Cloning problem please help


New Member
followed all direction on cloning from clean razor to adding a lil co2, used clone x, water temp is pefect at 76 ph is at 6. plants look healthy but no signs of rooting . what the heck is going on? its been 12 days
Re: cloning problem please help

rapid rooter plugs. found out what i did wrong.. they were to wet. buddy on skunkplanet helped me out. let the plugs dry out a bit and today i see roots . i guess if there to wet then the roots dont have to stretch to find water. whitch totally make sence..
Re: cloning problem please help

Ah rapid rooter plugs. I've used those before and still have a bunch left overs after made a switch to DIY aero cloner. When its too wet the clone will die from stem rot. Those things are pricey when producing 24 clones weekly.

Take a look at how to put together an aero cloner and you're set. It's very easy, cost a little up front but long term it will save you money and stress.
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