Deficiencies? Help!


Well-Known Member
Hello friends. Growing under 600w boost hps. Just finished week 4 of flower (when 12/12 on), tomorrow will be day 29. And it looks like I have some problems with my Delicious black russian:

First lower leaves turned yellow ( I cutted em as I was doing defoliation to most of my plants) and then I noticed ‘sharp’ leaves. I think it is pretty noticable in the photos above. And it seems like this plant grows veryy slow now....

And I have two Delicious Sugar Black Roses (one of them):

Stems turning purple and this one not defolited rose looks yellowing her bottom grow’s leaves too... ideas?

My whole garden:

Now I was giving them nutes somewhat like that onto 10l: 5ml pk boost + ~6.5ml bloom.

I increased dose a little, now I give pk boost 1ml on 1l and sep bloom 1.5ml on 1l.

Any ideas? Maybe cal - mag on russian?

Don’t want to mess things up, so help needed :/ thank u!
Honestly they look fine to me .

It’s normal for def to show up after preflower and yellow leaves as long as not a mass concern of them you can cut off or let die off.
Thanks I may be too paranoid :eek: do you consider me giving that larger dose of nutes? That larger would be 0.75 recomended dose. :)
Thanks I may be too paranoid :eek: do you consider me giving that larger dose of nutes? That larger would be 0.75 recomended dose. :)
Yeah but most don’t go over 50 strength for nutes though
Thanks will try to get some! (Y)

I defoliated rose a little:

Let’s see what happens :D


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Ordered ph down should recieve till next watering, tried experiment with freshly squezed lemon juice on rose and russian, pots are heavy, maybe overwatered a bit, but it should dry quickly I believe... we’ll see...
Ordered ph down should recieve till next watering, tried experiment with freshly squezed lemon juice on rose and russian, pots are heavy, maybe overwatered a bit, but it should dry quickly I believe... we’ll see...
I think white vinegar too drops ph not 100% without double checking
Yeah it drops but what I had atm was only lemon so i squezed it into my water with nutes, checked the ph and after watering soil’s ph went down a little. It was a bit scary though it is impossible to check water as juice goes down after shaking. No need to worry about ph now as i will ph down in 3 days :) don’t you think that those girls need extra cal - mag? As nutes i gave doesn’t state nothing about cal? :eek:
I am thinking about this one:

Should I give this to every plant or only on those which shows some kind of defi signs (rose and russian?)

Or maybe wait for a ph downer and do few feeds with 6.3 ph nuted water and check what happens first? :)
Sure give her s try to watch some cal mag supplements can have high nitro so check the npk values . I use general hydroponics cal mag myself
I’ll try 2 feeds with phd water, they should be in week 6 when I finish, if they will look worse i will try something as this will be near finish? As to get calmag i need 3 days in advance because of the shipping. Probably will wait for ph downer now, give it a try, if getting worse then will try to solve with calmag somehow. Let’s hope my ladies won’t die :eek: :(
plus I increased nutage :D need to wait and see. And humidity is ~40, always was high now trying to make it higher as 40 I think is a bit too low in wk 5?
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