

This is the tipping point people! Time for a real change. We here in Colorado are still skeptical as to how the feds will react. Either way this is a HUGE step in the right direction!

Let the celebrations begin!


For those that want a little more info on Colorado legalizing marijuana to those over 21, here is what the Denver Post reported:

An amendment that would make it legal in Colorado for individuals to possess and for businesses to sell marijuana for recreational use has passed.

The Denver Post made the call at approximately 9:15 p.m.

Amendment 64 led with 52.7 percent voting yes and 47.3 percent voting no, with 1,507,746 votes or more than 50 percent of active voters counted, according to the Colorado Secretary of State's office. The office said 25 counties had reported.

The early results prompted cheers throughout Casselman's, a downtown bar where hundreds of supporters were gathering.

Mason Tvert, co-director of Yes on 64, said the crowd was cautiously optimistic.

"We're not going to jump to any conclusions just yet," he said. "But we believe Colorado voters have decided to take a more sensible approach to how we deal with marijuana in the state."

If the amendment passes, Colorado could become the first state to legalize recreational use of the drug, possibly clearing the way for creation of a marijuana industry. There are similar measures before voters in Washington and Oregon.

The ballot measure to amend the state constitution has fostered a national discussion about marijuana policy. Supporters hope approval would place pressure on the federal government to end marijuana prohibition everywhere. But critics say it could make Colorado a destination for drug tourists and prompt a federal crackdown.

"It's unprecedented," said Jonathan Caulkins, a Carnegie Mellon University professor whose research focuses on marijuana legalization. Implications would be "huge and impossible to pinpoint," he said, and would put Colorado to the left of the Netherlands when it comes to marijuana policy.

The amendment would allow those 21 and older to purchase up to one ounce of the drug at specially regulated retail stores. Possession would be legal, but not public use. Adults could grow up to six marijuana plants in their homes.

To read this article in its entirety, go to Colorado measure legalizing marijuana passes - The Denver Post

This just in! *does a little happy dance* Washington state just legalized recreational marijuana too. So the left coast didn't quite get left out of this. Looks like the rules will be a lot more stringent than Colorado's (a whopping 75% tax and tons of hoops to jump through), but WOW! And we just got Massachusetts as another MMJ state, bringing the total to 17 states to legalize medical.

It is going to be very interesting to see how the Feds deal with this. I know that Colorado retains its sovereignity, so it has a fighting chance against them. Not sure of Washington.

Interesting days ahead. I bet it's going to be a gold rush in Colorado, or rather, a green rush to go there and cultivate. Good news is that they also legalized industrial hemp, again the first in the nation to do so. Oh what a green state it is going to be!
Congrats Colorado!!!!! I am so proud of all that voted Cannabis legal!!!! Way to go!!!!
Congratulations to Colorado and Washington state for having the balls to take this giant step. I applaud you all, and see a permanent change of address in my future.
I think I need to move back to my birth State!!!!! Congrats to Colorado and Washington State... This will be a huge step for eliminating the war on this wonderful Plant!!!!!!!!
What is great is this is an amendment to the Colorado constitution,and it passed about 60% to 40%
Hope is all we have because you know they are having meetings on how to stop this because it stops one of the governments slush funds. It's never been about harm they create more harm then this plant.
This is definitely a step in the right direction, but the war is not over. We all still have to stay active to stop this war on MJ. I hope I get to live long enough to see something like this pass in Texas.
It is truly a wonderful state to live in!
With all that Colorado already had to offer, now we have the freedom to use a plant that never should have been outlawed to start with.

Even if the fed's have issue...90% of the state law enforcement has publicly stated that they will not make arrests for marijuana. Some county's have dropped court cases that happened before amendment 64 passed.

I have no issues with what ever taxes they want to place on the sale of marijuana. I grow my own.

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