir in lots in water

Coco Soaking


I let it sit for a day as I was too tired to deal with it. Then I just squeezed the water out of the coco and tossed it into the bathtub.

Freshly Squeezed Coco


It handy to use a bathtub so that you can clean your hands in the


Here are all the implements I used:


A slotted spoon to stir the coco in the water;
A strainer to filter the water from the coco;
A plunger to clean the tub's drain of coco;
Draino to clean the drain afterwards.

The coco is fairly fine and the drain can get clogged, so i used a plunger to clear the drain. The drain seemed to flow freely, but just to be safe, I used draino afterwards to make sure there was no clog. There wasn't.

About four days left to harvest.

I have a couple of questions I hope someone can answer. My G13 Haze has a very nice smell after I pick it. The smell is very familiar, but I can't place it. It's a bit sweet smelling, not quite citrus, maybe licorice? This is my first haze crop, so I'm wondering if this is a typical haze smell. It reminds me of something, not marijuana, and it's driving me crazy!

Second question: when you look at your trichomes, do you look at them in the light from your flowering room or do you cut a bud and look at it in "regular light?" When I look at the trikes in the flower room, they look white or cloudy. When I look at a bud that I've clipped outside the room, it looks brown or a bit amber.

So .... I'm wondering, is the light so bright in my flowering room that the amber is overwhelmed by the HPS, or is the color of the soft white incandescent bulbs I use for ordinary lighting making the trikes have a yellow hue because house light bulbs are shifted towards the red spectrum?

Any ideas?
Two more days to harvest. I just noticed that the top colas are getting burnt. The HPS light is so intense that I spend as little time as possible under the light. I wear sunglasses and a hat, not to mention sunscreen, but I still get sunburnt whenever I spend much time in there.

My last crop got burnt big time. The plants were so big they were almost touching thr bulb. I was wondering why the tops were yellow. Turns out they were brown but the reddish spectrum of the HPS made it look yellow.

Anyway, I picked the top colas that were getting burnt.

The next time I go to a bar and order a bucket of Buds, this is what I want to get:​

Bucket of Buds


Here's the crop after the hedge trimming

Trimmed Hedges

How's it going? Looks pretty damn good to me! First time i have heard someone say they want to harvest before trichs turn amber. I have been sampling mine while partly cloudy/clear. Nice heady high that puts me straight into cleaning or gaming mode.

Did you put your clones in coco yet? I did two in coco and they're just fine. Btw,nominated you for motm, hope you don't mind.

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In your pj's attending to the coco, thats what i like to see lol

Buds look fantastic gman, Licorice smell it could be, One of my friends who grew a haze strain ( cant remember it ) it smelled exactly like that... Has a very unique smell to it thats for sure

I had a q for you about the Botanicare pro grow, can you use it when the girls are flowering? :x
The Queen of Love (Toke love, that is) said:
How's it going? Looks pretty damn good to me! First time i have heard someone say they want to harvest before trichs turn amber. I have been sampling mine while partly cloudy/clear. Nice heady high that puts me straight into cleaning or gaming mode.

Did you put your clones in coco yet? I did two in coco and they're just fine. Btw,nominated you for motm, hope you don't mind.

The reason I didn't want the trichs to turn amber was - when they do, it means the THC is breadking down into CBD and CBN.

CBD is what gives pot its couchlock. While this is a nice feeling, I wanted a real trippy high - the one that makes you feel like kicking up your feet and dancin'. Like the kind that gets you cleaning or gaming. After a serious jag on the G13, I actually went nuts a few weeks ago and started to clean my place.

I also decided to unpack my pictures, lamps and stereo from their boxes. It's been five years since I moved into my current digs and I still haven't unpacked. I only got halfway through and now there's boxes and moved furniture everywhere. Now, I have to walk through corridors of boxes and lamp bases (I know the tops are in some of the other boxes I haven't unpacked yet).

Looks like I'm going to have to fire up many bowls of G13 to finish my Spring Cleaning before Spring 2013! Hear you work for two kinds of green, Queen! I only have one kind that I can pay you with. (see below)

V'ger said:
In your pj's attending to the coco, thats what i like to see lol

I was wondering how you knew until I saw the pictrue with my feet in it. Good eye! I was in my jammies at the time. I live alone and sometimes leave my jammies on half the day. I'm just an old reprobate walking around with a beer in one hand and a joint in the other!


Twenty-Three Weeks Later

G13 Haze Harvest


I had planned on hanging the branches in a closet to dry out the buds before I picked them. However, I remember reading about leaving the buds until they have a "popcorn" feel to them. The buds had that feel before they even finished flowering.

So, I let the plants sit in darkness for two days and harvested them. The buds felt like fine sandpaper or fine granulated sugar (mmm, sugar - a la Homer Simpson), but tacky as well. I was able to handle and cut all the buds and my fingers weren't even sticky.

You know how when you usually handle buds, your fingers get green and sticky? Not with these babies. They are almost completely dry!

I pruned so many fan leaves before harvest that the buds are almost trimmed. The brown in the photo above are the tiny remaining fan leaves I didn't trim. This makes the final trim real easy.

Bud Before Manicure


Bend Back The Bud


Pull Out The Fan Leaves


And Voila, Manicured Bud!


Crop Trimmed


Here's The Final Product


Before you ask, I don't have a scale, so I have no idea of the final weight. I've been thinking of buying one, but I think you all know that I'm a minimalist. If any of you have worked in a carnival and want to hazard a guess, let me know what you think.

Whether it's one ounce or twenty, it doesn't matter, as I'm still going to have the same amount to smoke!

Frank Marsh (I think it was him) suggested using latex gloves when doing a trim so that you could collect "finger hash," the goo that sticks to your fingers after you do your trim.

Well, I bought the gloves (thanks for the idea, Frank!), but didn't think I'd need them as the buds were so dry.

Wrong! My fingers were covered in green-brown goo afterwards. I was going to clean my fingers with isopropyl alcohol to get the goo off. But I used the blade of a pair of scissors to scrape my fingers first. It looked like my skin was peeling, but it was just a layer of hash that was peeling off. I removed as much as I could before removing the rest with isoprop.

Finger Hash (on the right)


Afterwards, I packed the buds and colas loosely in jars to cure.

Done Deal


For those who can't count above 10 (I understand, one only has so many fingers), there are 11 jars in the picture. There would have been two more with the "bucket of buds" that I picked a few days earlier, but most of those buds were heat damaged.

Still a much bigger yield than I had expected.

Next up: Clean the flowering room, move the clones and Miss Nebula into it and take new clones to put into coco coir.
niceley done, oldtimer.....i wish you lots of smoking pleasure.....thanks for the stories ...i really enjoyed them.

tommorow "happy monday".
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