Deficiency problem - Need help


New Member
I am new to his group,and growing in general. This is my second grow so far. I have 5 ladies. All lemon skunk. I grow them in coco and I use hesi nutes. They are 3 weeks old. Recently I slightly over watered them but they have recovered :). They are under 600W. Room temperature fine. Humidity fine. Ph 6.5 My question is recently I notice some yellowing on the leaves. Bottom leaves are lighter. The branches were purple but It seems that they going to normal green color. Also some of the leaves are going down in a 45 degree angle. Not horizontal like they should be. My photos are bad,but I hope that somebody can help me out. Thanks!
Hay Che, ladies look pretty good, your yellowing of leaves are from to high of ph. Growing in coco you need feed at ph 5.6-6.0 otherwise you are locking out part of your nutes, I keep mine 5.7- 5.9. Looks like it is time to repot into bigger pots and once transplanted I would water daily w nutes about 1/4 strength and work their way up. Welcome to 420
Thank you so much Densenug! I will correct my Ph definitely. And yes I know, today its a transplanting time ! :) Hope that everything will be fine for them from now on! :)
Thank you guys! I was thinking about Mg deficiency,just wasn't sure... Densenug,thanks for the tread. I'm starting to read now. :)
OK guys, so here's an update:
The plants have been moved from solo cups to 15 liter buckets today. Today i sat down and calculated their age, and the 4 of them are 1 month and 5 days old (counting from the day the seedlings have peaked out of the coco, not counting from germination), and one of them is a week younger, meaning 28 days. They are all about 18cm tall. They all look great and healthy, and in about a week i will provide new pics.
Also, today i got a new and well calibrated pH meter and CalMag (by Advanced Nutrients). The Root complex, Supervit and TNT are by Hesi. So, as off today, i am watering them with 1l of water (200ml each plant), including:
-7ml Root complex
-6ml TNT
-1ml CalMag
-1/4 drop of Supervit
-pH 5.7-5.8

Any suggestions, advice or notes are welcome, thanks :))
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